

The Applied Research on Using a Fluid Contain Copper、Zinc or Iron for Pidan Processing

【作者】 阎华

【导师】 朱端卫;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 植物营养, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究了我国历史悠久的皮蛋(松花蛋)加工工艺的改进,分析了浸泡法加工皮蛋料液的变化趋势和皮蛋pH值和重金属含量的变化规律,探讨了新配方料液加工皮蛋的可行性,为阐明皮蛋加工的理论提供了新证据。主要研究结果如下: 1.初步建立了清料法加工皮蛋工艺料液各成分的检测方法,并详细介绍了该方法的原理、步骤和注意事项。该方法指导重复利用回笼料液加工皮蛋取得了较好的效果。这套方法简单易行,适合工厂车间操作,为将皮蛋加工过程中产生的回笼料作为资源再利用提供了新的途径。 2.研究表明纯铜法加工皮蛋的效果最优,锌法效果略次,铁法不能成功。实验采用CuSO4·5H2O、ZnSO4·7H2O和FeSO4·7H2O三种化合物加工皮蛋,结果显示在NaOH用量为5%的情况下,0.3%CuSO4·5H2O、0.3%ZnSO4·7H2O加工效果最优。铜锌混合法以0.2%CuSO4·5H2O和0.4%ZnSO4·7H2O,或0.05%CuSO4·5H2O和0.3%ZnSO4·7H2O加工效果较好,铁锌混合法以0.2%ZnSO4·7H2O和0.2%FeSO4·7H2O最好。 3.料液中不同金属的浓度变化特征有较大差异。测定了料液中几种主要重金属的浓度及其变化情况,发现铜和锌在料液中溶解性强,铁溶解度远小于铜和锌。料液中的铜浓度随着加工进程有显著的下降,锌浓度变化很小,铁浓度有一定变化。 4.不同重金属对料液碱度变化的影响也有较大差异。铜法加工过程中料液碱度变化小而且平稳,锌法次之,铁法料液碱度变化最大,其中铁锌混合法料液碱度变化小于锌法。 5.蛋内重金属含量随外源重金属加入量升高而升高。测定了外源铜或锌不同添加量情况下成品皮蛋内重金属含量,发现蛋内铜和锌含量分别随着外源铜和锌加入量升高而升高。 6.铜锌混合法可以显著降低皮蛋中铜含量。铜锌混合法加工产品的铜含量明显低于纯铜法加工的产品。向料液中加入一定量硫酸亚铁能提高皮蛋中铁含量。铁锌混合法加工的皮蛋蛋内铁含量高于纯锌法加工的皮蛋。 7.加工过程中,前一个月内蛋内铜和锌含量变化呈现不同趋势。蛋内铜含量随加工进程逐渐降低,锌含量随加工进程先降低后升高。 8.不同方法加工的皮蛋蛋内pH差异显著。铜法加工的产品蛋内pH值最小,铁锌混合法小于纯锌法。随加工进程蛋内pH逐渐升高,但是铜法产品pH一般小于10.0,而锌法或混合法产品pH通常在10.0以上。加工26天的产品蛋内pH与外源铜用量反相关。加工11天时蛋内pH与外源锌用量反相关,但是加工26天的产品蛋内pH与外源锌用量正相关。

【Abstract】 1. The waster of Pidan industry can be reused. This research builds an elementary model op recycle of the waster and tests the model. The result indicates that the model is simple, effective and easy to operate.2. CuSO4 5H2O is the best substitute of PbO. ZnSO4 7H2O also can be used to product Pidan. However, FeSO4 7H2O is not a useful material.3. A mixed fluid is used to process duck eggs for Pidan. This fluid can dissolve ten times more metal than water. The concentration of copper and zinc in this fluid is much more higher then iron, this is why FeSO4 7H2O can not be used to process Pidan. Metal dissolving at first in the fluid settles so concentration of metal decreases along with processing procedure. Copper concentration in fluid decreases more and smoothlier than zinc or iron.4. Copper can prevent significantly the OH- in fluid from entering inside of eggs, yet accelerating the OH- in fluid go into duck is cardinal function of zinc. Wherefore the OH" concentration in zinc-only fluid decreases more than that in copper-only fluid.5. Unlike zinc or iron, when use CuSO4 ?H2O as an ingredient, less OH" enter duck eggs in processing procedure so pH in eggs is lower, too. Additionally, pH in eggs processed in copper-only fluid decreases along with the increasing of proportion of copper in the fluid. By the contrary, pH in eggs processed in zinc-only fluid increases along with the increasing of proportion of zinc. In all conditions pH in eggs increase along with processing procedure.6. In the first month, copper concentration in eggs decease, but zinc concentration decrease at first and than increase. Both two in eggs decrease by processing. In all conditions metal concentration in eggs increases along with the increasing of proportion of metal in the fluid.

【关键词】 皮蛋应用研究
【Key words】 copperzincironpidan(preserved egg)applied research
  • 【分类号】TS253
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】678

