

Studies on Methyl Bromide Alternatives of Greenhouse Tomato

【作者】 褚世海

【导师】 王沫; 曹坳程; 朱文达;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农药学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 2002-2003年在北京对保护地番茄进行了甲基溴土壤消毒替代技术研究。这些替代技术旨在防治保护地番茄土传病害。研究的替代技术包括使用熏蒸剂威百亩17.5g/m~2-52.5g/m~2、硫酰氟12.5g/m~2-50g/m~2、太阳能消毒结合生物防治剂和使用人工基质栽培技术。试验在滴灌及覆盖塑料薄膜的条件下进行。 通过跟踪调查,处理土壤中的镰孢菌数量显著低于对照区,处理后立即分离显示甲基溴、威百亩和硫酰氟熏蒸处理对镰孢菌都有良好的效果。考查二种熏蒸剂处理后的镰孢菌减退率表明:威百亩处理的为91.8%-99.0%、硫酰氟处理的为44.4%-98.3%,高浓度处理的较甲基溴处理的(100%)无显著性差异,但太阳能消毒效果较差,其镰孢菌减退率仅为18.8%。从第2次分析开始,镰孢菌开始上升。有益菌木霉的数量虽然在在处理后迅速下降,但4个月后大部分处理有不同程度的恢复。 防治线虫方面,威百亩35g/m~2-52.5g/m~2和硫酰氟25g/m~2-50g/m~2有良好效果,太阳能消毒和硫酰氟12.5g/m~2效果较差。线虫总数和根结线虫数在处理后显著下降,但线虫总数很快上升。根结指数在各个处理间有明显的差异。 与对照相比,其它处理促进了番茄的长势。株高和茎粗都有提高。生长增进反应最大的几个处理分别为威百亩35g/m~2、硫酰氟25g/m~2和威百亩52.5g/m~2,最小的为基质、太阳能消毒结合生物防治剂以及硫酰氟12.5g/m~2。 应用甲基溴土壤消毒及其替代技术使番茄增产7.46%-34.05%。产量最高的两个处理为威百亩35g/m~2和硫酰氟50g/m~2,最低的两个处理为太阳能消毒结合生物防治剂和硫酰氟12.5g/m~2。非商品果产量则对照最高。各个处理的单株果数、单株果重和单果重也有差异,应用替代技术的处理中这几项指标高于对照。 经济效益方面,甲基溴处理纯效益为12657元/公顷;威百亩为3279元-17841元/公顷;硫酰氟为6440元-9516元/公顷;太阳能消毒结合生防剂处理为912元/公顷;基质由于一次性投入较高,从一茬作物的产量看未见明显的经济效益,但基质可反复使用多次,并有良好的环境生态效益,这项技术在经济发达地区具有很好的应用前景。 替代技术在后茬作物上仍表现良好效果。黄瓜长势受到明显影响。株高在各个处理间差异很大,对照最低,仅为55.4cm,威百亩35g/m~2处理的最高,达85.2cm。这一结果与前茬作物是一致的。 土壤消毒剂显著影响土壤的化学性质,铵态氮、硝态氮的含量及土壤pH值发生了变化。甲基溴处理和威百亩52.5g/m~2使土壤中铵态氮的含量增高;太阳能消毒、硫酰氟25g/m~2-50g/m~2硝态氮较高,各个处理pH值均较对照低;有机质、有效氮、有效磷和有效钾的含量不受影响。 通过试验表明,威百亩和硫酸氟是有效的甲基澳替代品,太阳能消毒结合生物防治剂和基质栽培则效果较差。 硫酸氟土壤熏蒸防治土传病害效果好,增产显著,是一种很有潜力的甲基泥土壤消毒替代品,建议用量259/m2:威百亩也是一种良好的替代品,建议用量35g/m\太阳能消毒结合生物防治剂效果不够好,需要继续研究改进其应用技术:基质栽培防治土传病害效果好,但需要研究合适的配方,改进使用技术。

【Abstract】 Study on methyl bromide alternatives of greenhouse tomato was carried out in 2002-2003 to control soil-borne diseases.The alternative techniques and methods include using soil fumigants metham sodium and sulfuryl fluoride,solarization combinated with bio-control agent (BCA) and planting with substrate.The field trials were conducted together with using drip irrigation system and polyethylene film.Results indicated that metham sodium and sulfuryl fluoride were effective replacements for methyl bromide and solarization combined with BCA and substrate were noneffective.Fusarium spp. populations in treated plots were significantly lower than untreated plots during 4 months’ survey.Results indicated that methyl bromide,metham sodium and sulfuryl flulride fumigation had good efficacy and soil solarization combined with BCA were not very effective in the first analysis after treating.Reduction rate of Fusarium spp.of methyl bromide,metham sodium,sulfuryl fluoride and solarization were 100%,91.8%-99.0%,44.4%-98.3% and 18.8%,respectively. Fusarium spp. populations began to increase since the second analysis. Beneficial fungi Trichoderma spp.populations also decreased rapidly after treating but recovered partially in most of the treatments after 4 months.Metham sodium 35g/m2-52.5g/m2 and sulfuryl fluoride 25g/m2-50g/m2 had good efficacy on controlling root-knot nematodes whereas soil solarization combined with BCA and sulfuryl flulride 12.5g/m2 were noneffective.Total nematodes and root-knot nematodes populations decreased markedly after treating but total nematode populations soon increased. Root-knot index among different treatments were significantly different..Vigour of tomato such as plant height and stem diameter were accelerated in different degree.The most effective treatments were metham sodium 35g/m2,sulfuryl fluoride25g/m2 and metham sodium 35g/m2 whereas substrate,soil solarization combined with BCA and sulfuryl fluoride 12.5 g/m2 were not so effective.Methyl bromide fumigation and its alternatives improved tomato yield with the range of 7.46%-34.05%.The treatments with the highest yield were metham sodium 35g/m and sulfuryl flulride 50g/m2 and the lowest is soil solarization combined with BCA and sulfuryl fluoride 12.5 g/m2.Untreated plots produced more unmarketable fruits than the other treatments. Fruit number, fruit weight of single plant and single fruit weight in treated plots were lower than untreated plots.Analysis on economic results of different treatments indicated that every treatmentsmade profit except substrate treatment.The profit of methyl bromide, metham sodium, sulfuryl fluoride and solarization combined with BCA were 12657yuan, 3279yuan -17841yuan, 6440yuan-9516yuan and 912yuan per hectare,respectively. Substrate treatment had no significant profit in one crop season because it need very high one-off investment. Substrate can be used repeatedly and has benefit on environment so it has very good foreground for applying.Investigation in 2003 indicated that methyl bromide alternatives still had good efficacy on the succedent crop. Vigor of cucumber were markedly advanced.Plant height was significant different in various treatments.Average plant height of untreated plots was the shortest with 55.4cm and that of metham sodium 35g/m2 treatment was the highest with 85.2cm.This results were similar to the former crop tomato.Soil fumigation affected soil chemical characteristics such as the content of NH4+-N ,NO3-N and pH of soil.Organic matter, Available phosphorus, Available Kalium and Organic carbon were not affectd.The study indicated that fumigating with sulfuryl fluoride could effectively control soil-borne pathogens,remarkably improve crop yield ,thereby having great potentialities to replace methyl bromide as soil fumigant.Fumigating with metham sodium also acquired good results. Applied dosage of sulfuryl fluoride and metham sodium should be 25g/m2 and 35g/m2,respectively.Soil solarization combined with BCA was not very effective so it is needed to continue to r

  • 【分类号】S482.9
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】146

