

The Research on Insect Community Development of Lichee Orchard in Shenzhen City

【作者】 黄衍章

【导师】 杨长举; 江世宏;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文采用群落性质的几个常用参数及系统类平均聚类法,于2001年11月至2002年10月对深圳市荔枝无公害防治园、常规防治园及空白园昆虫群落(包括蛛形纲)进行了分析研究,结果表明: 深圳市荔枝园昆虫群落共包括18个目(昆虫纲16个目和蛛形纲2个目),共369种。其中,昆虫纲包括119个科,共348种,蛛形纲共21种。在整个昆虫群落中,己明确为害虫的有63种,占整个群落的17.07%;天敌(包括捕食性天敌与寄生性天敌)79种,占整个群落的21.41%;中性昆虫227种,占整个群落的61.52%。 三个试验区害虫调查总数量为4935头,各区数量大小依次为:空白区(2213头)>无公害区(1551头)>常规区(1171头),关键害虫为三角新小卷叶蛾,荔枝蛀蒂虫,茶材小蠹,荔枝叶瘿蚊,荔枝瘿螨,樟翠尺蛾,荔枝蝽。各试验区天敌数量大小依次为:空白区(1167头)>无公害区(827头)>常规区(515头),主要天敌为中华草蛉,瓢虫,茧蜂,蜘蛛,各区其累计优势度指数均大于0.9000。三个试验区中性昆虫数量大小依次为:空白区(3169头)>常规区(2308头)>无公害区(2302头)。中性昆虫群落中,以膜翅目蚁科种类及数量最多,其群落数量为2203头,优势度指数为0.2832;其次是鞘翅目隐翅甲昆虫,数量为1619头,优势度指数为0.2081;再次是鳞翅目的螟蛾、夜蛾,同翅目的叶蝉,鞘翅目的拟步甲,双翅目的丽蝇等昆虫。无公害区害虫、天敌及中性昆虫的比率与空白区相似,其害虫与天敌的比率均高于常规区。 荔枝园昆虫群落可划分为植食类,捕食类,寄生类,腐食类4个营养层;7个功能集团:即地下害虫,食叶、花、果害虫,刺吸害虫,蛀干害虫,捕食类,寄生类,中性昆虫;32个类群;41个优势种;10个关键物种。个别优势种在适当的条件下可演变为关键物种。 深圳市荔枝园昆虫群落中,植食类群主要优势种为三角新小卷蛾、樟翠尺蛾、荔枝蛀蒂虫、荔枝蝽、荔枝瘿螨、荔枝叶瘿蚊、茶材小蠹、斜纹夜蛾、小绿叶蝉。捕食性天敌优势种为四斑月瓢虫、食螨瓢虫、中华草蛉及蜘蛛。寄生性天敌以荔蝽卵跳小蜂、显茧蜂为主。腐食类群优势种为蚁类、隐翅甲、德国小蠊。荔枝主要害虫多与荔枝的生理发育期相吻合。 昆虫群落动态研究结果表明:各试验区间害虫、天敌及整个昆虫群落的数量与丰富度差异明显,无公害区与常规区各群落多样性指数、均匀性指数动态变化趋势一致,空白区与两处理区多样性指数、均匀性指数动态变化趋势差异较大。无公害区除害虫高发期害虫丰富度略低于常规区外,各群落数量、丰富度及多样性指数多数月份要高于常规区。无公害区害虫与天敌优势种突出,均匀性指数比常规区偏低。三个试验区各月间群落各性质差异明显。 对黑光灯具有明显趋性的荔枝害虫主要有樟翠尺蛾、三角新小卷叶蛾、茶材小葱、咖啡豹蠢蛾、红脚绿金龟、独角犀金龟、大造桥虫、黄绿短头叶蝉、光绿菱纹姬叶蝉、黄翅大白蚁。 荔枝园不同的空间层次具有不同的昆虫分布特点。地表是害虫发生最轻的一个层次,以中性昆虫居多。枝干害虫的发生要重于地表害虫。树冠是害虫发生最多的一个层次,树冠外膛害虫发生重于内膛,外膛以食叶、花、果害虫为主,内膛以蛀干害虫及刺吸式害虫为主。另外,树冠也是天敌类群最多的一个层次,枝二「与地表上天敌种类数量则相对较少。 果园管理措施不同,昆虫群落发生也有所不同。根据三种管理类型果园的群落特点,结合田间调查实际,可将深圳市荔枝园昆虫群落划分为以下四类,并提出相应的害虫无公害防治举措:第一类(冬防期),即11一2月。主要任务是防治越冬虫源。结合冬季修剪,剪除树冠虫枝、衰弱密枝、清洁地表枯枝落叶落果、控制冬梢、翻松表土,减少越冬虫源。第二类(春防期),即3月。对于常发性害虫,一般采用压低虫源、实行挑治或兼治的办法。同时,注意防治荔枝蜷、荔枝痪蜻、荔枝叶痪蚊、茶材小者等主要害虫。第三类(夏防期),即4一6月。害虫防治以保果为中心,采取以农业防治为基础,生物防治为核心,辅以必要的药剂防治、物理防治,达到控制害虫的日的。第四类(秋防期),即7一10月。采取农业防治和生物防治为主的无公害防治措施,达到控制害虫,保护环境和天敌的目的。

【Abstract】 In this paper, adopting the several common use parameters and methods of systematic sort-average-clustering, author researched the insect community (including spider) in harmless control section, general and blank control sections during Nov, 2001 to Oct, 2002 in Shenzhen city. The results indicate:The insect community in Shenzhen city includes 18 orders (insecta: 16 orders, spider: 2 orders) and 369 species. The insecta includes 119 families and 348 species, and the spider includes 21 species. In the whole insect community, the pests that have been defined include 63 species, which hold the 17.07% of whole community. The natural enemies (including predacity and parasitical enemy) include 79 species, which hold the 21.41% of the whole community. The moderate insect includes 227 species, which hold the 61.52% of the whole community.The total quantity of pest in the three experimentation sections is 4935, and the sequence of quantity to the three sections is blank section(2213)>harmless section (1551)>general section(1171). The key pests are Olethreutes leucaspis Meyrick, Conopomorpha sinemis Bradley, Xyleborm fornicatus Eichhoff, Dasineura sp. , Aceria litchii (Kiefer), Thalassodes quadraria Guen e, Tessaratoma papillosa (Drury). The quantity of natural enemy in the three sections is: blank section(1167)>harmless section(827)>general section(515), and the main natural enemies are Chrysopa sinica Tjeder, ladybug, Bracon Fabricus and spider. The accumulative dominance index of each section exceeds 0.9000.The sequence of moderate insect quantity of the three sections is blank section(3169)> general section(2308)>harmless section (2302). Among the moderate insect community, the ants of the hymenoptera is more than any other insects as for the species and quantity. The ants’ quantity is 2203, and whose dominance index is 0.2832. The quantity of the rove beetles of the coleoptera is 1619, and whose dominance index is 0.2081. The pyralids moths and outlet moths of the lepidoptera, the leafhoppers of the homoptera, the darking beetles of coleptera and blow flies of the diptera take the dominant place in moderate insect community. The rates of pest, natural enemy and moderate insect in harmless section are similar with those in blank section, and the rates of pest and natural enemy in harmless section are higher than those in general section.The insect community of lichee orchard can be divided into 4 nutrient classes, which is phytophagous insect, predacity, parasite and saprophagous. The insect community also can be divided into 7 guilds: underground pest, eating-leaf-flower-fruit pest, puncture and suck pest, bristletail, predacity, parasite andmoderate insect, and be divided into 32 groups, 41 dominance species and 10 key species. Some dominance species can be turned into key species under proper conditions.In the insect community of lichee orchard, the main dominant phytophagous insects are the Olethreutes leucaspis Meyrick, Thalassodes quadraria Guen6e, Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley, Tessaratoma papillosa (Drury), Aceria litchii (Kiefer), Dasineura sp. , Xylebonts fornicatus Eichhoff, Prodenia litvara Fabricius, Empoasca flavescens (Fab.). The dominant predacity enemies are Chilomenes quadriplaglata fSwartz), Stethorus spp.,Chrysopa sinica Tjeder and the spider.The Ooencyrtus sp. and Phanerotoma spp. take the prior place in the parasite enemy . The dominant saprophagous insect are the ants, rove beetles and Blattella germanica Linnaeus. The main lichee pests are accord with the physiological growth period of lichee.The research result of insect community development indicate: the differences to quantity and richness of pest, natural enemy and whole insect community among experiment sections are distinct. The dynamic uptrend of diversity and evenness indexes between harmless section and general section are analogical, but that of blank section and two manage sections is different. Besides the richness of pest in harmless section is lower than that in blank section during fastigium, the quantit

【关键词】 深圳市荔枝昆虫群落无公害防治
【Key words】 Shenzhen cityLicheeInsect communityHarmless control
  • 【分类号】S186
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】388

