

Research on Standardizing Land Market in Wuhan

【作者】 罗玉华

【导师】 韩桐魁;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 土地市场规范化就是使土地市场达到规范的状态。土地市场的规范化包括技术规范化和法律规范化。本文研究对象为武汉市土地市场的问题。本文首先介绍了我国土地市场的基本情况,阐明了土地市场涵义及土地市场规范化研究目的与意义。论述了土地市场的基本理论:包括土地市场运行规范化的市场机制理论、宏观调控理论及产权理论。近年来,武汉市土地市场发展取得了很大的成绩,在土地市场发育过程中,有过曲折和教训。因此,本文简介了武汉市土地市场的基本现状,归纳总结了武汉市土地市场发展中出现的种种问题,及其对社会、经济,特别是对土地利用的主要危害。分析了武汉市土地市场不规范的根本原因,阐明了土地市场规范化的必要性,最后论述了土地市场规范化的主要内容,说明了土地市场规范的主要目标,并提出了切实可行的策略。具体从以下几方面阐明。 本文首先说明了土地市场化的客观性:一是社会主义市场经济市场体系建设的需要;二是土地管理体制改革的需要;三是适应我国加入WTO的需要;四是房地产业与人口、生态环境和资源协调发展的需要;五是土地市场规范化研究是适应有偿供地范围扩大的需要。 接着从以下六方面说明了武汉市土地市场存在的问题:国有划拨土地隐形市场的问题;集体土地隐形市场的问题;国有土地使用权出让中存在的问题;国有土地使用权转让、转租中存在的问题;土地管理体制的问题;土地供应失衡的问题。分析了土地市场不规范的十个原因:一是政府不是土地供应市场的唯一主体;二是规划体系权威不够;三是土地供应计划体系不够科学;四是房地产管理体制不太完善;五是政府宏观调控市场行为不规范;六是土地市场机制尚不完善科学;七是土地权属管理不到位;八是土地金融市场运行不规范;九是土地市场中介服务体系不健全;十是土地市场方面的法规不健全。 本文表明了土地市场规范化的两条基本原则:坚持实行土地有偿使用制度;进一步扩大有偿供地范围,逐步实行土地出让单轨制,促进土地市场规范发展。根据武汉市土地市场的特性,提出了土地市场规范化的主要内容:市场建设的规范化、市场运行的规范化、健全的法律体系。提出了规范土地市场的基本途径及理论框架,重点的论述了规范土地市场的主要内容:加强法制化建设、健全土地收购储备制度、建立有效稳定的土地产权制度、规范土地流转。 最后得出结论,规范土地市场,必须做到:一是充分发挥市场机制的作用;二是做到土地市场化;三是严格控制土地供应总量,制定合理的土地利用计划;四是加强土地市场法制建设;五是盘活存量土地;六是健全土地收购储备制度;七是建立土地证书年审制度;八是规范土地流转,尤其是农村土地进入市场的规范问题;九是建立房地产集中统一管理的体制。

【Abstract】 The object researched in this article is the problem of land market in the City of Wuhan. The situation of the land market in China is introduced in this paper, and the meaning and research objective of the land market standardization is interpreted. The basic theories involved in the land market standardization include the market operating mechanical theory, the micro-control theory and the property right theory. In the resent years, the Wuhan City has a large achievement in the land market development, though it also has zigzags and lessons. The basic situation of the land market in the Wuhan City is introduced, and the problems during the development of the Wuhan land market are discussed, esp. the harm to the society, economy and the land harness. Then the reason of the nonstandard land market in the Wuhan City is analyzed, the necessity and the content of the standard land market in the Wuhan City are explained. At the end, the author illustrates the goal of the land market standardization and brings forward a practical strategy.First of all, this paper explains the objectivity of the land market. The First is that it is the request of the socialistic market economy system. The Second is that it is the need of the land administration reform. The Third is that it is the need of the adaptation to the WTO. The Forth is that it is the need of development of the real estate with the population, environment and resource. The Fifth is that the research of the land market standardization is the need to adapt the enlarged land scope witch is not free.Then the paper describes the six problems in the land market of the Wuhan City: the problem of the hided land market allotted by nation; the problem of the hided land market allotted by collective: the problem of the remise for the ownership of the state-owned land; the problem of the attornment and lease for the ownership of the state-owned land; the problem of the land administration system; the imbalance of the state-owned land supply. Ten reasons of the land market abnormity: the First is that the nation is not the unique subject of the land supplier. The second is that the layout system has not enough authority. The third is that there is not enough land supply planning system. The forth is that the real estate administration system is not perfect. The fifth is that the micro regulating system of the nation is not canonical. The sixth is that the land market system is not rational. The seventh is that administration of the land ownership is not rational. Theeighth is that the land finance market is not standard. The ninth is that the agency service of the land market is not vigorous. The tenth is that the law of the land market is not robust.Two principle of the land market standardization is dedicated, that is: to insist the land compensative using mechanism and enlarge the scope of the land compensative usage. According to the characteristic of Wuhan land market, this article advances the main content of standardization of Wuhan land market that is the standardization of the market construction, operation and consummate legal system. It advances the basic way and theory of standardizing the land market, esp. the main content of the land market standardization that is to construct of the law; to improve the system of the land purchase and store, to establish the effective system of the land property, to standardize the land circulation.From all of above, for the standardization of the land market, what we should do is that: First, we must exert the use of land market system; Second, we must standardize the land market; Third, we must control the sum of the supplied land and make rational plan; Forth, we must enforce the legislation of land market; Fifth, we must make use of the stored land more effectively; Sixth, we must perfect the land purchase and store system; Seventh, we must establish the land certification annual inspection system; Eight, we must standardize the land circulation, esp. the problem of the suburban land moving into land market;

【关键词】 土地市场规范体制
【Key words】 land marketstandardizationmarketmechanism
  • 【分类号】F293.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】334

