

Research on Digital Management of Knowledge Resources of High & New Technology Enterprise

【作者】 杨忠海

【导师】 滕春贤;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 某些技术与工具的发明与应用,将彻底改变人类的生产和生活方式,带来社会和经济的革命。国际互联网Internet正是这样的技术,它正在,并将更为深刻地改变人类,使我们进入一个新的时代——数字经济时代。数字经济时代的经济形态是知识经济,知识将成为新的生产力要素。众所周知,高新技术企业是以知识资源为主要经营对象的现代企业,它从事着知识的创建、加工和传播,因此受新经济形态的影响将更为深刻,这也正是本文对高新技术企业的知识资源数字化管理进行研究的主要原因。高新技术企业的知识资源主要由人力资源、知识产权资源、客户资源和管理资源四个部分组成,因此,高新技术企业知识资源的数字化管理可以分解为人力资源的数字化管理、知识产权资源的数字化管理、客户资源的数字化管理和管理资源的数字化管理。本文主要论述了前两项内容,对后两项内容仅做简要论述。在人力资源数字化管理方面,本文阐述了人力资源数字化管理的一般程序,并建立了分类测度模型和非货币性指标测评体系,为数字化管理奠定了基础。在知识产权资源数字化管理方面,本文一方面对传统模型进行修正和综合,另一方面,引入模糊数学方法对利用修正综合后的数学模型计算出的结果进行再次纠正,以保证测评结果的准确性。在客户资源数字化管理方面,本文简要阐述了一般程序。在管理资源数字化管理方面,文章仅对管理资源的内容进行了研究。通过本文的研究,将对企业管理理论的发展和知识经济环境下的资源经营和配置奠定有力的理论基础,有利于高新技术企业知识资源的量化管理和数字化管理理论体系的建立,能够满足高新技术企业资源经营<WP=8>的管理需求,加强对人力资源和知识产权资源等知识资源的管理,改变高新技术企业的管理理念和管理模式,提高高新技术企业的管理质量和管理效率。

【Abstract】 Some technology as well as the invention and application of tools will entirely change producing and living styles of human beings and bring about the social and economic revolution. Internet is such a technology. It is and will change mankind in a more profound way, whereupon, we are entering a new age—the Digital economy Age. The economy mode in the digital economy Age is knowledge economy, Knowledge will be the new factors of productive force. As everyone knows, high & new technology enterprise with an primary aim to operate knowledge resources is the modern enterprise that engaged in the creation, procession and distribution of knowledge, therefore, influence of the new economic pattern for the high & new technology enterprise will be profoundly. It is primary reason that this article study digital management of knowledge resources of high & new technology enterprise.The knowledge resources of the high & new technology enterprise is composed of human resource, intellectual property resources, customer’s resources and managing resources, therefore, digital management of knowledge resources of high & new technology enterprise is resolved into four parts: digital management of human resources, digital management of intellectual property resources, digital management of customer’s resources and digital management of managing resources. Digital management of human resources and digital management of intellectual property resources are discussed primarily in this article,<WP=10>digital management of customer’s resources and digital management of managing resources are discussed in a simple way.In the aspect of digital management on human resource, the general procedure of digital management on human resource is expatiated, as well as,the classified measuring model and the measuring system of non-currency indicator are established in this article, it lay the foundations of digital management. In the aspect of digital management on intelligent property resources, the traditional model is revised and integrated, on the other hand, in order to guarantee accuracy of measuring results, fuzzy mathematic method is adopted and utilized to rectify results that are computed by means of corrected and synthesized mathematic model. In the aspects of digital management on customer’s resources, the general procedure is discussed simply in this article. In the aspects of digital management on managing resources, contents of managing resource only are researched.Through the textual research, we will lay the foundations of development of management theory as well as operation and distribution of resources in the knowledge economy, it benefit to quantify knowledge resources of high & new technology enterprise and establish the digital management theory system, satisfy managing demand on operating resource of high & new technology enterprise, enhance management of knowledge resources, such as human resource、intelligent property resources etc, change management idea and management mode of high & new technology enterprise, increase management quantity and efficiency of the high & new technology enterprise.

  • 【分类号】F276.44
  • 【下载频次】164

