

【作者】 冯小林

【导师】 李战明;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题来源于甘肃省自然科学基金项目“现代化剧场控制系统的结构及控制策略研究”。主要研究现代化剧场计算机控制系统的拓扑结构及控制方法。 本文在首先分析对比了国内外舞台机械控制系统发展状况的基础上,讨论了舞台机械控制系统的发展趋势及特点,具体分析了基于PLC及现场总线技术的控制系统特点,研究并讨论了基于施耐德电气的“透明工厂”工控网络技术;其次,将舞台机械控制系统与施耐德自动网络相结合,提出了两种分布式舞台机械计算机控制系统结构,并将结果应用于总政歌剧团的舞台机械控制工程及正在投标的中山剧场的两个具体的结构设计中,取得了较好的效果;然后,针对“透明工厂”内部控制器之间通讯问题及在不同的现场总线上的几种控制器之间的通讯问题进行了深入研究,并提出舞台机械控制系统的底层是否选用工业以太网还是其它现场总线网络,要根据实际情况进行取舍以使整个控制系统的性价比达到最优;另外,针对舞台机械控制中的关键问题,研究了控制系统中与交流变频器的通讯及高速计数模块的使用问题;最后,结合升降台的控制,研究了如何利用改进的ADALINE网络将一个复杂的非线性隐函数简化为一个简单的二次函数,以提高控制系统的实时性。

【Abstract】 The project is supported by the fund of natural science of Gansu province. The thesis focuses on the research of the topology and control methods of modern theater based on fieldbus control system.First, the present status of stage control system ,including the trend and trait of stage mechanic control system are reviewed in this thesis. Then, the basic principle of control system based on the PLC .fieldbus and Schneider eiectric’s "transparence factory" is discussed. Combining the stage device control system and Schneider Eiectric’s automation network together, the author puts forward two kinds of distributed construction which severed for ZongZhen Opera House and ZhongShan Showplace . The methods relating with the study of communication ways between different controllers on varies fieldbuses are studied. The author’s own opinion about the selection of Ethernet fieldbus or other fieldbuses at the low floor of stage mechanical control system is also brought forward. It proves that only we select our project according to the real situation than we can prompt the performance of a control system best. Facing with the crucial problems on stage mechanical control system, two applications are discussed in this thesis: communicating with transducer and using high speed counting module produced by Schneider electric. In order to improve the performance of controlled elevating platform, a modified ADALINE NN is put forward to simplies the complicated nonlinear implicit function into a simple quadratic function.

  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】199

