

【作者】 孙锐

【导师】 姚伯威;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 机械电子工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对电力系统对提高电力系统管理现代化水平的迫切需求,基于现有的电力管理系统,向着标准化方向发展,提高系统性能,拓展系统功能,提高系统的自动化水平,取代手工操作,降低人员劳动强度,提高生产效率,提供智能化的数据服务。文章介绍了系统开发中的一些理论知识和技术原理,讲述了系统的总体组成和一些具体模块的实现方法。系统有硬件和软件组成,硬件的基础是采集装置;软件采用Windows DNA构架,使用分布式计算,解决了原来系统的计算任务过于繁重造成数据服务器不能承担负荷的问题;服务方面提供基于IE的MIS系统,使数据查询和报表服务摆脱了原来的专用网络的限制;新增加模块“标准互连”模块是针对目前各种自动化系统不兼容的问题而产生的,可以实现电力自动化在更高层次上的实现,在这个模块中,有意识的采用.NET FRAMEWORK,使用微软新一代的开发环境Visual Studio.Net,用新的语言C#.Net进行开发,在这个方面进行这方面的尝试是必要的,为以后进行更优化的系统设计积累经验。第一章介绍了本课题的开发背景,即电力自动化发展的现状和发展趋势,阐述了本课题开发的目的和意义;第二章对本系统开发中所需要的技术原理和理论依据进行了叙述;第三章对系统总体结构设计进行了介绍;第四章介绍了系统中软件部分的几个模块设计,主要包括远程设置模块、负载控制模块和标准互连模块;第五章给出了在标准互连模块中两个主要类的代码,这些代码是用C#.net开发的;第六章对本系统开发做了总结。

【Abstract】 This article is match the exigent demand of improving the automation level of electric power. The new system is based on the old one and aimed to the standardization. The new system is wanted to get breakthrough in these aspects: improving the system performance, aggrandizing system function, improving the automation level of the system, replacing the handwork operation, reducing the working intensity, improving the productivity, offering intelligent data service.This article introduces some technique theory and knowledge used in the system development, introduces the constitute of the system and realization way of some module. The system is composed of hardware and software. The main hardware is the collection equipment, the software is the Windows DNA framework, distribute calculate resolves the problem of data server down because of heave calculate mission. System provides the MIS sub-system base on IE, which make data-query and report forms not limited by the special network. The new module, standard interlink module is aimed at the problem of not pluralize between different system, can make system utility in administrative levels. in this module, we used the .net framework, and used new coding language C#.net in new coding environments Visual Studio. Net. Experiment in this way is valuable; in this way we can get obligatory experience for the development of next system. Chapter one introduces the background of this application, the status and the develop direction of the system, expatiating the purpose and meaning of the application development. Chapter two introduces the technique theory of the system development. Chapter three introduces the design of the framework of the system. Chapter four introduces some modules of the software, includes remote-parameter-setting module, load-control module, standard-interlink module. Chapter five give the detail codes of two main class in the standard-interlink module, these codes are coding in the C#. Net environment. Chapter six give the summarize of the whole article.

  • 【分类号】TM76
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】71

