

【作者】 吴璟

【导师】 庞小峰;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 生物医学工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,高压输电线因工业生产和生活中的大量用电,而广泛分布于人口密集的城市中。随着输送电压的不断提高,输电线下工频电磁场对周围居民健康的影响,及与生物体的相互作用,已引起人们广泛关注。本文介绍了目前工频电磁场生物效应领域的研究现状;总结归纳了流行病学调查和相关生物医学效应研究的成果,并对工频电磁场的非热效应机理作了阐述;实地测量了110kV和220kV高压输电线下电磁场场强的大小与分布,并对理论模拟值和实际测量值进行比较。在此基础上,围绕对大样本动物辐照实验的要求,搭建了可调式模拟实验系统。该系统包括产生均强或交变电场的高压辐照系统和输出交变磁场的磁发生系统,以能较好地反映高压输电线下居民生活空间中的电磁环境。同时,结合工频电磁场生物效应研究,对神经电生理学的实验方法学和微弱生理电信号的处理技术做了初步摸索,并进行相关的前期动物实验。本文探讨了工频电磁场辐射防护措施,辐射标准制定原则,并对如何减少输电线电磁辐射提出了若干意见。同时提出工频电磁场生物效应实验中需要注意的问题,和对后继实验的几点建议。

【Abstract】 With high voltage power line being extensively distributed in industry、living environment of dense population cities, and transportation voltage being increased,etc, the interaction between power frequency EMF near power line and biological system, and influence on inhabitant health are given more attention. This thesis describes present researches in the field. Some epidemiological investigations and bio-electromagnetic phenomenon are introduced. The mechanism of athermal bio-effects are given some theoretic models are summarized. The EMF intensity and distributions of high voltage power line with 110kV and 220kV is measured on the spot, and are compared with theoretical simulations and actual investigations. A adjustable experimental system simulating power frequency EMF under power line is built up for irradiating animals. It consists of three parts. First is irradiation spaces, second is high-voltage generator that can output direct currents and alternating currents, third magnetic generator that can offer alternating magnetic field. Simultaneously, some related prophase animal experiments have been carried about the nerve electrophysiology. The methodology of experimentation and the technology of processing faintly physiological electric signal are groped and analyzed. Finally, the paper discuss defensive measures against power frequency EMF irradiation,principle to set up irradiation standard,and brings forward some opinions on how to decrease EMF irradiation when building super-high voltage transmission line. And puts forward some especially noticeable problems about bio-effect experiments and several suggestions to subsequent experiments.

  • 【分类号】R318.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】270

