

【作者】 冉铮惠

【导师】 陈长龄;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 测试计量技术与仪器, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在等倾干涉测量中,不断变化的明暗相交的圆环形干涉条纹,反映了被测件的平面度信息,因此对干涉条纹的变化进行记录和分析显得至关重要。但是由于传统测试系统的局限性,使得使用平面等倾干涉仪进行测量的过程烦琐,从而导致效率低下,而且测量精度不高。随着近代电子技术和计算机图像处理技术的发展,把新兴的图像传感技术、计算机控制和数字图像处理技术相结合是新一代自动化、高精度、高效率等倾干涉测试系统的最佳解决方案。 本课题主要研究了应用数字图像处理技术对等倾干涉测量系统进行改进。该系统利用CCD摄像机实时获取被测件的干涉圆环信息,然后用数字图像处理技术对干涉图像进行滤波平滑、条纹细化、中心条纹提取、干涉环直径测量等操作。通过详实周密的数据处理,实现了测量结果的优化。针对图像测量系统普遍存在的测量误差,本论文还探讨了CCD等倾干涉测试系统的测量误差产生的原因和消除的途径。 通过大量的测试实验证明,CCD等倾干涉测试系统能够应用数字图像处理技术对等倾干涉条纹进行实时采集和测量,提高了平面度测量的精确度;提高了工作效率,降低了劳动强度,具有实用推广价值。

【Abstract】 In the Equal Inclination Interference (EIIT) measurement, the flatness characteristics of detected optics can be extracted from its fringe in the interferogram, which is white alternating with black. It is important to record and analyze the interference fringes. But the traditional measuring process was very onerous and weary because the instrument has limitation. It resulted in lowly efficiency and lowly accuracy. With the development of modern electronic technology and computer and image processing technique, the method of combining with the technique based on image sensor, computer control, image processing is the best solution of the Equal Inclination Interference measuring system which combining with full-automation, high precision and high efficiency.This paper puts forward a novel method of Equal Inclination Interference measurement by applying image processing technique. Thesystem, based on the theory of EIIT, can be applied to grasp the changingfringe information through the CCD camera. The data processing of the interference fringe consists of image smoothing, frame thinning, fringe center extracting and fringe diameter measurement. Through the full and accurate data processing we present the measurement result. As for the image calibration and measuring system always have measurement errors, this paper also analyzes the reason of errors in the CCD EIIT measurement and presents the method of erasing errors.A great deal of measuring experiments have proved that CCD EIIT measuring system is the guarantee of automatic measuring of interference fringe in real time. Based on image processing technique, automatic real-time CCD EIIT measuring system is useful in metrology department for the high-precision flatness standard unit, which is helpful to control the product cost for enterprise with practical value.

  • 【分类号】TP274.4
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】387

