

【作者】 万丽娟

【导师】 邱文杰;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 电磁场与微波技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 进入二十一世纪后,无线移动通信技术作为个人通信的主要手段得到了迅猛发展。在第三代移动通信系统中对通信容量、通信质量和数据传输速率等都提出了极高的要求。国际电信联盟(ITU)于1995年里提<WP=4>出了将IMT-2000/FPLMTS系统作为新一代,即第三代移动通信系统。而智能天线具有对信号进行空间和时间处理的能力,增大了系统设计的自由度,对提高移动通信的性能具有巨大的潜力。因此,基于时空信号处理的智能天线技术将成为第三代移动通信系统的一项关键技术。本文的研究工作就是为第三代移动通信系统设计通信用智能天线阵列。由于微带天线阵具有体积小、重量轻、易于实现线极化、能得到单方向的宽方向图等优点,使之成为完成本文设计工作的最佳天线阵列形式。并且,实现阵列的宽频带和高增益及阵元间的互耦分析将是研究的重点。本文前期工作完成了天线阵元的方案确定、阵元具体设计、相关的理论分析及测试制作,包括前三章。第一章前言中简要介绍了研究背景、智能天线的特点和常用的智能天线阵列形式,并提出了天线实现宽频带的方法。第二章则采用传输线法和腔模理论对矩形微带天线进行分析,并针对设计指标详细讨论了各种因素对微带贴片天线性能的影响,完成了双片微带贴片天线阵元的设计方案。成功制作了单片矩形微带天线和双片矩形微带天线阵元,并在第三章将Ansoft HFSS的模拟结果与实测值进行比较,得到了工程中厚基片天线制作的一些经验。本文的后期工作是对阵元间的互耦进行分析与仿真计算。对矩形贴片天线采用精确的并矢格林函数来考虑基片的影响,得到问题的解析解,并与该问题的矩量法解进行比较。讨论了计算中遇到的奇异点问题和收敛问题,用C++语言编程得到了阵元间互耦的计算值。最后测试了阵元间互耦参数,将理论值与实测值进行比较分析,发现两者具有较好的一致性。

【Abstract】 As the main means of personal communication, the wireless mobile communication technology is developed very fast after entering the 21-century. The development of 3G system needs higher technology to increase the correspondence capacity and quantity. The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has mentioned to use the IMT-2000/FPLMTS as 3G system. Smart antenna has the capability to process the signal with space and time, which makes the system design more freely and has enormous potential to increase the communication capacity. This article is to design the smart antenna array , which is the key technique of 3G system. Because microstrip antenna array is well known for its highly desirable characteristics such as small volume, light weight, and ease of linear polarization, it is one of the best choices which satisfy the needs above. The research emphasizes the wideband, high gain and analysis of the mutual coupling of microstrip antenna elements.The first part of the article includes analysis, design and experimentation of array elements. Chapter one is preface, introducing research background. The characteristics of smart antenna and the style of the arrays and the means to achieve wideband are discussed in research background. In chapter two, rectangular microstrip antenna has been analyzed by transmission-line and modal-expansion cavity models. We have discussed kinds of factors that affect the antenna’s characteristics and manufactured both single rectangular microstrip antenna and double elements successfully. The measured results are compared with the simulation results of Ansoft HFSS, and we have got some engineering experiences of the thick substrate microstrip antenna in chapter three. The second part of the article completes analysis and calculation of mutual coupling between elements. A dyadic Green’s function is developed for a grounded dielectric slab, which can be used to calculate the mutual<WP=6>coupling between elements. Compared with Method of Moment, we have discussed the problems of singular points and convergence, and got the calculated results by C++ programming. The calculated results are compared with the measured ones, most of which are shown to be in good agreement.

  • 【分类号】TN820
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1211

