

【作者】 孙丽苹

【导师】 田居俭; 郭贵儒;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 新中国的成立,揭开了中国妇女解放运动的新纪元。从1949年中华人民共和国成立到1956年社会主义改造基本完成的7年,中国妇女地位发生了前所未有的巨变,出现了一个历史性的飞跃。对新中国初期中国妇女的解放运动进行探讨,对其社会地位的巨变和飞跃进行分析,从中吸取经验教训,对今天的女性解放运动无疑具有十分深远的意义。本文拟分六个部分对这一问题进行探讨。 第一部分:《婚姻法》确立了广大妇女在婚姻家庭中的平等地位。 这一部分以《婚姻法》的颁布为分界线,从两个方面对中国妇女婚姻状况进行对比研究。第一,对旧中国妇女的婚姻状况进行概述。第二,论述新中国成立初期尤其是《婚姻法》颁布以后,广大妇女在党和政府的领导下,走上了争取婚姻自由的道路,初步完成了在婚姻家庭中地位角色的转化。 第二部分:参加生产劳动使广大妇女获得了经济独立权。 新中国成立初期,广大城乡妇女开始走出家庭,广泛地参加社会活动和生产劳动。土地改革、农业社会主义改造的兴起不仅使广大农村妇女获得了一定的生产资料,同时也赋予了她们与男子平等进行生产劳动的权利。城市女工则在各行各业发挥她们的聪明才智,在对社会做出贡献的同时,获得了经济权利。 第三部分:妇女参政成为新社会的主人。 《选举法》使新中国妇女获得了选举权与被选举权,她们不再被排斥在政治生活之外。通过1953年的普选,一些优秀的妇女走上政坛,同男子同堂议政。此外,广大妇女还参加了建国初期的抗美援朝、“三反”、“五反”等政治运动,并在这些运动中做出了贡献,从而使政治地位得到了提高。 第四部分:社会教育与正规教育使妇女自身素质不断提高。 新中国成立初期,党和政府实行社会教育与正规教育同时并举的措施。社会教育使广大妇女尤其是成年妇女摆脱了文盲状态;正规教育则为女性的全面发展提供了良好条件。这一切,促进了妇女文化素养的全面提高。 第五部分:妇幼卫生保健工作促进了妇女的身心健康。 新法接生的开展,首先保障了妇女的生育安全。各种妇幼卫生保健机构的建立,使妇女的身心健康得到了切实的保证n 第六部分:新中国成立初期中国妇女地位提高的原因、经验及妇女解放运动的特点。 这一部分在对以上五个部分进行总结的基础上,分析了新中国成立初期中国妇女地位提高的原因、经验及妇女解放运动的特点。 最后对全文进行了总结:新中国初期,中国妇女的解放运动取得了前所未有的成就,实现了质的飞跃。然而,妇女解放是一个长期的历史过程,由于历史和现实的原因,广大妇女的社会地位虽然在总的方面有了长足进步,但依然存在着许多问题。两性平等还未真正实现。尽管如此,新中国成立初期中国妇女的解放运动所取得的成就还是为以后的妇女解放运动的深入奠定了基础,其影响是深远的,在中国妇女解放史上的作用是功不一可没的。

【Abstract】 The women’s liberation movement had got into a new era since the foundation of the People’s Republic of China. Especially in the early stage of P. R. C (from 1949 to 1956), the women’s social status had taken place unprecedented change. It is meaningful to study this problem, from which we can learn experiences and lessons. The experiences and lessons have profound influences to today’s women liberation movement.This paper intends to divide six parts to study this problem.The first part: The Marriage Law established women’s equal status in marriage and family. This part consists of two sections. First, the author summarizes the women’s status in marriage and family before the foundation of P. R. C. Second, the author discusses the improvements of the women’s status in marriage and family after the foundation of P. R. C.The second part: Taking part in work and construction gave women’s independent economic rights. In the early stage of P. R. C, the women took part in the society labor actively, not only had they acquired the economic rights, but also improved the social status.The third part: Women participated in managing the state and become masters of the new society. The Election Law gave the women the right to vote. Women’s political position got improvement.The forth part: Social and regular education raised women’s culture qualities. The social education made the adult women get rid of illiteracy condition. The regular education provides the women excellent education opportunity.The fifth part: The work on maternity and children care promoted women’s health in both body and mind. New childbirth method guarantees the women’s life safety. The foundation of medicalorganizations guarantees women’ s health in both body and mind.The sixth part: The author summarizes the causes and experiences of the improvement in women’ s status in the early stage of P. R. C and characteristics of women’ s liberation movement.Finally: Women’ s liberation movement and its achievements in the early days of P. R. C are unparalleled, even though women’ s liberation is a long historic process, and feudal thought still haunts people’ s mind more or less. After all, the progress in women’ s liberation movement in the early day of P. R. C is a historic leap and the influences are profound.

【关键词】 新中国初期中国妇女地位提高
【Key words】 the early stage of P. R. CChinese womenstatusimprovement
  • 【分类号】K27;D442.9
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1176

