

【作者】 张建会

【导师】 刘志红;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育教育与训练学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的不断发展和全民健身计划的日益深入,国民健身意识逐步增强,众多群众踊跃参加的社会体育已成为时代的潮流在全国各地蓬勃兴起。人们对健身休闲娱乐体育的需求不断增加,引起了体育社会化、市场化、产业化方兴未艾。为了适应新世纪人们对体育文化发展的需要,高校社会体育这一新兴专业应运而生,并与体育教育专业、运动训练专业、运动人体科学专业、民族传统体育专业一道,被列入自1999年起开始执行的新的体育院校本科专业目录中。这意味着社会体育专业将肩负起培养新世纪所需要的社会体育专门人才的重任。 课程设置是人才培养目标的具体体现,是为人才培养目标服务的。课程结构是所设置全部课程相互之间的分工和结合,是教学计划的核心,它是根据专业培养目标和培养规格确定的,是实现培养目标的基本教学文件。课程体系的改革是教学改革的核心,为适应21世纪社会发展对社会体育人才的多层次、多规格、多样化的需求,实现社会体育专业培养目标,优化社会体育专业的课程体系是培养全方位人才的一种最为有效的方法。 本研究参阅了大量关于社会体育发展的文献资料以及课程学、人才学等中外专家的研究成果,收集了我国高校25所社会体育专业本科教学计划。笔者从全国社会体育专业本科课程设置现状入手,对目前社会体育专业的课程进行全面分析,课程结构的类型、课程结构层次的配置是否合理;学时安排比例问题;课程的设计是否适应社会对人才的需要等方面进行了深入而细致的分析。根据目前社会体育专业课程存在的不足和课程设计最优化原理,在广泛汲取我国高校社会体育专业课程设置优点的基础上,以符合实际需要作为取舍和组合的标准,设计出一种共识性最大的适合我国社会发展的“多元整合型”社会体育专业课程优化体系。“多元整合型”的社会体育专业课程优化体系依据培养“宽口径、厚基础、高素质”人才的原则,设置了六个方向的专业选修课程群。可以按照社会需求增减及组合其课程群,提高社会体育专业课程的育人功能,满足社会对社会体育人才的需要。 本文运用文献资料法、调查法和数理统计法对全国社会体育专业的课程设置进行分析和再认识,设计出“多元整合型”的社会体育专业课程设置的优化方案。此优化方案下设的四级指标内容,均得到了专家的认定,具有可行性。有利于社会体育专业的健康发展和毕业生成为符合社会发展的“博而广、专又精”的高级社会体育专业人才,并为我国社会体育专业的课程体系改革与建设提供理论依据和有益的参考。

【Abstract】 Constantly developing along with our country economy and improve the health going deep into increasingly of plan with the whole people , nationals’ consciousness of keep fit is strengthen gradually , and multitudinous masses positively participated in society sport has become the trends of times vigorously in the whole nation various places rising. People constantly increase to the requirement improving the health leisure amusement movement , and have caused that the physical education socialization , marketization and industrialization is just unfolding .This new and developing specialty of college society sport is emerge as the times require newly century people’s needs to the sport civilization development in order to suit , and physical education specialty , sports training specialty , spoils human body science specialty and traditional sports specialty of nation together , the quilt is enlisted self and in 1999 was step aside in the new physical educational institutions undergraduate course specialty catalogue of execution beginning . This signifies that the society sports specialty will take on the important task to cultivate the new ability person to satisfied the society sports specially needs .That the course installation is a person of ability cultivation target concretely embodying, the cultivation target behaved is served . The course structure is division of labor and the combination between mutual of whole course set up, and being the nucleus of teaching plan, it is according to the specialty cultivation target and it is definite to cultivate the specifications, and is the basic teaching file to realize the cultivation target. The reformation of course system is the nucleus of transformation of education , and in order to suit21 centuries societies develops the multi-level to society sports person of ability and the requirement of many specifications and diversifies , realizing the society sports specialty cultivation target, the course system that optimizes the society sports specialty is one kind of the most effective method to cultivating the all direction person .The research has been seen also a large number of document about the society that to achievements of China and foreign countries experts such as the document datum of physical education development in this research as well as course and person of ability etc. more than 25 society sports specialty undergraduate course teachings in our country plan has been collected . The author starts with at the society sports specialty undergraduate course installation present situation from the whole nation society , and to at present the course of society sports specialty is in progress to analyze completely , and reasonably whether or not the type of the course structure and disposition of course structure hierarchy; The problem of the proportion in class hour arranges. The analysis that whether or not the design of course suits that the society to the needs of person of ability etc aspect has been in progress going deep into and careful . Shortcoming and course that is based on at present the society sports specialized course range existence design optimization principle , regards the standard accepted or rejected and makes up in order to fit the real needs on drawing the foundation of our country college society sport specialized course range installation merit extensive , design one kind of common understanding the biggest is fit for our country society develops " plurality conformity mould " society sports specialized course range optimizes the system . Specialty elective course of six directions has been set up to the3principle of the person of ability that the society sports specialized course range of " plurality conformity mould " optimizes the system according to cultivate " wide bore , thick foundation and high character " . Can increase and decrease and make up his course crowd according to the society requirement, the society raising the society sports specialized course range suits the ability , and the satisfied soc

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】27
  • 【下载频次】1771

