

【作者】 许淑萍

【导师】 裴德华;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来,我国高校体育教育专业乒乓球任意选修课的教学主要以发展专项技能为主,缺少培养和提高学生能力、综合素质的教育和教学内容。不可否认,以往的教学内容对人才的培养发挥过积极的作用,但随着时代的发展就显现出许多不足之处。这与1997年国家教委制定的《全国普通高等学校体育教育专业本科专业课程方案》(以下简称新《课程方案》)对乒乓球任意选修课教学内容提出新的培养目标和要求接轨不紧,不能更好适应未来社会的实际需要。因此,在新形势下,必须对乒乓球任意选修课教学内容重新优化组合和再认识,使之日趋完善,以便更好地落实新《课程方案》提出的培养目标和要求。 本人对1980年以来国家教委颁布的全国普通高等学校本科体育教育专业三套教学计划和国家教委、体委颁发的有关体育教育文件进行了分析研究。查阅了大量有关教改的文献资料,参阅了5个版本的乒乓球教材,总结了河北师范大学体育学院乒乓球任意选修课10多年的教学经验。走访了北京、上海、天津、沈阳、石家庄等地的乒乓球教授,并收集了21份全国各高校体育教育专业乒乓球任意选修课的教学大纲。同时,对中学体育教师进行了咨询,了解中学乒乓球课的教学现状。在此基础上,本文从落实21世纪人才培养的要求出发,以现代教学理论为依据,重点研究学生在掌握乒乓球理论和基本技、战术的同时,培养学生的教学、实践能力和创新精神的乒乓球任意选修课。 本文运用文献资料法、调查法和数理统计法,对以往的乒乓球任意选修课教学内容重新进行优化,构建出乒乓球任意选修课教学内容的优化方案。其中,理论课、技能课和考核课比重增大,技、战术课的比重和动作难度有所降低。通过对三轮专家问卷的筛选,所优化方案下设的三级指标内容,均得到专家的认定,更具可行性。有利于提高乒乓球任意选修课的教学质量,培养具有合理知识结构和能力结构的高质量人才,并为高校体育教育专业乒乓球任意选修课制定统一的教学大纲、教学内容提供参考。

【Abstract】 For a long time, in the sports education major of our country’s higher education schools, the teaching of table tennis optional class mainly develops special capabilities and lacks of the teaching content to cultivate and increase students’ ability and comprehensive quality. Moreover, The previous teaching content played important rule on the training of personnel, but with the times going on it shows its shortcoming. The Ministry of Education P.R.C. issued Curriculum Plan for Four-year Students Major in Sports Education of Nationwide Common Higher Education Schools (hereafter "Curriculum Plan" for short ) in 1997. This situation doesn’t accord tightly with the new education aims and requirement for table tennis optional class which Curriculum Plan puts forward. And also it can not cope with the practical need of future society. Hence under the new condition table tennis optional class must be optimized and restudied so as to make it more perfect. This can help to carry out the new education aims and requirement for table tennis optional class which Curriculum Plan puts forward.I analyzed and studied three teaching plans for four-year students major in sports education of nationwide common higher education schools issued by Ministry of Education P.R.C. and documents concerned about sports education issued by Ministry of Education P.R.C. and State General Administration of Sports of P.R.China. I consulted a lot of materials about education reform and refered to 5 editions of table tennis teaching materials and summarized more than 10 years’ teaching experience of the table tennis optional class in Physical Education College of Hebei Normal University. I visited the professors teaching table tennis inBeijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenyang, Shijiazhuang and other cities and collected 21 teaching plans of table tennis optional class of P.E. specialty from the universities all over China. At the same time, I consulted some middle school teachers and knows middle school’s current table tennis class situation. On the basis of these investigation and studies, this thesis starts from fulfilling the requirements of talents training in 21 century and takes modern teaching theory as basis and emphasizes to study the table tennis optional class to cultivate students’ teaching and practice capability and creation spirit while making the students mastering table tennis theory and fundamental skills.The thesis utilizes method of documents and data, investigation, statistics to optimize the old teaching content of table tennis optional class and establish the optimization plan of teaching content of table tennis optional class. In the plan, percentage of theory class, skills class and examination class increases while the percentage and the movement difficulty of technique and tactics class decreases. Through the filtration of three-round expert questionary, the contents of three-step targets in the optimization plan are all recognized by experts. They consider that it is practicable and helpful to accelerate the teaching quality and to cultivate qualified talents possessing sound knowledge & capability structure. Furthermore, The optimization Plan can supply reference to establish unified teaching plan and teaching content for the table tennis optional class of P.E. specialty in higher education schools.

  • 【分类号】G846
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】716

