

【作者】 孙宗晓

【导师】 黄灵庚;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 屈原《九歌》是一组表现古代祭祀活动的诗歌。含蕴神秘,难以读懂。由于多种原因,自其问世两千多年来,经过历代学者的辛勤探索,关于它的许多根本性问题,如其来源、性质等,仍众说纷纭、莫衷一是。本文试结合当今考古学、历史学、文献学、文化学等领域的研究成果,对这些问题作以探讨。从它的来源论起,并以此为出发点,就它的性质、诸神身份、实有章数、其十一篇的次序问题,谈谈自己的认识。本文以为:屈原《九歌》大体是对沅、湘越人《九歌》的译作,是古夏人《九歌》的一脉相传。其内容、性质都有着鲜明的夏文化色彩。其所祭诸神也多是当年夏人神话传说中的人物。这有较为丰富的古神话资料可作证明。屈原《九歌》保存了十章沅、湘越人旧作。而其中的《湘夫人》一篇是屈原自己写就的仿作之辞。从战国时沅湘越地的现实情况分析,今传《九歌》十一篇的次序应当保持原状,不必另作调整。

【Abstract】 Qu Yuan’s Nine Elegies, mysterious and inexplicable, is a set of songs that represent sacrificial activities in ancient times. For the sake of various reasons, no unanimous conclusion can be drawn as opinions vary, in terms of many fundamental problems such as its source, nature, etc., in spite of hard exploration of scholars in the previous ages since it came into existence two thousand years ago. This thesis makes an attempt to explore these problems on the basis of the research findings in modern archaeology, history, philology, culturology, and etc. With its source as the starting point, the author speaks her mind in terms of its nature, the status of deities, the actual number of its chapters, and the order of its eleven articles. The thesis holds the following views: Qu Yuan’s Nine Elegies is mostly the version of Nine Elegies written by people in Ruan and Xiang regions, and it can be traced to the same origin as Nine Elegies written by people in Xia Dynasty; its content and nature are characterized by distinctive Xia culture; its deities are mostly the figures in mythology and legend in Xia Dynasty at that tune, which can be proved by relatively rich mythology resources; ten articles written by people in Ruan and Xiang regions are preserved in Quyuan’s Nine Elegies, among which Madam Xiang is an imitation by Qu Yuan himself; and the order of eleven articles in the modern Nine Elegies should be maintained, on the basis of analysis on Ruan and Xiang regions in the Warring States.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【下载频次】315

