

Identity and Conflict

【作者】 胡秀丽

【导师】 王嘉良;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 中国新文学在“五四”落潮以后进入“30年代文学”时期,开展了颇具规模的左翼文艺运动,在文艺思想上作出了重大调整,规定了创作的马克思主义和现实主义方向。这种调整既表达了中国新文学与国际无产阶级文学接轨的渴望,也是新文学发展的一种必然。但政治意识对文学的过重侵入固然为新文学带来了新的气象和格局,也不可避免地催生了文学创作与批评中的庸俗社会学倾向,使文学在现实主义的旗帜下走向了非现实主义的道路。异质的发展引起了清醒的现实主义者的警觉。与国际无产阶级文艺理论家卢卡契和布莱希特同声相应、同气相求,中国的左翼文艺批评家胡风也对此种异质倾向展开了不懈的纠正和批判。 作为左翼文艺阵营的一员,胡风文艺思想与左翼文艺思想有着大体一致的立场,主要表现为政治倾向上的同调、重内容轻形式的倾向和强烈的主观性和浪漫主义激情。但观念有融合并不代表差别被取消,二者之间又有着许多冲突。这种冲突在显性层面上表现为典型论的不同理解、两个口号之争、民族形式问题、主观论的批判与答辩这些事实的表现。隐性层面的深度碰撞则表现为创作和批评中对经验与体验的各自倚重、客观真实与主体真实的指向差异以及政治理性精神和个体感性认识的不同把握。胡风以“主体性”理论为主导进入文学批评,激活了批评主体、创作主体以及表现主体在文学批评和创作中的作用,纠正了现实主义文学创作中的庸俗社会学现象,具有不可抹煞的意义。

【Abstract】 Chinese modem literature launched a movement of the left wing literature after entering the "30’s literature" period. The Marxism and realism direction was made as an important adjustment in literature thought, which was a desirefor getting in touch with the international proletarian lileneture and an inexorable trend of the modem literature. The political consciousness brought something new for the modem literature surely. But vulgar sociology was brought into literature creation and criticism too, which made the literature opposite to the true realism. The harmful tendency aroused the attention of true realist with international proletariat literature theoretician Lukacs and Bertolt Brecht .Chinese left wing literature critic HuFeng persisted in rectifying the harmful tendency in literature.1s a member of the left wing literature camp, HuFeng’s thoughts had identical views with the left wing literature thoughts on some main literature problems, same political attitude, thinking highly of contents and making light of forms, as well as strongly subjective color and romantic intense emotion. However, identity is not that they have no difference. They have many conflicts also. The appearances were the arguments on typical problem, "two slogans" problem, national-form problem, and the different comprehension of subjective theory. The depth of their conflicts is that different sense and origin of literature. HuFeng’s subjective spirit has the important meaning to the development of to the development of the modem literature.

  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【下载频次】84

