

【作者】 郑良飞

【导师】 折学森;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 岩土工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题在对国内外有关冲击压实技术调研的基础上,依托西湟公路、马平公路、西塔公路及平阿公路试验段开展冲击压实试验研究,对各个试验段的试验结果进行分析、综合和总结,研究了冲击压实技术在青海黄土路基施工中的施工工艺、施工效果、检测方法及效益等问题。 通过试验研究主要得出如下认识: ①冲击压实技术处理湿陷性黄土地基时,其有效处理深度一般不超过80cm,冲压遍数以30遍左右为宜; ②对路基分层冲压,在要求土体中各点压实度均达到规范要求时,路基冲压最佳组合为虚铺厚度80cm、冲压40遍;在只要求土体平均压实度达到规范要求时,路基冲压最佳组合为虚铺厚度80cm、冲压30遍; ③大面积施工时,质量控制方法可按照在以冲压遍数作为主要控制指标的同时,要求最后10遍分计沉降量小于累计沉降量10%; ④在施工单位自己购置冲击压实机情况下,与传统施工相比较,冲击压实技术是一种既能节约资金又能大量缩短工期的施工方法。

【Abstract】 Based on the investigation and study of impact compaction technology in civil and abroad, this paper discusses the impact compaction working sections that include XiNing ~ HuangYuan, MaChangYuan~ PingAn , XiNing ~ TaErSi and PingAn ~ADai expressways. Through contrast analysis and generalization of the working sections’ test data and aggregate analysis of expressways’ test result, this paper studies construction process , construction effect test method and efficiency of loess subgrade construction applied by impact compaction technology in QingHai Province .Conclusions as following have got through test study:(1)When impact compaction technology is applied to treat collapsible loess subgrade, the effect depth may be treated generally can not override 80 cm and impact compaction pass is optimum at 30 times .(2)For stratified impact compaction of subgrade, when compactness of each level reaches codeslstandards loose laying depth of 80 cm fits 40 impact compaction pass is the optimum combination of subgrade construction. When average compactness in each level reaches codeslstandards loose laying depth of 80 cm fits 30 impact compaction pass is the optimum combination o(3)The quality control method may request impact compaction pass as the main control index and at the same time the final division settlement is less than 10% of total settlement as large area subgrade is constructed .(4)If construction organization itself have impact compactor, impact compaction technology compared with traditional construction methods can not only economize on fund but also obviously shorten construction period.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】U416.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】256

