

A Study on Xu Yuanzhong as a Translator

【作者】 段敏

【导师】 朱徽;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国的译学研究中,人们在一段时期以来多注重对翻译方法或翻译原则的集中研究,而忽略了对某一具体翻译家的系统、全面、综合的研究与探讨。从某种程度上来说,这有碍于我国翻译事业的全面发展。因为对翻译家的研究实际上是对其译学思想和翻译实践的综合研究,而这无疑对翻译事业的发展起着举足重轻的作用。 本文拟从多角度、多层面对许渊冲教授的译学思想进行论述和剖析,并对其翻译实践作出尝试性的评析,同时试图运用辨证的观点客观地评论由许渊冲教授的译论和译作引发的争议。本文旨在从许渊冲教授的译学思想及翻译实践中汲取精华,为我国翻译事业的发展提供一个思考的空间。 本文除引言和结语外,包括四个部分。 引言扼要介绍了论文的主题和结构。 第一章对许渊冲的翻译生涯和翻译作品进行了概括性的介绍,使读者对作为译家的许渊冲有一个基本的了解。 第二章对许渊冲的主要翻译理论作了系统分类及详细论述:1.文学翻译及其理论是艺术论。2.文化竞赛论。3.诗词翻译的“三美”论。4.发挥译语优势论。5.诗词翻译的“三化”论。6.诗词翻译的以创补失论。7.诗词翻译的“三之”论。8.直译与意译新论。此外,本章特别对诗歌翻译“三美”原则的内容、起源、提出、发展进行了详细阐述,并由此总结出许渊冲的翻译理论在当代中国译坛的历史作用与现实意义。 第三章着重对许渊冲最具代表性的译作进行了简述与评析,并试图通过许渊冲与其他著名译者对同一原作不同译本的比较研究,探讨许译的可取之处及独特性,从而以实践检验其翻译理论的可行性和正确性。第四章在阐述关于许渊冲译论及译品之争议的基础上,试图以辨证的观点对许渊冲的译学思想和翻译实践作出公正而客观的评述。结语归纳总结了全文的主题。

【Abstract】 Throughout the development of translation studies in China, people seem to have been attaching greater importance to research and study on specific translation approaches or translation principles, whereas minor attention was paid to systematic and comprehensive exploration into particular translators and translation theorists, which, to some extent, has brought adverse effect on the advancing velocity as well as the all-roundness of translation cause in China that is at the peak of its development. In fact, research on certain distinguished translator or translation theorist is a combination of studies on his translation thoughts and translation practice as well, which undoubtedly is an indispensable part of translation studies, therefore, plays a vital role in the advancement of Chinese translation cause.The thesis attempts to fully elaborate and meticulously analyze the translation thoughts of Xu Yuanzhong from multi-aspect and multi-perspective, performing tentative research and analysis on his translation practice and at the same time, drawing impartial and objective judgment on controversies over his translation, so as to absorb quintessence from his translation thoughts as well as translation practice, hence providing a thinking space for the development of Chinese translation cause.In addition to introduction and conclusion, the thesis mainly consists of four parts.The introduction suggests the content and structure of the thesis.The first part gives a brief summary of Xu’s translation career and his translation work, furnishing readers with an essential understanding of Xu as a translator and translation theorist.The second part roughly classifies and carefully expounds Xu’s translation thoughts into eight cardinal theories in light of their instructive function in translation practice and gives special concern to his principle of "beauty in three aspects" pertinent to poetry rendition, through which the historical and practical significance of Xu’s translation theories could be well embodied and greatly appreciated.The third part chiefly throws effort on a tentative exploration into Xu’s translation practice, from which some of his most representative pieces are selected for evaluation and comparison. Through the comparison of discrepant translated versions by different translators of the same original piece, the uniqueness and advantage of Xu’s version are revealed and discussed, which in turn document the feasibility and accuracy of his theories on translation.The fourth part objectively copes with the disputes over Xu’s translation, applying a dialectic attitude to review and survey his translation practice as well as translation theories.The conclusion provides the summary of the whole thesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】I046;I206.09
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1877

