

【作者】 陆德海

【导师】 吴新生;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 文章首先对白体的产生时间提出新的看法,认为作为诗歌的白体,产生于中唐;作为诗歌流派的白体,它的形成时间也应该在贞元、元和之间,而不是大多数研究者所说的宋初,由此引起对白体概念的界定、与白体相近概念的辨析、白体诗派的形成条件的考察以及诗派形成过程的概述。主要观点是:白体作为新的诗歌风格,它的最重要的新变在于,诗歌主题偏离了“诗言志”传统。白体诗人一方面重视诗歌针砭时弊的功能,高举“美刺”大旗,创作出以《新乐府》、《秦中吟》为代表的讽谕诗;另一方面又强调诗歌的审美价值,要求诗作“风情宛然”,突出诗歌“缘情”的特质,重视诗歌对个体生命的意义,主张诗歌“吟咏性情”、甚至“咏性不咏情”,“感伤诗”、“闲适诗”更具特色。与题材内容密切相关,白体创造了最适合表现主题的艺术形式,表现为明白晓畅,顺熟流易。在概述了白体诗派在中晚唐、五代的形成发展及演变后,文章重点论述了宋初白体诗人的创作,认为由五代入宋的诗人主要学习、继承白居易的“吟咏性情”,内容单薄,诗风平易;后起白体诗人以田锡张咏王禹偁等人为代表,他们的创作在一定程度上突破了白居易后期的“放达”,而代之以表现自己的“纵横”之志,恢复了“诗言志”传统,从而成为北宋诗文革新的先驱。

【Abstract】 This thesis puts forward an argument that the first appearance of Bai Style is in the Mid-Tang Dynasty, not in the early of Song. Accordingly it gives the Bai Style a new definition and the discrimination of its synonym, and makes an investigation on the conditions of the Bai Style poet school taken form and the process of this poem sect. The major point is: as a brand new style, its most important change is that it has given up the tradition of "poem is to state aspiration". The Bai style poets think highly of the poem’s efficacy of criticizing social problem, so they advocate the ancient theory which indicate poem should" sing the praises of the politics or satirize it ", their representative works are new musical poems and poems -written in Qingzhong, on the other hand, they also put emphasis on the poem’s appreciation of the beauty, that is to say, poem is to express poet’s feelings, even to describe the human nature. To express these themes, they create some new style, such as obvious, easy, smooth, and so on. After describing the develop of Bai Style poet school in the Later-Tang Dynasty and the Five-dynasty Dynasty, this thesis puts emphasis on discussing the poems of Bai style in earlier Song Dynasty. It puts forward an argument that in earlier Song Dynasty Bai Style poets study Juyi Bai’s "leisurely and carefree mood poems" at first, then they return to the tradition of "poem is to state aspiration", and their aspiration is to win successes in settle political problems. The representative poets are Tianci, Zhangyong and YuchenWang.

  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】323

