

【作者】 冯军

【导师】 宋常立; 林骅;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 古代文学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 二十世纪八十年代中期以后,中国国内妇女学界就已明确了从有性人角度审视人类与社会,并自觉而又集中地用社会性别理论和女性视角的方法来探讨妇女发展的情况及其生存境遇。笔者有鉴于此,对明清之际才子佳人小说的研究也力图确立女性——性别的视角,微观地剖析男女两性关系,解构作家对女性尤其是佳人一厢情愿的设计与想象,进而思考性别神话的建立与生成。全文包括绪论、正文及余论等部分。 绪论部分对才子佳人小说的研究历程进行了较全面扫描,介绍了才子佳人小说研究历史与现状,也由此引入社会性别理论。 正文主要从两大方面来加以论述.一、结合历史背景与文本环境,探讨男性评论家、男性主人公、男性叙述者是怎样对女性的言语、身体多方加以界定,从而使女性在身体上遭到失落与歧视。二、具体分析男性神话的产生,主要从才子崇拜、性遭遇、性惩罚三大点来探讨才子的魅力以及对女性的征服力与召唤力。 余论是在前文分析论述的基础上,对才子佳人小说的社会性别视角进行综合评价,也用该视角略评明清其它小说。

【Abstract】 After the midst of 1980s’, the world of literate woman in China had certainly made a general survey of human being and society from the sexual people. To probing developmental situation and existent circumstance of women, they had applied consciously and intently gender theory. Accordingly, I use it to pursuit the caizijiaren stories between late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, analyzing bisexual relation, collapsing the authors’ design and imagine about women in especial Jiaren, considering the foundation of sexual mythology. The paper is composed of an introduction, a two-chapter text and a postscript.The introduction presents a survey of an research upon "Caizijiaren stories between late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, ranging from its past to the present status quo. It also introduces gender theory.Chapter One questions why the body of woman didn’t belong to herself: how men critics, heroes and authors limit female language and body to discrimination. ’Chapter Two has three parts : Caizi’s worship ,oomph and erotic punish .It analyzes how male mythology shapes and describes how Caizi’s fascination and vocation to women represent.The postscript, on the basis of previous expositions, evaluates integrally those stories by gender theory and then criticizes other stories between Ming and Qing Dynasty.

  • 【分类号】I207.4
  • 【下载频次】390

