

Developing HARBIN PHARACEUTICAL GROUP CO.,LTD. General Pharm. Factory

【作者】 赵志强

【导师】 孙德梅;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO),中国的制药企业将逐渐全面融入世界,接受经济全球化的冲击,哈药集团制药总厂同样面临国际医药跨国公司的强有力竞争。在这种严峻的市场形势下,哈尔滨制药厂和哈尔滨制药二厂的强强联合、资产重组既符合中共十五大关于深化国企改革的精神,也是在残酷的市场竞争中,主动出击、突出重围的有效途径。哈药集团是哈尔滨市的支柱企业,是中国抗生素行业的四大家族之一,是世界知名的抗生素基地。作为哈药集团的龙头,制药总厂在成立后经历了1999年的磨难,也实现了2001年的辉煌。在此期间,哈药集团制药总厂在变幻莫测、波谲云诡的市场中图生存、求发展所制定和实施的一系列战略无论对同行业企业还是其它行业企业都具有借鉴意义。本案例以1998年哈药集团制药总厂成立后企业的生产、经营、管理的状况为背景,全面叙述了哈药集团制药总厂五年来所面临的环境,所实施的战略调整和取得的成绩,以及未来几年的发展战略规划。在案例分析中运用企业战略管理、组织行为学、人力资源管理、市场营销等方面的理论,对哈药集团制药总厂五年来发展战略的指导思想、战略目标、战略重点及措施进行了总结。通过分析其发展战略实施的各个阶段及采取的措施,针对企业存在的问题,提出了解决方案。同时,对其未来的发展战略规划进行研究。

【Abstract】 With China entering into the WTO, her pharmaceutical enterprises would have entirely got to the world step by step, and received the impact from economy globality. HARBIN PHARACEUTICAL GROUP CO., LTD. General Pharm. Factory (HGPF), therefore, is also faced with the powerful competition of international medicine MultiNational Corporations. Under the critical situation, HARBIN PHARMACEUTICAL FACTORY and HARBIN PHARMACE-UTICAL No.2 FACTORY pull off the competition through combination and reorganization of assets. HARBIN PHARACEUTICAL GROUP CO., LTD. is the pillar enterprise of the Harbin city, one of the top 4 antibiotic industries of China, the well-known base of antibiotic in the world. Being in the leadership of HARBIN PHARACEUTICAL GROUP CO., LTD., General Pharm. Factory not only went through tempering of 1999 but also realized brilliant achievements of 2001. During the period, General Pharm. Factory made and executed a series of strategy which are reliable significance to the same industrial enterprises and others. The case, basing on the situation of General Pharm. Factory manufacturing, managing and administration after setting up, give a detailed description that the factory have been faced with the environment, executed the strategic reorganization and realized achievements, and the development strategic plan in the few years to come. In the analysis, the article uses a series of theories to sum up the development experience and lessons, including enterprise strategic administration, organization ethology, human resources administration and marketing etc. Through analytical results, the plan is put forward and researched to resolve difficulty in the factory.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】265

