

The Comparison of Semantic Cohesion in Certain Literary Works

【作者】 王卓

【导师】 李文超;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 英语语言文学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着翻译理论的不断完善和发展,越来越多的学者认为语篇是最理想的翻译单位,而衔接作为语篇分析的一项重要内容,在翻译中起着重要的作用。 近年来,美国学者尤金.A.奈达提出了“等效”或“动态对等”的翻译原则,旨在使译文接受者对译文信息的反应与原文接受者对原文信息的反应基本相同。衔接手段是实现等效翻译的一个必不可少的因素。但是在翻译实践中,由于两种语言和文化之间的巨大差异,绝对的对等是不可能实现的,所以对英汉两种语言衔接手段的对比分析是实现等效翻译的重要一环。英国语言学家Halliday(韩礼德)对衔接手段的五种分类以及我国语言学家们对汉语衔接手段的分析使我们对原文语篇结构的理解和翻译更加精确。一篇成功的译文不仅应当正确传达出原文的思想内容,还应巧妙地运用符合各自语言特点的衔接手段来组织译文。因此,本文尝试以篇章语言学的知识为理论基础,通过对两种语言衔接手段的对比分析,探索如何将语篇的衔接手段有效地运用于文学翻译,从而尽量避免由于语言和文化的差异而引起的意义损失。 本文分四部分。第一部分介绍衔接的定义及其在中国和西方的研究现状。第二部分讨论不同语言中进行衔接手段对比的可能性及其在翻译过程所起的重要作用。第三部分通过对英、汉名著中衔接手段的分析和对比,详细讨论了如何运用恰当的衔接手段来达到翻译的等效,并分别提出了解决差异的几种翻译方法。第四部分得出本文结论:正确处理和运用好衔接手段能够使语篇的翻译更加忠实、畅达和自然。

【Abstract】 With the development of translation theory, text has been regarded as the basic unit of translation. Thereupon, cohesion, one of the elementary components in text analysis, plays an important role in translation.A famous American linguist, Eugene A. Nida, advanced the theory of "equivalent effect" or "dynamic equivalence" which is intended that the receptors should respond to the target language (TL) message with substantially the same manner as the source language (SL) receptors do to the original. As one of the items used to connect the text, cohesion is indispensable in the equivalent effect translation. Nevertheless, this principle is impossible in practice because of the vast linguistic and cultural differences between the two languages. Thus, it is necessary to make a comparative analysis of cohesion between English and Chinese texts for the purpose of approaching the roughly equivalent effect. The classification and the analysis of cohesion made by Halliday and many Chinese linguists can help the translators to transmit the main idea of SL text to TL one accurately and to skillfully reconstruct the structure of the version with cohesive devices suitable to the characteristics of the target language. The present thesis attempts to discussthe distinctions of cohesive devices between English and Chinese texts and their application to literary translation with the adequate examples and the knowledge of text linguistics so as to compensate for the cultural and linguistic differentiations that cause the loss of meaning.This thesis is divided into five parts. Part one begins with a look at the definition of cohesion and its theoretical bases in China and in the West. Part two approaches the possibility of comparison of cohesive devices in different languages and its significance in translation. Part three focuses on making a comparison of cohesive devices in English and Chinese by providing many possible remedial measures to achieve the roughly equivalent translation. Part four draws the conclusion that properly utilizing cohesive devices in text translation can help to make the version more faithful, intelligible, natural and roughly equivalent to the original.

【关键词】 衔接翻译动态对等
【Key words】 cohesiontranslationdynamic equivalence
  • 【分类号】I046
  • 【下载频次】117

