

Design and Test of Fin Stabilizer Loading System

【作者】 王晓熠

【导师】 李福义;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 减摇鳍加载系统是模拟减摇鳍运动时所受负载的装置,是为减摇鳍的研制开发工作服务的。它的功能是模拟减摇鳍鳍片在不同角度时所受到的水流的作用力,并把此力实时的施加于鳍片,从而检测减摇鳍控制系统的技术性能指标,以达到缩短研制周期,节约研制经费,提高可靠性和成功率的目的。随着计算机技术的飞速发展,实现电液加载系统的数字化控制,是电液加载系统提高加载性能的必然趋势。电液加载系统是典型的被动式电液力伺服系统,由于受到减摇鳍鳍角的强干扰引起很大的多余力,多余力严重地影响加载系统的静、动态特性。如何利用计算机数字控制的优点和特点,结合控制算法的研究成果,最大限度的消除多余力,提高加载性能是本文进行课题研究的重点内容。因此此装置的难点就在于如何最大可能的减小或消除由于减摇鳍鳍片运动而对系统产生的强干扰,即多余力影响。 本论文首先分析了加载系统的加载原理,和多余力的产生机理和本质特性,得出多余力严重影响加载系统的加载性能,并且这种多余力是由于承载对象的位置变化引起的。其次在数学模型的基础上对系统进行仿真,分析系统的性能。为了达到设计指标采用PID控制器对系统进行了校正。由于仅用PID控制器不能够完全消除多余力影响,设计了近似扰动补偿网络来消除多余力影响,仿真结果较为理想。最后,对静、动态实验所获得的数据进行分析。

【Abstract】 The fin stabilizer loading system is the equipment for simulating the water’ s power exerted on the fin stabilizer. Its function is to simulate different water’ s movement forces exerted on the fin stabilizer on different position so as to detect technical function index of the fin stabilizer. Thus lots of time and funds can be saved, reliability and success proportion can be raised. With computer technology’ s development, the digital control is the trend of the electro-hydraulic loading system. Because fin stabilizer loading system is a typical passive loading system, the large surplus force caused by the fin stabilizer displacement seriously affects the static and dynamic of digital performances of the loading system. It is the major task that how to take the advantage of digital control technology and use control algorithm to eliminate the surplus force as could as possible, and enhance the loading characteristics.Firstly, After analyzing the generated mechanism of surplus power, it can be found that surplus power affects the capability of loading seriously. Secondly, according to the classical control theory, analyzes the capability of system and adopts PID and interfere compensation to eliminate the effects of the surplus power. Lastly, analyze the experimental data of static and dynamic loading experiments.

  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】119

