

Parameters Design of Hybrid Vehicle and Simulation Research on Motor Control System

【作者】 蒲斌

【导师】 秦大同;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 车辆工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 汽车工业的发展把能源短缺和环境污染问题推到了日益严重的位置,因此研究汽车节能、降低排放和替代燃料的新技术成了当今汽车工业的重大发展方向。尽管电动汽车是解决这类问题的最好方式,然而目前在蓄电池没有取得突破性进展的情况下,其发展受到了极大的限制。混和动力汽车(HEV)是具有低污染和低油耗特点的新一代清洁汽车,是目前解决这类问题的最佳选择,因而混合动力汽车的研究成为国际、国内汽车发展的一个引人注目的新热点。在对混合动力汽车的结构型式和动力元件进行基础性理论分析后,针对我国汽车技术发展现状和混合动力汽车技术的发展趋势,设计了一种基于金属带式无级自动变速器CVT混合动力汽车动力传动系统方案,根据该传动系统方案制定了比较合理的控制策略和工作模式,并针对长安之星6350B设计了发动机功率和起始转矩、主减速比、电机的额定功率和转矩、转矩合成器速比等相关参数,为下一步的电机控制系统仿真实验打下基础。混合动力汽车的关键技术之一—电机控制技术对混合动力汽车的发展起着决定性的作用,它不仅要保证能满足整车的各种行驶工况,而且要提高整车的动力性和经济性。本文在直接转矩控制系统的基础上提出了一种基于误差等级的直接转矩控制DTC策略,它以电机定子磁链误差、电机电磁转矩误差及磁链位置角作为控制变量,然后根据直接转矩控制原理制定控制规则来选择开关状态,进而提高系统瞬态时的转矩响应。动力平顺切换是混合动力汽车的另外一个关键技术,本文以油门开度、油门开度变化率结合整车动力性和经济性作为动力切换的依据,以保证汽车的乘坐舒适性确定目标转矩作为动力平顺切换的依据,确定了动力转换策略。为了验证以上所提出的策略,建立了电机的动态数学模型和整车动力传动模型,在此基础上分别对6350B混合动力汽车纯电机启动工况、纯电机驱动工况、纯发动机驱动工况和混合驱动工况进行了仿真计算,并与原型CVT汽车进行了比较分析。仿真结果表明,电机的误差等级转矩控制系统转矩响应迅速,动态特性好;整车动力转换平顺;整车的动力性有较大的提高,达到了相关的技术要求,为进一步的样车研制提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 The development of automobile industry induces increasingly serious problems of environment pollution and the scarcity of oil source, so it is imperious to seek for a new technology of saving energy, reducing the exhaust emission of automobile and the replaceable material. The electric vehicle (EV) is the best method to solve these both problems, but its development is currently limited by no breakthrough in battery evolvement. Having the characters of low pollution and low oil-consumption, the hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is an ideal choice to solve these existing problems at present. Therefore, the investigations on HEV become new hotspot in the field of international and national automobile. Based on the basic analysis of the structure and power elements of the hybrid vehicle, this thesis presents a powertrain system with a metal pushing belt CVT, aiming to the development status and trend of the hybrid vehicle technology in our country. A rational control strategy and its work mode of this powertrain system are determined, and correlative parameters such as the engine power, the starting torque, and the differential ratio, the rated power and torque of the motor, and the ratio of the torque synthesizer are systematically designed for the Changan Star 6350B. At the same time, the design of these parameters is considered as the base of the simulation of the motor control system in next step. As a key technology, the motor control technology plays an important role in developing the hybrid vehicle. It ensures to not only meet with all kinds of modes of the vehicle, but also improve fuel economy and dynamic performance. On the basis of the principle of Direct Torque Control, a control strategy of the grade of errors for induction motor has been proposed to improve the performance of powertrain system of hybrid vehicle in this thesis. The stator flux error, electric magnetic torque error and flux position angle are considered as control variables, and the switching states are determined by the control rules of the Direct Torque Control. Thereby this approach can acquire the faster response of the electric magnetic torque without the plenty of calculations. Another key technology is to realize the power switching steadily. According to accelerator pedal angle and accelerator pedal angle ratio, and fuel<WP=6>economy and dynamic performance,the time for power switching is determined. Then, based on the target torque required by the automobile easement, power switching steadily is obtained. After synthesizing the above information, the control strategy on power switching steadily is achieved in this thesis. The dynamic mathematical model of the motor and the whole powertrain model were built to verify the validity of the strategy in the above. At last, the starting mode of single motor, the driving mode of single motor, the driving mode of single engine, and the driving mode of hybrid power were simulated for the Changan Star 6350B, and the result of the simulation is compared with the prototype CVT. Results show that the presented control strategies are ideal for hybrid vehicle, which can make the motor generate the electric magnetic torque efficiently, steadily and quickly. And dynamic performance of whole vehicle is largely increased to achieve the related technology requirements. This investigation provides a theoretic foundation for the development of the hybrid vehicle.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】U469.79
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】1215

