

Developing of Ecomaterials’ Website and Database of Materials Environmental Loads

【作者】 韩宪兵

【导师】 刘江龙;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 材料学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 由于环境问题的日益严重,生态环境材料及与之相关的材料环境协调性评价的研究,已经成为国内外材料科学技术工作者和各国政府的焦点所在。本课题针对目前国内环境材料的发展情况,着重在环境材料网站建立和材料环境负荷数据库开发两个方面作了深入的研究。本文分析了环境材料网站的发展现状,探讨了当前网站的特点。在综合评估国内外环境材料网站建设和一般网站的建立的基础之上,结合环境材料学科的特点,开发了环境材料专业网站"中国环境材料网"。本环境材料网站以DREAMWEAVER、PHOTOSHOP等为主要开发工具,实现了环境材料资源导航和环境材料研究网络化,为材料工作者提供了一个获取环境材料信息和交流相关科研成果的网上虚拟场所。结合网站建设,通过对环境材料学科信息体系的分析,提出了适应网络化信息传播的分类方法。与此同时,本网站由下列七大模块构成,即:环境材料研究模块、政策规章模块、数据库模块、西部资源模块、产业信息模块、材料论坛模块、下载模块。各个模块独立开发,互不干扰,但又都采用了统一的开发模式,将应用设计、权限定义和网页编辑等功能结合起来进行开发。该环境材料网站的研究与建立为我们进行环境材料学的网络化发展提供了重要的手段,为进一步开发环境材料专业网站积累了经验,同时也为环境材料的应用和推广创造了条件。构建了较为完善的在线材料环境负荷数据库。该环境材料数据库使材料的环境评价在更大的时间和空间范围内进行数据交流和应用成为可能。该数据库将常用材料分为五个大类,即:金属材料、有色金属及合金、复合材料、高分子材料、陶瓷材料。与此同时,配套设计了较为全面的材料性能参数和环境参数。其性能参数主要包括物理性能和化学性能,而环境参数主要指环境评价指标。材料环境负荷数据库系统具有以下特点:基于Internet建立,针对面广,应用范围大;无需开发用户端软件,维护、升级方便;具有良好的开放性和可维护性;用户操作使用简单方便,界面设计美观大方。该数据库能够及时准确地向用户提供材料环境负荷评价数据,结合环境材料网站,在一定程度上实现了计算机辅助的材料选择和产品设计。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the situation of environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious. This research on ecomaterials and relative materials environmental loads has become the focus of all material scientists and governments. The website building of ecomaterials and construction of the database in materials environmental loads are mainly concerned in the paper, within a situation like current China’s development on ecomaterials. A statistic on the websites in ecomaterials is made in this paper and some characteristics of them are given. According to the general principles in website building and specific characteristics of ecomaterials, a new website has been built with the Internet address www.ecomaterials.org.cn. During the work, some software, like Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Photoshop are used to help building the website. This site makes it possible for free exploring on website in ecomaterials and contributes to the research of ecomaterials with the help of Internet. It still presents a virtual space for material engineers to get information from, to communicate with each other, and to share relative resources or discovery in their research. During the work on the website, together with an analysis on information system of ecomaterials, a classification of ecomaterials is given out to help its development in network. In the mean while, the website could be separated into seven main parts, such as research on ecomaterials, policies and documents, database, west resources, industries and business, ecomaterials forum, download part. Each of the part is developed separately and would not affect each other. At the same time all parts are built on a general developing mode which ensures the integrity of the whole website. The research and construction of this website could provide conditions for the utilization and popularization of ecomaterials.The other important part in this paper is the construction of online database for environmental loads of materials. This database makes it possible for the data exchanging and utilizing in a much larger extension both in time and space. In this database, the most usual material is divided into five categories: Ferrous metal, Non ferrous metal and alloy, Composite material, Polymer, Ceramic. The database also provides many parameters of each material, including chemical, physical and environmental relative. The database has some specific characteristics such as wide<WP=6>range using groups, easy management and maintenance, easy using and be accepted.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP393.092
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】241

