

Study on Implementation Strategy and Methods of Business Process Reengineering Based on Influencing Factors of Process

【作者】 余玮

【导师】 张思复;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 “企业流程再造”(BPR)是上个世纪90年代以来,企业处于经济全球化和市场不确定的环境下,为确保自身的生存和发展,在西方企业界首先兴起的一门管理技术。该技术很快风靡全球并传入我国,对企业的发展和业绩的提高起到了积极的促进作用。但在我国,由于传入时间较短,企业对该管理技术的认识、理解还不够深入,同时具体实施该技术的策略、方法和手段与国外也存在较大差距。为促进我国企业的不断发展,本文通过对国内外企业流程再造(BPR)理论和实践的研究、总结,并结合我国某企业的流程再造项目,对BPR的应用及其实施中的方法、手段进行了认真的研究,并取得了以下成果:首先,本文通过对企业流程运行效率影响因素的分析,指出了企业战略、组织结构、人员与技术等因素与流程运行效率之间的相互影响,针对各因素对流程影响的途径,探讨了流程再造实施的基本思路和策略,提出由企业战略导向到业务流程,再到企业组织保障的链式解决方案。然后,通过对企业流程再造战略导向内涵的讨论,研究了战略导向下的流程再造的实施策略与方法。提出战略目标的确定和目标分解是流程再造方向性的指导基础,指出了流程再造实施中的一个关键环节——再造对象的识别与选取的基本依据必然是企业的战略目标。接着研究了如何以战略为导向实施流程再造的方法:比较分析了CSF法、权重分析法、绩效性-重要性矩阵等方法在再造对象的选取中的应用,解决了寻找企业核心流程的方法;重点研究了质量功能配置(QFD)法在再造实施中的应用,以寻找流程环节中的瓶颈问题。第三,本文针对传统“职能导向的组织结构”存在的弊端进行分析,指出了组织结构只是企业流程运行的显现,流程再造或流程改善的必然结果是组织调整。重点研究了基于流程再造的组织调整的方法及工具:首先构建了流程模型,这是再造实施中进行组织分析和组织调整的一项基础工作;然后运用时间-价值模型对单个流程的绩效进行定性和定量的分析,并且主要研究了流程活动的处理对岗位、职能调整的影响和具体实施方法。论文最后介绍了H企业BPR项目的实施情况。即运用上述研究的初步成果,通过对H企业进行全面的调研分析,建立了企业流程框架体系;并结合战略诊断及组织诊断,提出了H企业流程再造的具体思路;在正确选择再造对象的基础上,对流程进行了优化设计并付诸实施,最终取得了显著的绩效。

【Abstract】 "Business Process Reengineering"(BPR) is a new management technology, which initiated and widely spread in the western business world in the 1990’s,and it is employed for enterprise to survive and develop in the economy globalization and ever-changing market. And in no time BPR prevails in the whole world, and it is also introduced to China, where it has played an active role in improving the performance of enterprises. However, since it has a shorter history in China, there exists a larger gap between China and the western countries in the understanding of theory, implementation strategy, and relevant means of BPR. In order to tap the potentials of China’s enterprises, the papers makes a deep research on theory and application of BPR in the domestic and overseas. And based on a BPR project in Company H, it makes the discussion over the implementation strategy and means of BPR. And it obtains such research results as follows:Firstly, based on analyses of influencing factors on efficiency of business processes, it illustrates the relationship between business and strategy, organizational structure, human resource, and technology, etc. As to the approach of influences of relevant factors on process, the paper discusses a basic thought to implement business process reengineering, and put forward an integrated solution involving strategy planning, business process, and organizational facilities. Secondly, based on discussions on strategy-orientation of BPR, it makes a research on implementation strategy and approach of strategy-oriented BPR. And it indicates that strategy and decomposition of strategy goal are the foundation of BPR and determine the direction of BPR, and that identification and choose of reengineering objects depends on corporate strategy, which is one of important stage in BPR. The paper also discusses the means how to perform a strategy-oriented BPR program: it makes comparisons and analyses on application of Critical Success Factors (CSF), Proportion Analysis, Importance and Performance Matrix in selections of processes objects to be reengineered, it also lays emphasis on the application of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) into BPR implementation for the "bottleneck" activities in the selected processes.Thirdly, to remove the obstacles brought by "functions-oriented organizational structure", the paper points out that organizational structure is only indication of internal business processes, and any improvement or reengineering of processes will lead to<WP=6>organizational transformation. It concentrates on BPR-based organizational transformation tools and means: a process model should be established at first since it’s the foundation to analyze and optimize organizational structure in BPR implementation, and then a time-value model is introduced to make the qualitative and quantitive analyses on performance of singular process. On the basis of activities optimization of the related process, the paper can put forwards specific approaches for position adjustment and organizational transformation.Finally, the paper makes discussions on the implementation of BPR project in Company H. On the basis of research results mentioned above and overall investigation in Company H, we have succeeded in establishing its process management framework. Together with strategy diagnosis and organization diagnosis, we put forwards the approaches of BPR in Company, choose the right reengineering objects, redesign or optimize the process, put the reengineered processes into practice, and obtain the satisfactory outcomes.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】F270.7
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】449

