


【作者】 杜良晖

【导师】 邓蜀阳;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 城市空间联系节是指由各种立体交通方式、空间构成、设施的存在而形成的,或者是包含这些立体交通方式、并以之为特色的城市公共空间及其周围地区。空间立体联系节在城市功能和城市景观系统中都担负着非常重要的作用。它是城市内部、城市与外界之间人流、物流的汇集和疏散节点,也是城市景观、特色环境的组成部分。 笔者是通过分析多种形式公共空间的构成、功能、布局,从中归纳出这些空间的相似之处,才提出了“空间立体联系节”的城市设计概念。本文对这些共性做了陈述与总结,以期初步形成一套理论,对今后我国城市与“空间立体联系节”相关的建设规划、意向性决策和具体的组织设计起一定的实际参考作用。 本文按照从理论探讨到具体设计,从一般形式到特殊形式的逻辑顺序展开,力图建构起城市空间立体联系节城市设计的框架,为空间立体联系节设计提供指导作用。本文的结构包括四大部分:第一部分对空间立体联系节做出定义,介绍与之相关的城市设计理论、空间概念,并对空间立体联系节的产生与发展、现状作一般介绍。第二部分是基础研究部分,讨论空间立体联系节各种属性、分类、构成要素以及与人使用有关的方面。第三部分是空间立体联系节的设计部分,包括设计范围、空间构成、设计原则、设计要点、评价标准、具体设计形式等几个部分。第四部分讨论山地城市空间立体联系节设计这一特例,介绍山地城市、交通的特殊性,对其特有的几种空间立体联系节的形式、基本功能、设计要点等做具体陈述。

【Abstract】 "Connecting Node of Urban Space" refers to the open space and its surrounding areas which are created by some forms or facilities of spatial transportation, or which include those facilities and are characterized by them. The node takes an important part in urban function and landscape, which gathers and distributes people and other materials between areas and cities. It is also a composing factor of city features.The author put forward the conception of "Spatial Connecting Node of Urban Space" by analyzing the composition, function and layout of all kinds of public spaces, and by summarizing the similarity of them. This article is supposed to create a set of theories, by consulting which we can find some instruction in the planning, design and construction of "Spatial Connecting Node of Urban Space".The whole thesis develops in a logical order from theory to design practice, from universal to specialty. It is aimed to build the frame of the urban design in "Spatial Connecting Node of Urban Space", and to guide the construction of it. The structure of this article is composed of four parts: The first part defines the "Spatial Connecting Node of Urban Space", and makes an introduction of some related conceptions, such as the theory of urban design, the definition of space, the history, the development and the actuality of it. The second part is concerned on some basic investigation, introducing the attribution, classification, composed factors and some other aspects concerning the use of people of "Spatial Connecting Node of Urban Space". The third part makes a detailed statement on the design of "Spatial Connecting Node of Urban Space", including the design contents, space composition, design principles, design essence, evaluation, and some forms of it. The fourth part has a special discussion on the design of "Spatial Connecting Node of Urban Space" in mountainous cities, focused on the unique condition of its topography and transportation. Some unique forms of "Spatial Connecting Node of Urban Space" are mentioned in this part to present its function and design principles.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】TU984.113
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】607

