

The Study about Small-and-Medium Sized Broadband Network Provider Development Strategy

【作者】 王烽

【导师】 张卫国;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着技术的进步和互联网经济在全球范围内的高速发展,宽带网是继?COM"泡沫"破灭后互联网产业的又一热点。新千年开始,全国各地各类投资商纷纷拆巨资"跑马圈地",以期在市场份额上抢占宽带网市场领先地位,但是当这些"巨额现金’堆成’的网络线路面向用户时,市场并没有给投资商们预期的回报,宽带网运营商不仅投资回收遥遥无期,还要继续烧掉大量的现金去维持网络的正常运行,大批中小型宽带网运营商苦苦支撑,有的甚至濒临破产。作为一个新兴产业,从长远角度看宽带网无疑有美好的市场前景,但作为一个新兴产业的先驱,中小型宽带网运营商该如何处理短期困境和长远利益之间的矛盾,如何有效地进行产品推广,如何面对产业中激烈的竞争,实现可持续发展是整个业界亟待解决的问题。本文运用战略管理理论中战略管理模型、价值链、盈亏平衡点、五种竞争力模型、新兴产业战略管理、市场营销学等思想理论和方法,对宽带网产业内外环境(包括技术、竞争状况、市场状况等)进行详细分析,总结了中小型宽带网运营商在市场营销、资源配置、经营成本、产品结构、政策管制等几个方面的优劣势,并析出其中的关键因素,运用大战略矩阵、SWOT分析矩阵,提出中小型宽带网运营商一进一退两种截然不同的发展战略,即“渐进式退出”策略和“一体化”策略。其中在退出策略中设计了中小型宽带网的“渐进式退出模型”;“一体化”策略包括了横向一体化、纵向一体化和相关多元化,在“一体化”策略实施问题上着重讨论宽带网运营商如何运用需求差别定价法重新制定接入服务的价格体系从而改善产品推广窘况,如何优化服务和销售业务流程建立CRM系统缔造中小型运营商的核心竞争力从而改变自身在竞争中的不利状况。本文同时引用了经济学中交易理论、价格歧视理论、规模经济理论的部分内容对宽带网行业相关现象和观点进行解释,以证明相应战略的可行性。

【Abstract】 With the progress of technology and developing of Internet economy in the world, the BroadBand network becomes another hotspot in Internet field When the foam of .com comes to almost nil.With the beginning of New Thousand Year,hot waves of the Broad Band surge throughout the country,sorts of investors come and make huge expenses in a constinuous stream to make a majority of marketing lot and lead up the position of Broad Band market.However,when the net circuity,which is based on huge numbers of cash,is facing the consumers,market really does not redound upon the investors inexpection. Broadband Network Providers are not only in far-off-term of investigation callback,but have to continue burning off huge numbers of cash to maintain well-balanced run of network.Lots of small-and-medium sized providers suffer a lot from such hard situation,some of whom are even on the verge of bankruptcy.As a burgeoning industry,Without question, The Broadand field is of capacious forground.As a forerunner, how to deal with the conflict between the current lurch and the long-term benefit by the small-and-medium sized Broadband Network Providers,how to carry out effective action in product popularizing,how to face the drastic competition,how to realize durative devolopment,those problems need to be settled in short time.This text firstly wields theories and ploys as strategical administration matrix, balance-point of profit and loss,five competitory models and burgeoning strategical administr ation,which is to make a comparatively embedded analysis on Broadband inside-and-out side condition including technical level,consumer characters,competitive status and mark eting status,etc,to bring forward available correspondence hypothesis of consumere and to put forward two ways-out for small-and-medium sized Providers by SWOT matrix and big strategy matrix.One is Gradualism Retreat Tactic.Considering the particularity of BroadBand Network industry,this text gives the design of Gradualism Retreat Pattern.The other is Incorporate Strategy of scale domino and much more effective negotiationchip.Especially,this text puts emphasis on discussion of Incorporate implement methods,proposing to adopt the way of demanding contrast prise-fixing and output pluralism of products so as to induce the consumers to cut down marketing breeding periodicity,use CRM to establish core competity for small-and-medium sized providers and simultaneously lay a foundation of next commingle dealing in this field.<WP=6> Meanwhile,this text cites economics theory of exchanging,price discrimination theory,part of scale ecomonic theories,on which detailed explanations are made of relevant economic phenomenon and viewpoints of Wide Band field,with which to proof feasibility and reference of corresponding strategy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【下载频次】93

