

Commercial Space Design in Historic District Rehabiliation

【作者】 刘晓莉

【导师】 陈永昌;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 从20世纪30年代西方某些国家开始历史片区保护的尝试,到50年代后期西方旧城改造运动的大规模兴起,直至我国80年代开始的对旧城保护的自觉探索,近一百年的实践,在国外已经形成一套较为成熟的环境保护策略和历史建筑更新再利用的设计手法,我国也出现了不少旧城改造和历史街区保护更新的案例。当前,如何在巨大商业利益的诱惑下对历史街区的更新模式保持审慎的心态,如何将国内外历史建筑改建的优秀成果与经验进行提炼和总结,摸索出一套适宜于我国国情的历史建筑及环境再利用的更新手法,成为摆在建筑师面前的难题。历史建筑及环境的更新和再利用代表着城市有机生长的过程,旧有形式与新功能的矛盾与冲突涉及到社会学、哲学以及文化等多个领域的深层次问题,本文选择最能切实有效的解决现阶段我国历史街区保护与发展矛盾的改造模式——文化休闲性商业街改造为切入点,从可行性研究层面,结合城市社会学、心理学的相关内容,力求对历史建筑及其所处环境更新再利用过程中的理论指导与具体改造利用手法进行相关分析和阐述。论文首先从宏观入手,将历史街区放入城市生态大系统中,从整体上分析能强化历史街区商业区位与商业价值的相关因素,提出进行商业环境更新的指导原则,进而阐述增强商业环境活性的具体更新手法;其次,深化到历史建筑及其细部设计的中、微观层面,结合国内外优秀改建实例,对历史建筑适应商业新功能的改建要素、室内空间更新手法以及在商业环境中创造历史关联性等各方面进行了深入探讨。最后,对作为我国历史街区改造优秀范例的上海“新天地”广场项目进行了全面系统的分析总结,再一次支持与印证本文论题和相关论点,并由此引发对我国旧城区更新改造现状的思考以及对改造前景的展望。我们坚信:历史保护不是简单意义上的史料或传统样式的遗存,它应体现一种活的演进过程,存在于人的智慧和观念形态里,融合着过去和现在。

【Abstract】 Today the protection and renewal of historic environment is widely focused. Since the 1930s some western countries began the conservation of Historic District, a mature system of policy has been formed to guide their practices. In China, more and more urban renewal projects have appeared in the twenty years but are in chaos to some extent. So how can we keep calm before the temptation of exploitation and make full of the excellent experiences of the western architects to develop the fit means for current historic building and environment reconstructions in China are being called into questions.The renewal of historic building and its environment embodies the progress of city and comes down to many aspects of sociology, philosophy and the human’s culture while it always stay in the dilemma of "protection" and "development". Considering the circumstance, this paper chooses the commercial reuse of the historic buildings as necessary and appropriate pattern to promote the revitalization of old districts. Involving with urban sociology and psychology, corresponding governing principals and applicable reconstruction methods are brought forward.First, we take the historic district into urban ecosystem to analyze its advantages and shortcomings on macroscopical level, to introduce active factors activating the commercial atmosphere; then, deepen the discussion into building-unit and details. Referring to a lot of convictive examples, we probe into the design elements, the methods of new space recreation and the continuity of historic information thoroughly. In the end, systematically analyze the "Xin Tian Di" project in Shanghai, China, we reiterate the major idea of this paper: only when the historic buildings and their environments have displayed corresponding "faces" the time endows them, they are animated.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU984.13
  • 【被引频次】30
  • 【下载频次】1762

