

Study on Marketing Process Reengineering for Manufacturing Enterprise

【作者】 刘中伟

【导师】 廖成林;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 企业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科技的发展、计算机与网络通讯技术的应用,产品生命周期越来越短、品种越来越多,顾客的需求日益呈现多样化的趋势,企业之间的竞争程度越来越激烈,竞争方式由单个企业之间的竞争演化为企业所在供应链之间的竞争。制造企业营销环境将发生极其深刻的变化,这对制造企业营销业务流程提出了新的挑战,运用业务流程再造理论,如何对制造企业的营销业务流程进行重新思考与再造,以应对新的营销环境和挑战,是一个值得研究的课题。课题从理论研究、应用设计、和实际应用三个层面、八个部分对制造企业的营销业务流程再造问题进行研究与探索。首先,主要对营销业务流程再造的有关理论问题进行研究。利用现有的相关理论,进行流程再造的经济学分析,寻求流程再造的经济价值;进行营销业务流程的描述和模型构建,从理论上找出如何实施营销流程再造的方法;进行营销渠道成员间的混合博弈分析,论证营销流程再造建立营销渠道合作关系的必要性。其次,对制造企业营销业务流程进行诊断,先对现有营销流程和营销组织进行分析,然后找出其存在问题,并提出再造的方法。第三,针对存在问题,依据营销业务流程再造的指导思想和原则,提出营销业务流程再造的总体框架和再造后的流程;围绕如何实现新的营销业务流程,从营销渠道的信息系统、供应链、物流和客户关系进行设计,然后基于再造后的营销业务流程,提出新营销组织应具有的特性,并设计出再造后营销组织模式及实现组织再造的途径。第四,为对营销业务流程再造的效果进行评价,对实施营销业务流程再造而达到改善营销绩效的作用机理进行分析,由此而构建指标评价体系,并提出评价方法和步骤。第五,在上文进行分析研究的基础上,提出了制造企业实施营销业务流程再造的九个步骤,同时,还提出了实施再造的保障和建议。最后,将课题研究的理论在东风专用汽车公司进行实际应用,以期对营销业务流程再造所得结论进行检验。

【Abstract】 With the developing of science and technology, computer and internet technology being used broadly, products’ lifespan are becoming shorter and shorter, customers demands present various, and the competitions among enterprise are becoming more drastic. Even more, the competitions among single enterprise have transformed new forms among supply chain. What measure do the manufacturer take to challenge new marketing circumstance? How do we rethink the present marketing process by using reengineering theory? Based on the analysis of the new situation manufacturers face with, the thesis suggests that existed marketing process should be reengineering.The dissertation studies manufacturer marketing process reengineering from the perspectives of theoretical research, application design, and practiced applied. It concludes eight sections.First, It mainly studies correlative basic theories about marketing process reengineering. The theory about reengineering is analyzed by using economics and philosophy in order to find its value. Besides, it constructs model about marketing process and activities in order to find the method how to implement Finally, It demonstrates it is necessary to establish collaboration between members marketing channel through constructing games model.Second, marketing process is diagnosed by analyzing marketing process and organization, and then, the question in marketing process is thanked out, last, ways and means of marketing process reengineering is put forward.Third, the framework of marketing process reengineering is put forward according to the ideology and principle for MPR. Marketing information systems, supplying chain, logistics and CRM is designed for new marketing process to ensure realization for re-design marketing process. Then, new model of marketing process is given on the basis of new process.Forth, marketing performance mechanism is analyzed in that marketing effect need to be evaluated in reengineering. Therefore, marketing performance evaluating index systems is constructed and the evaluating method is given.Fifth, reengineering steps, ensuring and advice for manufacturers is put forward on the study above chapters.Last, the conclusion carried out as above is put into practice in Dong Feng Special Truck Corporation to testify the conclusion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】F406
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】551

