

The Research on Durability Assessment Method of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Structural Members

【作者】 潘毅

【导师】 陈朝晖;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 结构工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 钢筋混凝土结构是应用最为普遍、范围最广的结构形式,由于钢筋锈蚀引起钢筋混凝土结构的过早破坏,已成为土木工程界普遍关注的一大焦点。对国内大量在役钢筋混凝土构件进行耐久性评定,具有重要的现实意义和经济效益。本文以锈蚀混凝土构件为研究对象,在研究锈蚀构件的受力性能和破坏形态的基础上,结合近年来国内外钢筋锈蚀耐久性研究方面所取得的成果,将定量计算与定性分析相结合,进行了锈蚀混凝土构件耐久性评定方法的研究,划分了耐久性评定的层次和等级。本文主要做了以下几个方面的工作:1) 总结了钢筋锈蚀的耐久性研究现状;2) 介绍了构件各个评定项目(混凝土保护层锈胀开裂、保护层锈胀裂缝限值、氯离子侵蚀、变形与承载力)的计算方法,划分了锈蚀构件耐久性评定的层次和等级,初步建立了考虑多种因素的锈蚀钢筋混凝土构件耐久性评定方法。3) 通过锈蚀钢筋混凝土基本构件(梁、板和柱)耐久性试验,研究了锈蚀后构件的受力性能和破坏形态,并分析了影响构件的承载力和延性的各种因素。4) 编制了一种基于构件耐久性综合评定方法的计算机软件——现役钢筋混凝土结构耐久性评估专家系统,并以试验构件和福建省三明钢厂露天栈桥柱钢筋锈蚀的实测数据,应用专家系统进行了锈蚀构件的耐久性评定。通过对锈蚀构件耐久性评定结果的分析,验证了该评定方法的合理性和可行性。本文得出:虽然构件耐久性评定涉及的因素多、不确定性和不确知性强,但根据钢筋锈蚀的微观机理和宏观现象的特征建立其性能退化模型,是可以较准确评定锈蚀构件耐久性等级及预测其剩余寿命的;构件的耐久性等级与目标使用年限紧密相关,随着目标使用年限的增加,构件的耐久性等级也随之下降;在实际工程评定中,适用耐久性往往先于安全耐久性达不到使用要求,因此不仅要关注构件的安全耐久性,而且也要注意构件的适用耐久性,尤其是对一些外观要求较高的结构;钢筋锈蚀是影响构件耐久性的主要因素,尤其是在构件锈胀开裂后,应加强维修,提高构件的耐久性,避免不必要的损失

【Abstract】 Reinforced concrete structure is a structure form that is most widely applied in engineering. Since it is found that the reinforced concrete structure is demolished prematurely because of the corrosion of reinforcement, it becomes a focus to which civil engineering field pays attention generally. So it is very practically and economically valuable to evaluate the durability of a vast number of concrete structures in service in China.Corroded reinforced concrete members are the research object in this dissertation. Based on studying mechanics property and destroy pattern of corrosion members, and combined with recent national and international achievements in reinforcement corroding durability research, durability assessment of corroding reinforcement concrete member is studied through combining quality analysis with quantity calculation. Furthermore, assessment level and grade are given. The main works of this dissertation are as follows:1) The most recent durability research of reinforcement corrosion is generalized.2) Each calculation method of member assessment item (including concrete cover cracking because of corrosion, concrete cover cracking limitation, chloride-ion eroding, deformation and bearing capacity) is introduced. Then the grade of corroding reinforcement concrete member is given. And the corroded reinforced concrete member durability assessment method considering manifold influence factors is primarily established. 3) Corroded reinforced concrete basic member (such as beams, slabs and columns) durability experiments have been carried out to study the influence of corrosion on the mechanics property and destroy pattern of it. Then influence factors of the structure member’s bearing and ductility is studied.A computer software--Expert System for the Durability Assessment of In-Serving Reinforced Concrete Structures (ESDAR-1 in simple)--has been programmed. The ESDAR-1 is based on the member durability synthesis assessment method. In this dissertation, using corrosion reinforcement measuring data of experiment member and steelworks outdoor trestle column in Shangming City, Fujian province, the ESDAR-1 is applied to assess corroded member’s durability. Through analyzing durability assessment results<WP=6>4) of corroded members, rationality and feasibility of the durability assessment method are validated.The conclusions obtained in this dissertation are as follows: Firstly, although member durability assessment relate to many uncertain and unsure factors, degraded mode which is established according to corrosion reinforce character of microcosmic mechanism and macro phenomenon can assess corrosion reinforcement’s durability grade and estimate member’s residual life comparative exactly. Secondly, member’s durability grade associates with expected service life closely. Member’s durability grade descends with expected service life increasing. Thirdly, in engineering assessment, service durability often depresses to a level lower than that of working requirement earlier than safety durability. So we should pay attention to member service durability as well as member safety durability, especially when some structures need good appearance. Finally, reinforcement corrosion is a primary factor that influences member durability. Especially after the cover cracks because of corrosion, it is necessary to make repair efforts to improve member durability in order to avoiding unnecessary loss

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU375
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】468

