

Monitoring for Insecticides Resistance in the Green Apple Aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) and Primary Studies on Resistance Mechanism

【作者】 徐琴

【导师】 韩巨才;

【作者基本信息】 山西农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究了山西省忻州、晋中、运城地区苹果黄蚜(Aphis citricola von der Goot)种群对常用杀虫剂的抗药性;并通过增效剂增效作用和生物化学离体酶系的研究,初步探索了苹果黄蚜的抗性机制;进行了常用杀虫剂对苹果黄蚜及其天敌七星瓢虫的选择性毒力研究及田间药效试验;并提出了苹果黄蚜抗性治理策略。 1.采用点滴法测定了山西省三地区苹果黄蚜种群对常用杀虫剂的敏感性。以LD50值为依据,忻州种群对杀虫剂的敏感性顺序依次为齐墩螨素>吡虫啉>高效氯氰菊酯>氯氟氢菊酯>溴氰菊酯>氟氯氢菊酯>甲氰菊酯>氯氰菊酯>氰戊菊酯>灭多威>氧化乐果>杀螟硫磷>马拉硫磷>水胺硫磷>敌敌畏。晋中种群对杀虫剂的敏感性顺序依次为高效氯氰菊酯>齐墩螨素>氯氟氢菊酯>吡虫啉>氟氯氢菊酯>甲氰菊酯>氯氰菊酯>溴氰菊酯>氰戊菊酯>灭多威>氧化乐果>马拉硫磷>敌敌畏>杀螟硫磷>水胺硫磷。运城种群对杀虫剂的敏感性顺序依次为齐墩螨素>高效氯氰菊酯>吡虫啉>灭多威>氯氟氢菊酯>氧化乐果>氟氯氢菊酯>溴氰菊酯>氯氰菊酯>敌敌畏>氰戊菊酯>杀螟硫磷>马拉硫磷>甲氰菊酯>水胺硫磷。忻州、运城苹果黄蚜种群均对齐墩螨素的敏感性最高,晋中苹果黄蚜种群则对高效氯氰菊酯的敏感性最高。 2.山西省忻州、晋中、运城三地区苹果黄蚜种群对常用杀虫剂的抗性水平为:忻州苹果黄蚜种群对溴氰菊酯、氟氯氢菊酯和氰戊菊酯无明显抗性(2.03~2.63倍),对甲氰菊酯表现低水平抗性(6.76倍);晋中苹果黄蚜种群对氟氯氢菊酯、氰戊菊酯和甲氰菊酯均无明显抗性(2.65~4.50倍),对溴氰菊酯表现低水平抗性(6.21倍);运城苹果黄蚜种群对溴氰菊酯、氟氯氢菊酯和氰戊菊酯表现中水平抗性(28.10~41.85倍),对甲氰菊酯表现极高水平杭性(23 6.09倍).忻州、晋中苹果黄蚜种群对氧化乐果均无明显杭性(2.60,2.65倍)和对水胺硫磷均表现中水平杭性(n.%,1 6.28倍);运城苹果黄蚜种群对氧化乐果表现为低水平杭性(5.78倍),对水胺硫磷产生了高水平杭性(6 3.68嘟。三个种群对齐墩端素、咄虫琳、高效氛氛菊醋均仍属于敏感种群。 3.增效剂增效作用研究表明,苹果黄蚜对氛戊菊醋和灭多威杭性的形成可能与体内微粒体多功能氧化酶为主体酶系;对氧化乐果抗性的形成可能以体内微粒体多功能氧化酶酶活性提高和表皮穿透能力降低为主;此外,戎酸醋酶、谷耽甘肤一S一转移酶活性提高和乙酞胆碱敏醋酶敏感度降低也与苹果黄蚜种群杭性的形成有关.增效研究还表明,氮酮能够直接提高齐墩端素对苹果黄蚜的表皮穿透力(其增效倍数达1 37.7倍),显著提高杀虫效果.生物化学离体酶系研究表明,忻州、晋中、运城三地区抗性苹果黄蚜种群体内数酶醋酶、乙酞胆碱醋酶、谷耽甘肤一S一转移酶及多功能氧化酶的酶活力水平均与杭性水平相一致,进一步表明,解毒酶系酶活力水平的提高是苹果黄蚜产生杭性的重要机制。结合增效研究,推测苹果黄蚜杭性机制以微粒体多功能氧化酶为主体酶系。 4.常用杀虫剂对苹果黄蚜及其天敌七星瓢虫选择性毒力研究结果表明,毗虫琳对七星瓢虫和苹果黄蚜的选择性显著高于有机磷、菊醋类杀虫剂,也明显高于灭多威和齐墩端素,在供试的16种杀虫剂中对天敌七星瓢虫最为安全;有机磷和菊醋类杀虫剂中则分别以马拉硫磷和氟氛氢菊醋对七星瓢虫和苹果黄蚜的选择性最高. 5.用几种单剂和混剂对苹果黄蚜进行了田间药效试验,结果表明单剂丁硫克百威、毗虫琳、阿佛菌素(或称齐墩端素)和混剂辛灭乳油对苹果黄蚜均具有良好防效,持效期长,使用安全,可在生产实践中替代敏感性降低或已产生杭性的药剂防治苹果黄蚜. 6.在抗性监测的基础上,作者提出了苹果黄蚜杭性治理策略,主要包括:加强虫情测报,提供科学依据;替代使用新型杀虫剂;杀虫剂使用策略;化学防治与天敌控制相结合;化学防治与农业防治相结合。

【Abstract】 The resistance of the field populations of the green apple aphid (Aphis citricola von der goot) from Xinzhou, Jinzhong, Yuncheng regions of Shanxi Province to insecticides was tested. Based on the studies of the effect of synergists and biochemical studies, omethoate-resistant, fenvalerate-resistant and methomyl-resistant mechanism was discussed. The selective toxicity studies of insecticides to the ladybird beetle (Coccinella septempunctala) and aphids and test to control of the field aphids with several insecticides were also carried out. In addition, resistance management for the green apple aphid was suggested.The susceptibility of the green apple aphid from three regions to insecticides was tested with topical application recommended by FAO. Based on LD50 values, the result showed that the order of susceptibility of Xinzhou strain to commonly used insecticides was avermectin > imidacloprid > beta-cypermethrin > lambdacyhalothrin > deltamethrin > cyfluthrin > fenpropathrin > cypermethrin > fenvalerate > methomyl > omethoate > fenitrothion > malathion > isocabophos > dichlorvos; that of Jinzhong strain was beta-cypermethrin > avermectin > lambdacyhalothrin > imidacloprid > cyfluthrin > fenpropathrin > cypermethrin> deltamethrin > fenvalerate > methomyl > omethoate > malathion > dichlorvos > fenitrothion > isocabophos; and that of Yuncheng strain was avermectin > beta-cypermethrin> imidacloprid > methomyl > lambdacyhalothrin > omethoate > cyfluthrin > deltamethrin > cypermethrin > dichlorvos > fenvalerate > fenitrothion > malathion > fenpropathrin > isocabophos. The susceptibility of the Xinzhou and Yuncheng strains to avermectin was the highest and of the Jinzhong strain to beta-cypermethrin was the highest.The results indicated that the adult females of Xinzhou strain had developed low level of resistance to fenpropathrin (6.76-fold) and moderate level of resistance to isocabophos (11.96-fold); and Jinzhong strain had developed low level of resistance to deltamethrin (6.21-fold) and also moderate level of resistance to isocabophos (16.28-fold). However the aphid population of Yuncheng strain had developed low level of resistance to omethoate (5.78-fold); moderate levels of resistance to deltamethrin, cyfluthrin and fenvalerate (28.10-~ 41.85-fold) and high level of resistance to isocabophos (63.68-fold) and fenpropathrin(236.09-fold). Three green apple aphid strains are all still susceptible to avermectin, imidacloprid and beta-cypennethrin.Studies on the effect of synergists on the toxicity of commonly used insecticides to resistant aphids and biochemical studies indicated that mixed function oxidase (MFO) system may be the major enzyme systems involved in the detoxification of omethoate, fenvalerate and methomyl. Reduced penetration of insecticides also contributed to the omethoate-resistance. In addition, the resistance of the green apple aphid may be related to the increased activities of the enzyme systems including carboxylesterase (CarE) and glutathion-s- transferase (GST) and possibly acetylcholinesterase (AChE) insensitivity. Therefore, the activities of detoxification enzyme systems were important mechanism of the green apple aphid resistance to insecticides.The selective toxicity of insecticides to the ladybird beetle and aphid indicated that among the commonly used insecticides imidacloprid was most safe to predator the larvae of the ladybird beetle whereas organophosphates and pyrethroids were less safe. And maiathrin and cyfluthrin had more high selectivity than other organophosphates and pyrethroids. Therefore avermectin was highly toxic to predator though the green apple aphid was most susceptible to it.The results of test to control the field aphids with several insecticides showed that carbosulfan, imidacloprid, avermectins and phoxim+methomyl all had high efficacy. So we suggest that these insecticides can be treated as alternatives for the insecticides that had caused less susceptibility and resistance in the green apple aphids.Based on the resistance moni

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