

Study on Biomass, Nutrients of Dominant Species and Trends of the Rumen Degradability in Old World Bluestem Shrub Rangeland

【作者】 黄锋华

【导师】 董宽虎;

【作者基本信息】 山西农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对白羊草灌丛草地群落结构、生物量及优势种牧草白羊草(Bothriochloa ischaemum)、达乌里胡枝子(Lespedeza davurica)、尖叶铁扫帚(Lespedeza inschanica)、铁杆蒿(Artemisia vestita)和隐子草(Cleistogenes caespitosa)等不同生育期的营养动态和瘤胃降解率进行了研究。对豆科牧草选用分枝期、现蕾期、开花期、结实期,禾本科牧草选用分蘖期、拔节期、抽穗期、开花期和结实期等,而菊科的铁杆蒿选用返青期、分枝期、现蕾期、开花期和结实期等生育期。 试验结果表明:1、白羊草灌丛草地以建群种白羊草的优势度最高,其次是苔草、隐子草、达乌里胡枝子等。地上生物量呈“单峰”曲线,高峰期出现在8月份,地下生物量呈“双峰”曲线以9月份为最高,其中0~10cm占80%以上,总生物量也以9月份为最高。2、牧草随着生育期的延续,植株变老,粗蛋白质(CP)和粗灰分(Ash)含量逐渐降低,而酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)和中性洗涤纤维(NDF)则呈相反的趋势。豆科牧草与铁杆蒿的CP以现蕾期为转折点,禾本科牧草则开花初期CP含量较高。3、供试牧草不同生育期的干物质降解率(DMD)与有机物降解率(OMD)的动态曲线有相同的规律且数值较接近。4、牧草样品中CP的含量高则蛋白质降解率(CPD)大。白羊草与隐子草在开花期的蛋白质降解率(CPD)高于抽穗期,但低于拔节期。铁杆蒿以现蕾期的CPD最高(76.13%),结实期也较高(67.04%),而且结实期的适口性较好,利于放牧。白羊草与隐子草的开花期正处于地上生物量高峰期的8月份,对放牧极为有利。5、从白羊草群落牧草的返青到枯萎,不同时期均有不同牧草可供放牧利用,但以8月份为最佳利用时期。

【Abstract】 Community frame, biomass of old world bluestem(Bothriochloa Ischaemum) shrub grassland; nutrient change in different growth stages and degradability of dominant plant, such as old world bluestem(Bothriochloa Ischaemum), dahurian bushclover(Lespedeza davurica), rush lespedeza(Lespedeza inschanica), Russian wormwood(Artemisia vestita), cepitose cleostogenes(Cleistogenes caespitosa) were studied. Legume at offshoot, bud, blooming, seedpod stage; grasses at tiller stage jointing, heading, blooming, bearing stage; Compositae Artemisia vestita at return green, offshoot, bud, blooming, seedpod stage were selected.Results showed that 1 old world bluestem which mainly constitute the old world bluestem Shrub Grassland, had highest degree of dominate,sedge(Carex spp.), cepitose cleistogenes, dahurian bushclover, follows, the curve of biomass (aboveground biomass) had single peak, which appeared in August; the curve of biomass(underground biomass) had two peak, which formed in September, at the same time, the percentage of 0-10cm account for more than 80 percent total biomass was largest in September. 2. the contents of CP, Ash declined gradually, with the passing of growth stage, but contrary result appeared with ADF and NDF. The contents of CP in Legume changed markedly at bud stage. It happened in grasses at early blooming stage. 3. The dynamic curves of change in DMD and OMD of herbage sample were similar in various growth stages. 4. The more CP, the higher CPD. CPD of old world bluestem, cepitose cleistogenes at blooming stage were higher than that in heading stage, but lower in jointing stage. CPD of Russian wormwood at bud (76.13%),seedpod(67.04%) were higher than that in other stages. It is beneficial to grazing that the peak of biomass(aboveground biomass) at blooming stage in old world bluestem cespitose cleistogenes appeared in august. 5. Though there were different plants, which could be grazed by beasts in different stages from return green to wither of old world bluestem Shrub Grassland, it is most suitable for grazing in August.

  • 【分类号】S54
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】193

