

The Study of High-yield Technology and Nutritional Utlization for the Cultivation of Agaricus Bisporus in Maize Straw

【作者】 马琴

【导师】 张福元;

【作者基本信息】 山西农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 试验以玉米秸秆为原料,对双孢蘑菇的栽培技术进行了研究,首先获得了玉米秸秆培养料的高产配方;经对菌丝生长特性、菇体产量及其营养成分的测定,对3个双孢蘑菇菌株的生产性能作了评价分析;分析了酵素菌发酵对双孢蘑菇生育的影响;并且运用正交设计Fuzzy分析法进行了覆土模式的研究;在此基础上,对双孢蘑菇各生育期间的营养利用规律及胞外酶活性变化规律进行了初步研究。结果表明: (1)玉米秸秆栽培双孢蘑菇,菌丝生长规律符合逻辑斯第曲线,子实体生长规律符合指数增长曲线,菌丝生长速度优于麦秸培养料,子实体生长的高峰期比麦秸培养料提前,出菇期比麦秸培养料集中。玉米秸秆和牛粪以1:1的比例栽培双孢蘑菇,菌丝生长速度最快,生物学效率与麦秸培养料相近。 (2)在供试的3个双孢蘑菇菌株中,AS2796和111的生物学效率和子实体营养成分含量接近,差异不显著,但AS2796比111菌丝生长速度快,出菇早,转潮快。 (3)培养料采用酵素菌发酵方式是可行的,与二次发酵相比,有益微生物数量增加,营养成分得到改善,优化了培养料,从而对双孢蘑菇的生长发育有一定影响,表现为菌丝生长快,菇体产量高、质量好。 (4)覆土时间、覆土材料、覆土厚度的不同直接影响双孢蘑菇产量和质量的高低,3个因素中覆土材料对生物学效率影响最大,其次为覆土厚度,再次为覆土时间。最理想的覆土模式为播种16天后覆4cm或3.5cm厚腐叶土。 (5)双孢蘑菇在菌丝生长阶段以降解木质素为主,在子实体阶段以降解纤维素和半纤维素为主。双孢蘑菇除利用木质纤维素外,还利用非木质纤维素。并且纤维素酶、半纤维素酶、漆酶和过氧化物酶也发生相应的变化。

【Abstract】 This paper studied the high-yield technology using maize straw as the stuff for the cultivation of Agaricus bisporus, screened the high-yield prescription of the substrate containing maize straw .appraised and analysized the productive properties of three kinds of Agaricus bisporus by its cultivated property,yield and nutritional components of fruitbodies,analysized the effects of the XSJ fermentation on the cultivated property and yield in Agaricus bisporus ,and studied the pattern of casing soil using Fussy analysis method of orthogonal experiment design.On the basis of high-yield technology,the paper discussed the law of utilization of nutritional components and the change of extracellular enzyme’s activity during its growth in maize straw .The results showed as follows:(1) In Agaricus bisporus cultivation,the mycelial growth principle and the fruitbody growth principle were in accordance with the logistic curve and the exponential growth curve resp.The mycelial growth rate of the substrate containing maize straw was higher than that of the wheat straw substrate. Compared with wheat straw ,the peak fruitbody flush appeared sooner;Its fruiting period was shorter.Using the substrate which proportion of maize straw and cattle dung was 1:1,and cultivating Agaricus bisporus ,the mycelia grew fastest,and biological efficiency was nearly the same as that of the substrate containing wheat straw.(2) In the three kinds of Agaricus bisporus ,the biological efficiency and nutritional components of AS2796 were nearly the same as those of 111, The differences were not significant,but compared with 111 ,the mycelium of AS2796 grew faster and the fruitbody appeared sooner.(3) It was feasible to ferment the substrate using the XSJ fermnentation ,compared with double fermentation,the microflora increased, nutritional components improved, and the quality of the substrate optimized.Therefore,the XSJ fermentation had influence on growth and development of Agaricus bisporus ,the mycelia grew fast, the quality and yield of the fruitbody were well.(4) The time,the properties of material,the thickness of casing soil affected directly the quality and yield of Agaricus bisporus .The material of casing soil of three factors had the greatest effect on the biological efficiency,next the thickness,once more the time.Theoptimum casing soil pattern was the combination of sixteen days after sowing,casing rotten leaf soil and casing four or three point five centimeters.(5) Agaricus bisporus degraded mainly lignose in the mycelial growth and degraded mainly cellulose and hemicellulose in the fruitbody Agaricus bisporus used not only lignocellulose but nonlignocellulose.The activities of enzyme such as cellulose, hemicellulose, laccase and peroxide changed correspondly.

  • 【分类号】S646
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】566

