

【作者】 付志刚

【导师】 杨树明;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国已正式加入WTO,入世对我国的法制建设将会产生深远影响。WTO法律制度,特别是规范国际投资的规则,赋予了国际投资及国际投资法以新的理念和发展方向。我国在享有WTO所赋予的权利的同时,还必须履行WTO的各项义务。要根据入世承诺,确保WTO协议和加入议定书在全国得到统一实施,确保有关或影响贸易和投资的法律、法规和其他改革措施,包括各级地方政府及有关部门制定的规范性文件符合WTO协议和加入议定书规定。 我国已成功走上社会主义市场经济轨道,但仍然是一个处于经济转型时期的发展中国家,现行的外资准入法律制度存在诸多不足,与市场经济规则相冲突,也不符合WTO规则。因此,我国外资准入法律制度的构建,应该依“国情所需”,尽“国情所能”。依“国情所需”指我国利用外资要为我国的经济建设服务,要适应我国建立真正的市场经济体制,适应WTO一系列基本原则的要求,使中国经济真正融合世界经济。我们要减少投资障碍,加强投资保护,放松投资管制,减少政府干预和转变政府职能。同时,对外资准入的非市场经济性质的过多的要求和过滥的刺激、鼓励应该废除,建立符合WTO投资规则、符合市场经济特征和有利公平竞争的国际投资环境。尽“国情所能”指我国利用外资要符合我国的经济发展目标,要充分考虑并抵御外资对我国经济带来的冲击,要逐步地、有条件地实行外资准入自由化。其核心要求就是要时刻牢记我国属于发展中国家这一前提条件,因为我国是以发展中国家身份加入WTO的。因此,就我国的经济发展水平和经济承受能力而言,不可能在国内和国际投资立法中全面接受发达国家的高度自由化的外资准入规则。同时从国内层面考虑,投资市场的开放和限制性投资措施的消除或减少要建立在充分研究不同部门和地区的特色以及经济发展水平的基础上。而且我们应当充分利用WTO给予发展中国家的各种特殊和差别待遇以及过渡期安排,应当贯彻实行国民待遇原则、政策法规透明度原则、减少政府干预和推动公平竞争原则,在WTO框架下创建一个符合市场经济规则的外商投资法制环境。为此,本文分以下四个部分进行论述。由于笔者才疏学浅,文中不当之处,恳请各位导师和同仁批评指正。 一、我国外资准入的基本理论。本部分从外资及外资准入的涵义入手,简要阐述了我国外资准入立法的基本理论。本文所指外资为“外商直接投资”,既包括外国对我国的直接投资,又包括我国港、澳、台地区对内地的直接投资.并且本文所论述的是广义上的“外资准入”,既包括外资“准入枕,,又包括外资“设业权,。然后阐述我国可以凭借自然资源、经济资源、市场等优势,积极参与国际竞争与合作,充分利用外资来加快我国的市场经济建设.同时,强调我国在引进外资时,要根据盯O国际投资规则的要求,弱化利用外资鼓励和外资准入限制,采取既不优惠又不歧视的不偏不倚的中性外资政策。 二、入世后我国引进外资新战略.入世对我国的引进外资既是机遇又是挑战。我国市场巨大、劳动力成本低、具有良好的政治社会环境,特别是我国大力推行对外开放政策。据此并结合入世,调整优化我国的引资政策,根据新形势实行新的引资战略。在实行新战略时,必须维护我国国家主权,确保我国国家利益,坚持我国在wTO中的发展中国家地位原则,保护民族产业和幼稚产业,对外商投资企业进行积极有效的产业导向,完善外商投资的合理布局,实施西部大开发战略,尤其是要根据我国的入世承诺对外资准入实行国民待遇。 三、盯0框架下外资准入法律制度。此部分用比较分析的方法先审视国际投资现行立法体系的缺陷,再论述WTO框架下的外资准入法律制度。有关国际投资的法律制度主要体现在GATS和TR工MS等协定/议中。国民待遇原则是wTO的基本原则,当然也是WTO框架下外资准入的基本原则。外资准入与外资待遇是一个问题的两个方面,外资待遇是前提和基础,外资准入是外资待遇的具体体现。外资待遇就是外资及其投资者在东道国所具有的法律地位,即享受权利和承担义务的情况,明确了外资在东道国的法律地位、权利义务的标准、投资及其收益等管理的维护程度。而且世界各国外资准入立法及国际有关协议、条约都始终围绕着外资待遇问题。外资待遇在实践中就是国民待遇。世界经济一体化要求投资自由化,投资自由化要求给予外资国民待遇,对外资准入实行国民待遇决定着国际投资自由化进程。此外,wTO的其他制度,如市场准入自由化、投资鼓励措施的限制和透明度原则等也影响着外资准入。但是,外资活动的正常进行需要公平竞争的市场秩序,而市场规则、市场秩序离不开政府的干预,政府有必要对国际资本自由流动进行适度限制一一实行外资准入审批制。 四、我国外资准入法律制度的构建.首先分析检讨我国现行夕卜资准入立法体系。我国现行的外资准入立法体系庞杂繁乱,不符合市场经济规则和灯O法律规则,存在诸多不足,如立法权限分散、法制缺乏系统性甚至相互矛盾、没有统一规范外资准入的法律等,尤其在外资待遇方面存在超国民待遇和次国民待遇现象

【Abstract】 China’s entry into the World Trade Organization will have great influence on the construction of china’s legal system. According to China’s promise, the laws, regulations and reform measures concerning investment should assure to be enforced under WTO rules. Although China has successfully entered into the track of Socialist Market Economy, China is still a developing country in the course of economic transformation. The present legal system of foreign direct investment (FDI) admittance is not in accordance with market economic regulations and WTO rules. Therefore, the construction of China’s legal system concerning FDI admittance should take economy globalization and China’s developing level into consideration, make full use of favorable treatments given by WTO, and follow the principles advocated by WTO, such as the principle of national treatment, the principle of transparency, and the principle of free market admittance, etc.This thesis is composed of four parts, as follows:Part Ⅰ introduces basic theory concerning Chinas FDI admittance. The author gives out the definition of FDI and its admittance which includes not only "Rights of Admission" but also "Rights of Establishment", and then expatiates on China’s advantages in natural resource, economic resource and large market, which favor China’s attraction of FDI to step up economic development. According to WTO rules of international investment, the policy concerning FDI should be impartial.Part Ⅱ focuses on China’s new strategy after China’s entry into WTO. For China’s FDI admittance, entry into WTO is not only an opportunity but also a challenge. Based on China’s large market, low human cost and good political social environment, especially the policy of opening-up, the new strategy to be taken should keep China’s sovereignty intact, protect national and new industries, carry out thestrategy of Western Exploitation, and follow the principle of national treatment.Part Ⅲ focuses on China’s legal system concerning FDI admittance under WTO rules. The author analyses the defection existing in present legal system concerning FDI and then expatiates on China’s legal system concerning FDI admittance under WTO rules. The legal system concerning FDI mainly lies in GATs and TRIMs, which advocate the principle of national treatment as the fundamental principle of WTO. FDI admittance has a lot to do with FDI treatment, and in practice, they are the same. Other WTO rules also affect FDI admittance. The examination and approval system of FDI admittance do good to establishing impartial market order.Part Ⅳ focuses on the construction of China’s legal system concerning FDI admittance. China’s present legal system concerning FDI admittance is disorderly, unsystematic, and in conflict with each other. What is more, it is against the market economic regulations and WTO rules, especially, the principle of national treatment. Therefore, China’s legal system concerning FDI admittance should be constructed under the principle of national treatment and other WTO principles. Based on all of the above analysis, the author puts forth some specific advices on how to construct China’s legal system concerning FDI admittance.

  • 【分类号】D922.295
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】349

