

【作者】 尹华蓉

【导师】 徐静村;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 当一位自由公民受到国家权力的强制而被迫进入侦查程序,他就处于犯罪嫌疑人的地位,并因此而丧失了一部分自由或者负担一定的义务,如不得任意迁移、保证随传随到、接受逮捕、拘留、羁押等。权力机关的强大与公民个体的弱小,形成了鲜明的对比。 人权思想,尤其是尊重公民人格、维持人道待遇的观念,在世界范围内,成为刑事司法改革运动的指导思想。这对于解决犯罪嫌疑人与侦查机关权力(利)绝对悬殊的问题,带来了根本上的转变。犯罪嫌疑人不再是毫无对抗力量的消极承受者,也不再作为侦查程序中的客体而存在,他获得了主体的地位并享有一系列权利以保障其合法权益。其中,一项重要的主体性权利,就是辩护权。辩护权赋予犯罪嫌疑人防御并对抗侦查机关的武器。 当前,联合国人权公约以及一系列联合国刑事司法标准和规范性文件,都强调了刑事司法中人权保障的重要性。正是由于人权保障的重要性及中国人权保障制度与国际接轨的迫切性,我国刑事诉讼法学界对于犯罪嫌疑人和被告人的人权问题给予了高度的重视,并取得了大量的研究成果。然而,无论是理论研究还是立法和司法实践,我国对侦查程序中犯罪嫌疑人权利的保障与发达国家相比,还有很大的差距。而在辩护权的设置方面,差距则尤其突出。因此,本文选择了如何设计犯罪嫌疑人在侦查程序中的辩护权这一问题,进行论述。 全文共4万2千余字,分为六个部分。第—部分,引言,概略地交代选题的动机与行文的结构。强调了对侦查程序中犯罪嫌疑人人权保障已经在国际上达成共识。第二部分,通过对辩护权辨义,明确本文写作的范围。第三部分,是从侦查程序合理性和侦查程序目的的要求,探讨赋予犯罪嫌疑人辩护权的必要性。并总结出,设计正当、合理的侦查程序的基础是,在立法上保持侦查机关与犯罪嫌疑人权力(利)的均衡。而犯罪嫌疑人辩护权的设置,就是保证权力(利)均衡的关键。第四部分,将辩护权制度分解为权利的成立、权利的行使、权利的丧失与权利的救济四大块,然后再细化,逐一进行比较和分析。通过解析,可以更加清楚地看到,设计并完善犯罪嫌疑人的辩护权应当是四个方面的有机结合和全面的构建。第五部分,有两个内容。一是,从我国立法上对犯罪嫌疑人辩护权的忽视和实践上对其权利的侵害结果两方面,阐明我国建立犯罪嫌疑人辩护权的必要性。其中,通过比较立法上犯罪嫌疑人与侦查机关的权力(利)设计的不均衡,突出了辩护权缺漏给程序带来的重大影响。二是,对应第四部分的分解方式,对我国在各方面的缺失进行了较为详细的阐述。第六部分,则落脚到对我国立法的建议上。 本文的创新点主要有:一,将权力(利)均衡的原理运用到侦查程序的设计中,并以此为基础论证犯罪嫌疑人辩护权设置的必要性。二,根据诉讼权利的时间阶段性,将犯罪嫌疑人的辩护权分解为杠俐的成立、行使、丧失、救济四个连续的部分。从而,对犯罪嫌疑人的辫护权进行全面的考察。三,在讨论辩护权的成立时,以告知制度与获得制度为依托,将辩护权成立内容具体化。四,由于辩护权的行使,是借助律师的行为得以实现。因此,在整合辩护权的行使时,归纳了六个具体的杠俐:会见交流权、阅卷权、讯问在场权、调查取证权、保释权、代理申诉、控告权,以及必然的提供辩护意见的权利,形成一个完整的权利组合。五,分析辩护权的丧失时,将它分为被动的丧失与主动的放弃,并相应进行的论述。六,对我国的立法建议中,提出有步骤地进行改革。其中较有新意的是,1.为保证犯罪嫌疑人辩护权的及时取得,建议设立告知制度,并通过令状、侦查人员的告知等方式予以保障。2.将律师的阅卷树良制在程序性的文件和犯罪嫌疑人本身提供的证据上。3.提出赋予律师有限的调查取证权,如:申请证据保全、调查取证在场。4.对于辩护权的救济,建议将可提出申诉、控告的事由作为对原判决上诉的事由等。 当然,文章还存在一些欠深入研究的地方,如:对于律师无效帮助的救济还需要进一步借鉴国外的经验,并考察我国的具体实践等等。这些不足,还有待不断的学习与收集资料来完成。

【Abstract】 When he were coerced by the government power and then came into the criminal investigation process, a free man will become a suspect. Therefore, freeman will lose some rights, or burden some obligations. For example, not able to migrate freely, available for summons, etc. It is so obvious that the government power is far too stronger than individual’s rights.On a global scale, the opinions of the human right, particularly paying important attention to avoiding the inhuman or degrading treatment, become the leading principle in the criminal judiciary reform. It brings fundamental changes to the balance of the power and the rights. The suspect will be in the subject’s situation, not the object’s forever. Then, he will get many procedural rights to protect their benefits. Among these, an important right for the subject is the right of defense. The right gives the suspect arms to defend themselves.In present, the United Nations standards of human right and other conventions, stresses the significance of protecting the human rights. Due to this, and the need to meet international standards, the expects on criminal procedure in China are more and more interested in the suspect’s rights. Many achievements have been gained. However, in both theories and juridical practice, there is a great difference between China and foreign countries as to protection of human rights, particularly of the suspect’s right. Hence, this paper discusses how to design the suspect’s right in criminal investigation.There are about 43, 000 words in the paper, contained in six parts. The first part, preface, generally introduces the motive and the frame of the paper. Protection of human rights is a popular opinion throughout the world. The second part marks the range of the object that this paper discusses, withcieariy noted concept. The third parr, discusses the necessity of entitling the suspect the right of defensetaking the reasonability and purpose of the investigation procedure into account. There are two main kinds of opinions, which are that it is needed by the criminal investigation and that it is required by the aims of the criminal investigation. Then the author emphasizes that the base of the impartial criminal investigation is the balance of the power and the rights. Therefore, the right of defense for the suspect benefits from balancing the power and the rights. The fourth part analyses the suspect’s right in four parts, including its establishment, application, loss, and remedy, and each of which then is subdivided into small points to analyze and compare. By this way, we can more clearly see that the perfect suspect’s right of the suspect must systematically comprise the four aspects. The fifth part has two contents. One is dictating the necessity to endow the suspect the right of defense. The reason is that the prejudice lies in criminal legislation and the violation in judicial practices. By balancing the power and the rights, it avoids these defects. The other one is illuminating the ignorance of the right of defense in China. The last part is the suggestions for Chinese criminal legislation.In this paper, there are a few new ideas: (1) employing the theory of balancing the power and the rights in setting up criminal investigation process; (2) dividing the right of defense into four parts: the establishment, the application, the loss, the remedy on the succession; (3) discussing the declaration system and the reception system of right of defense; (4) employing some subdivision rights to analyze the application of the rights; (5) listing two kinds of loss in right: giving up and being deprived of; (6) steps of legislation reform.Of course, there are many imperfections, for example, the ineffective assistance of counsel needs further research. So, continual collection of information and study are still to be carried on.

  • 【分类号】D915.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】374

