

【作者】 谭颖

【导师】 赵万一;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 现代股份公司是一个包含多方利益的统一体。平衡各种利益主体的利益使公司得以健康发展是现代公司法的一大目标。在大股东和小股东这一对矛盾统一体中,现代公司法一方面要求贯彻“少数服从多数”的资本民主原则,使大股东拥有公司事务之决策权;另一方面,又要求实行“多数不得欺诈少数”之民主原则,以防大股东滥用资本多数决原则侵害小股东的合法权益。事实上,自英国1843年Foss v. Harbottle一案原则确立之日起一百多年来,无论是英美法系国家还是大陆法系国家的公司法都致力于给小股东以特别保护,并对保护小股东合法权益法律制度的完善作出了重大贡献。在我国,尽管股份公司的出现和公司法的制定是近十多年来的事,但随着改革的深入和股份经济的普遍发展,如何对公司小股东合法权益加以特别保护,也是当前理论界和法律实务中亟需解决的问题因此,本文从分析世界先进国家公司立法在理论基础,立法原则,实体法以及司法救济方面给予小股东一系列完善的法律保护体系入手,借鉴其成功经验并结合我国实际来完善我国公司立法对小股东权利的保护。 全文除引言和后记以外,分为四个部分。 第一部分:“我国小股东权利保护的现状和制度价值。”在分析我国小股东保护的现状时,作者首先以大量的数据事实论述了我国小股东权利受到严重侵害的现实,分析了侵害小股东权利的四种因素:资本多数决原则的内生缺陷性;资本多数决存在着被滥用的危险;我国上市公司股权结构不合理;现行法律的不完善。接下来作者重点对我国公司法在小股东权利的保护方面的缺陷和不足作了剖析:授权性规范或义务性规范的法律结构不完整:刑罚和行政罚较为具体而民事责任较为粗疏:实体后果与程序后果不分:《公司法》对股东权利的诉讼保护的规定有失明确和具体:未形成完整的诉讼保护体系。从而引申出我国建立小股东保护体系的制度价值。即公司民主性质的必然要求和逻辑延伸;公司稳定、协调、健康发展的重要保证,也是社会稳定的重要保证;我国公司法顺应公司小股东地位平等和法律保护的现代思潮发展的必要。 第二部分:“保护小股东权利的理论基础和立法原则。”首先作者论述了保护小股东权利的理论基础。第一是确立现代公司制度的根本宗 三机关必须相互制约,股东大会、董事会和监事 会都应当既是发挥制约作用的机关,同时也是受制约的机关 第三部分:“完善我国《公司法》,加强对小股东权利的保护”.借鉴国外公司法立法的成功经验,在实体法上完善我国对小股东的法律保护。作者具体介绍了对小股东给予的五种特殊法律措施。它们分别是:(一)累积投票制度。唯有给予小股东特殊的救济制度,增强其表决力,方可真正实现股东地上平等,实现股东间的实质公平。(二)表决权限制制度,我国公司法应考虑从以下几个方面对股东表决权进行适当限制。1自己股份表决权的限制;2公司相互持股表决权的限制;3利害关系股份表决权的限制;4持股较多股东表决权的限制;5定足数的限制。(三)小股东的股东大会召集权请求权和自行召集权。作者建议我国立法将享有此项权利的股东所具有的持有比例降至一个合理的程度,女口3%或5%并规定保有持股比例的期限性。(四)小股东提案权。股东提案制度的实质意义在于促使经营者与股东“沟通”和强迫公司 “公开”,从而使股东权益立于难受侵害的地位.(五)股东质询权。笔者以为,应当在公司法中明确规定股东质询权与董事监事的说明义了务,对质询的内容,董监对股东质询的回答方法与说明程度作出规定,同时对董监拒绝答复或侵害股东质询权的,赋予股东向法院申请董监答复与提起决议撤销之诉权。 第四部分:“小股东权利的法律救济”。无救济,则无权利。作者在该部分中详细论述了小股东权利的法律救济措施。即小股东派生诉讼制度,股东个人诉讼以及股东个人诉讼中集团方式的引入。为缓解我国法律对少数股东权益救济制度不完善的严峻局面,我国公司立法应尽快引进股东派生诉讼制度。根据英美两国有关派生诉讼制度的简单介绍,笔者建议我国公司立法在引入股东派生诉讼制度时应考虑以下几个方面:第一、股东提起派生诉讼的实质要件方面,首先,公司董事等要有违反法律、行政法规或公司章程的行为。其次,董事等在执行公司职务过程中,违反法律等规定给公司造成损害并应承担赔偿责任。最后,公司因故怠于追究违法董事等的损害赔偿责任。第二、在股东提起派生诉讼的程序要件方面,我国公司立法中宜将派生诉讼的被告确定为对公司造成损害的控制股东和公司董事;同时,可将公司作为派生诉讼的名义被告;派生诉讼的原告应系相关损害行为发生时即持有公司股份的股东。此外,宜规定拟提出派生诉讼的股东的通知义务以及对派生诉讼的撤销及和解的批准。建议我国可采用诉讼费用补偿制度,但是,我国不宜实行诉讼费用担保制度。在股东个人诉讼及其实体的救济措施方面,我国法律应完善损害赔偿实现机制,并适当引进英国法中的股份购买制度。另外,我国法律亦应考虑允许采用集团诉讼

【Abstract】 The thesis system matically discusses how to strengthen the minority-shareholder’ rights and how to protect the minority-shareholder" rights . In the thesis the author also makes a comparison of China’s company law with foreign laws and gives advices on the revision and improvement concerning corporate legislation.The thesis , except its preface and conclusion ,is divided into four parts .Part I: The present condition of minority-shareholder’ rights protection and the value of constructing the protect system in China. With lots of data and facts ,the author discussed that minority-shareholder’ rights of our country is seriously violated and the four causes of this condition .Next, the author analysis the lack and blemish of minority-shareholder’ rights protection in our company law .Lastly ,the author demonstrated the value to establish the protection system.Part II: The theories foundation and lawmaking principle of minority-shareholder’ rights protection. The three theories foundation is : The first one is that the basic aim of modern company law. The second is that the inevitable request of the equal principle of shareholder .The third is the honesty duty theories of majority-shareholder to minority-shareholder . The first lawmaking principe is equity and efficiency principle . The second is that rights cannot be abused. The third is The third is that rights should be checked and balanced.Part III: Perfect our company law to enhance the protection of minority-shareholder. Draw lessons from the lawmaking’s successful experience of abroad company law, t he author in a specific way introduced five special law measures that gives minority-shareholder. They respectively is: (a) the accumulative voting system (b) the system, of limitation of rights to vote (c)the rights of minority-shareholder proposed to call a shareholder meeting and the rights to call a meeting by oneself, (d) the proposals ofshareholders system(e) the rights of querying .Pan IV: The relief of minority-shareholder rights. In China, to improve the current situations of minority shareholders, derivative action shall be introduced promptly. In this area, I suggest that the following elements be considered when introducing derivative action into Chinese Company Law. Firstly, the substantial requirements of a derivative action might be, (a) there must the breach of the law, regulation or corporate articles by the directors; (b) damages has been done by the directors to the company because of the breach and then the responsibility to compensate has been arisen; and (c) the company fails to diligently pursue proceedings. Secondly, the procedural requirements might be, the defendants of a derivative action shall be the directors or the majorities who have done damages to the company; and the company in the action will be a nominal defendant; the plaintiff shall be the current shareholders of the company and consistent shareholding during the whole proceeding may be required. Simultaneously, notice to the company before the action and the approval of the court to discontinue or comprise the action shall be required. The costs indemnity order may be granted to the minority shareholders. Nevertheless, it would be better not to require the security for costs. Thirdly, for the personal actions and the concerned substantial remedies, the mechanism of performing the compensation and buying-out of the minority shares shall be considered. Fourthly, class action shall be allowed in minority shareholder actions against torts in stock market.

  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】449

