

【作者】 佟桂玲

【导师】 汪世虎;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 内幕交易是证券市场的一大顽症,内部人短线交易作为内幕交易的一种特殊形态是其重要组成部分。禁止内幕交易是各国证券法的一贯立场,而内部人短线交易收益归入制度是禁止内幕交易的一种事前预防机制,所以有必要对该制度进行系统研究。正文分四部分对短线交易收益归入制度作了论述。 第一部分:短线交易收益归入制度的立法价值。本部分从短线交易收益归入制度的概念入手,接着介绍了短线交易收益归入制度的产生和发展。短线交易收益归入制度起源于美国,自美国首开规制短线交易立法先河之后,该制普遍为世界各和地区所接受,禁止短线交易已成为世界化的潮流。最后,该部分重点阐述了短线交易收益归入制度的立法价值。关于以法律手规制短线交易,立法价值何在,理论界曾存在认识上的分歧。一部分人反对以法律手段规制短线交易,其理由分三种:公司内部人报酬说、经济效果分析说、立法技术机械说;另一部分人主张以法律手段规制短线交易,其理由也有三种:证券交易公平说、公众信任说、保护公司财产权益说。笔者通过分析认为:短线交易收益归入制度的立法价值在于维护证券市场的公平,确保公众对证券市场的信任,因此有必要实施该制度来规制短线交易。 第二部分:内部人短线交易的构成要件。本部分首先介绍了短线交易的主体要件,指出其主体包括两类:公司的董事、监事、经理等高级管理人员;持有股份法定比例以上的大股东。此外,在此基础上,进一步探讨了关系人持股问题。接着,介绍了客体要件,对此主要围绕两个问题进行了层层深入的分析,即其客体是否限于股票;是否须为“同一种”证券。最后,介绍了短线交易的行为要件,对此论述了三个小问题:场内交易与场外交易、买入与卖出的确定、买卖行为的法定期间。 第三部分:公司归入权。首先,论述了公司归入权的性质,通过分析三种学说:形成权说、请求权说、形成权兼请求权说,推导出结论:归入权在性质上属于请求权。接着,分析了公司归入权的行使主体,指出归入权首先应由董事会行使;当董事会怠于或拒绝行使归入权时,监事会可以代表公司行使归入权;在董事会、监事会均怠于行使归入权的情况下,公司其他股东可以代位行使归入权。再接着介绍了公司归入权行使的方式和程序。最后,介绍了公司归入权的行使期间,指出该行使期间应为诉讼时效。至于时效期间的起算,应以公司内部人取得短线交易利益之时开始计算。 第四部分:短线交易收益的范围与计算。本部分首先介绍了短线交易的收益范围包括买卖股票的价差利益、利息、股息、律师费及其他费用。接着介绍了短线交易的四种计算方法:股票编号法、平均成本法、先进先出法、最高卖价减最低买价法,并指出最高卖价减最低买价法,最能体现短线交易制度的立法精神,故宜采用此法。

【Abstract】 Insider trading is a persistent ailment in security market. Short-swing trading is a special type of insider trading. Preventing insider trading is a consistent stand in securities law of every country. Short-swing trading and profits returning system is a type of preventive mechanism in advance. This thesis expounds this system, consisting of four parts.Part one: the legislative value of short-swing trading and profits returning. Based on the concept of the system, this part discusses the source and advance. It points out this system born of America and many countries accept it. At last, it particularly expounds the legislative value. As for the legislative value of regulating the short-swing trading with legal measures, there are two positions. One opposite regulating the short-swing trading with legal measures, the other support it.Part two: the requisites to constitute a short-swing trading. Firstly, it discusses the subjective requisite. The subjective requisite consists of two types: corporate director supervisors, mangers and other advanced administrative personnel; the big shareholders owning share above fixed legal ratio. Then, it discusses the objective requisite. There are two questions to answer: whether the object is limited to stock; whether the object is only the same security. At last, it discusses the behavioral requisite.Part three: corporate right of returning. Firstly, it discusses the nature of returning right, including three kinds of ideas: right of formation, right of claim, right of formation and claim. Secondly, it discusses the enforcing subject of returning right, consisting of the board of directors, the board of supervisors and other shareholders. Thirdly, it discusses the enforcing means and procedure. At last, it expounds the enforcing period.Part four: the scope and calculating way of short-swing trading profits. Firstly, this part points out the profits scope, including dealing benefit, interest, stock dividend, retaining fee and other fee. Then it discusses the calculating way: the rule of identifying the stock certificate; the average purchase price and average sale price; the first-in, first-out rule; the highest-out, lowest-in rule. The highest-out, lowest-in rule can better embody the litigation spirits, so suggests to adopt the calculating way.

  • 【分类号】D912.28
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】152

