

【作者】 陈小川

【导师】 朱启昌;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 刑法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界刑法理论由客观主义向主观主义的演进,犯罪中止已成为现代立法中普遍设立的一项刑法制度。强调行为人主观犯意的转变,为犯罪人弃恶从善、悬崖勒马“架设后退的黄金桥”,是犯罪中止制度设立的初衷。作为一种刑法制度,究竟如何让它在我国现行的立法框架下、司法实践中最大限度地发挥其积极作用,是当前学者们普遍关注的问题。目前,刑法理论界对于犯罪中止的一些基本问题,如犯罪中止的成立条件,犯罪中止减免刑罚的根据以及犯罪中止的处罚等问题,存在着分歧与争议,致使犯罪中止理论研究徘徊不前。本文试图在现有研究成果的基础上,对犯罪中止进行深入的探讨,以期有所创新和发展。 全文共分上中下三篇,约四万余字。 上篇:概论。首先介绍犯罪中止的概念,以及它与中止犯、中止犯罪等相关概念的联系与区别;其次从犯罪中止的历史沿革着手,阐述犯罪中止的起源和发展。指出犯罪中止的产生与发展是以近代刑法理论两大学派——旧派与新派之争为历史背景的。早期的犯罪中止是规定在犯罪未遂之中的,后来,随着现代主观主义刑法理论的兴起,尤其是客观主义与主观主义刑法理论的逐步交融结合,理论上和立法上都呈现出把犯罪中止与犯罪未遂区别开来的趋势。最后介绍了当代各国关于犯罪中止的立法概况。 中篇:构成论。笔者首先通过综合比较研究,得出构成犯罪中止的三个条件,即时间性,自动性,和有效性。然后对这三个条件逐一予以分析。在时间性要件中,着重论述了预备中止与实行终了中止的相关问题,提出我国刑法中犯罪中止成立的时间范围,即“犯罪过程”,应界定为行为人着手实施犯罪之后,到危害结果发生以前的一段时间,既排除了预备中止成立犯罪的可能性,又将犯罪既遂之后、危害结果发生前纳入到“犯罪过程”之中;在自动性要件中,对正确认定“自动性”的标准进行了比较研究,认为应采用主观说,应以行为人是否认为外界因素影响犯罪行为作为判断标准。能达目的而不欲时,属于犯罪中止,欲达目的而不能时,属于犯罪未遂;在有效性要件中,对中止行为与结果未发生之间是否要求具有因果关系予以重点阐述。在肯定两者之间须具备因果关系的同时,提出了准中止犯的观点。最后,鉴于共同犯罪具有不同于单独犯罪的特殊性,进一步分析了共同犯罪中的犯罪中止的相关理论问题. 下篇:责任论。本篇首先对犯罪中止从早期的犯罪未遂的一种形态发展成独立的制度的理论根据进行了研究,这是本篇的重点.其次,通过比较当今各国对中止犯处罚的立法模式,得出减免原则是最为合理的立法模式.再次,对犯罪中止的法律后果进行研究,尤其是对法律条文中“造成损害”的理解,以及加重的未遂等实践操作性较强的问题进行了深入的探讨.

【Abstract】 With the world’s criminal theory evolving from objectivism to subjectivism, offender has replaced behavior to be the focus of criminal law study. Conforming to this trend, crime termination has become an important criminal system, which is generally established by many countries’ legislation. The purpose of setting up the system of crime termination is to "erect a backup golden bridge "for offender to wake up to and escape disaster at the last moment. The problem, which is paid close attention to by experts, is how to make the system play a positive role under the legislative frame. Recently, there are many debates in the area of criminal theory about some basic problems, such as the elements of crime termination, the ground of mitigating or annulling criminal penalty, the punishment for crime termination. All those problems are preventing the theory of crime termination make great progress. On the grounds of existing achievements, the thesis has probed into the theory of crime termination, hoping to bring forth new ideas and make some progress on it.The thesis is composed of three sections with 40,000 Chinese characters.Upper section: introduction of crime termination. First of all, the author introduces the concept of crime termination, the connection and the difference among crime termination, offender terminating crime and terminating crime. Secondly, beginning with the history of crime termination, the author explains the origin and the development of it. At last, the author surveys general legislative situation about crime termination.Middle section: argument of elements. Above all, after comprehensive studying, the author draws a conclusion of elements for crime termination. That is timeliness, voluntariness, and effectiveness. In the element of timeliness, the author mainly elaborates some problems about the crime termination in preparatory crime and the crimetermination after accomplishing crime. In the element of voluntariness, the author researches the standard to comprehend and determine the voluntariness. In the element of effectiveness, the causality between terminating act and non-result is the focus problem. Lastly, in the view of peculiarity in joint offence, the author studies the elements for crime termination in joint offence.Lower section: argument of responsibility. In this section the author emphasizes on the legislative basis for crime termination. Then, comparing the legislative mode of punishment for crime termination, the author researches legal consequence of crime termination, including the comprehension of "causing damage" in the criminal law, the number of crime and other practicing problems, in order to integrating theory with practice.

  • 【分类号】D924.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】394

