

【作者】 杨延超

【导师】 张玉敏;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民商法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 或许是中国人口众多的国情使然,或许是行政机关监管不力,当前,无论在农村还是在城市,违法建筑都成为一大焦点问题。在违法建筑物的背后:一方面是国家行政机关“限期整改”、“罚款”、“拆除”等行政处罚;另一方面是因违法建筑物转让、侵权等引发的私人利益冲突。这两方面看似不可分割,实则性质不同,分属公法、私法调整。古罗马法学家把法律分为公法和私法,自此之后,这一划分方法在大陆法系经久不衰、风靡至今。公法、私法“既是一对历史的范畴,又是一对分析的范畴”(马克思语),“前者涉及国家政体,后者涉及私人利益”(引自《查士丁尼法学阶梯》)。违法建筑的行政处罚是公法问题,而违法建筑引发的私人利益关系则由私法调整。而本文所要探讨的就是违法建筑物的私法问题。 一,问题的提出。 违法建筑物引发的民事纠纷日益增多。解决这一问题的关键是正确认识违法建筑物的私法性质,目前理论界对此研究尚不成熟。笔者认为有必要对相关问题进行全面而深入地研究。 违法建筑的基本特征是“先天违法性”。根据其违法的内容和程序不同又分为“程序违建”和“实质违建”,“程序违建”可通过补办手续成为合法建筑;“实质违建”无法通过补办手续纠正其违法行为。对于前者,其私法问题可比照合法建筑处理,而本文所要探讨的是实质违建的私法问题。 二,违法建筑物的归属关系。 法律可分为公法和私法,违法建筑物可据此分为仅违反公法的建筑物,既违反公法、又违反私法的建筑物和仅违反私法的建筑物。 仅违反公法的建筑只会受到公法上的否定性评价,不涉及到私法上对其所有权问题的否定性评价,故而建筑人可基于建筑事实取得建筑物的所有权。 既违反公法、又违反私法的建筑物又可分为完全侵入他人土地的建筑物和越界建筑。对于完全侵入他人土地的建筑,在适用添附规则的国家,建筑物归土地权人所有;在不适用添附规则的国家,建筑物归建筑人所有,但要受到土地权人的限制。对于越界建筑,各国法律大都认为被越界之土地权人负容忍义务。 仅违反私法的建筑主要体现在相邻关系中,建筑人对邻人相邻权的侵犯,邻人可据此享有停止侵害、排除妨碍或赔偿损失的请求权,这些都不会影响建筑人对建筑享有所有权的事实. 此外,关于违法建筑物的归属问题,还有其它一些学说,如不登记无所有权说、动产所有权说、占有学说等,这些学说都有致命缺陷,不足取. 三,违法建筑物的利用关系。 (一)违法建筑物的买卖与租赁.在这一利用关系中有三个问题需要解决:1,违法建筑物的买卖、租赁合同效力.合同存在着合同标的违法、无法办理产权原始登记、无法办理过户登记和租赁备案登记等缺掐,但都不足以影响合同的债上效力.当然,买卖合同因上述缺掐而不发生物权变动的效果.2,违法建筑物转卖、转租合同效力。与买卖、租赁合同相同的瑕疵不足以影响转买、转租合同的债上效力,不仅如此,转卖人“无权处分”的瑕疵也不会影响合同的债上效力,当然,其转卖、转租合同不能发生物权变动的效果。3,违法建筑物买受人权利保护.买受人明知建筑物违法仍然购买的,可主张不当得利保护权利;买受人受欺诈而定立合同的,可通过橄销合同并主张缔约过失责任来救济自己. (二)违法建筑物的抵押.只有抵押财产能在市场上自由流通,才能实现抵押目的.由于违法建筑物无法实现产权移转,故不宜作抵押财产,我国《担保法》的司法解释也明确禁止违法建筑物作为抵押财产。 (三)违法建筑物的出典.由于无法办理出典登记,违法建筑物的出典契约仅能发生债之效力而不能发生典权之效果,故并4限真正的出典契约.它又可分解为两个契约:一是“出典人”与“承典人”的无偿借贷契约;二是双方的无偿使用契约. (四)违法建筑物的蹭与.赠与合同是诺成合同,但赠与人在标的物交付(不动产为办理产权过户手续)之前有权撤销合同。基于蹭与合同的上述性质,在违法建筑物的赠与关系中,合同自双方.意思表示一致时成立并生效,但由于无法办理产权过户登记,赠与人可以随时撤销赠与. (五)违法建筑物的继禾继承标的并不以合法则产为限;不办理产权过户手续并不影响继承人对不动产的继承权.据此违法建筑物可作为继承标的,继承人可取得其所有机 四,违法建筑物的民事诉讼问题。 法院曾一度以“建筑人对违法建筑物无所有权,为由,对有.关违法建筑物的民事纠纷不予受理,显然其理由是不合法理的,其做法也是错误的. 在违法建筑物已经出卖情况下,确定违法建筑物侵权诉讼当享人则比较;复杂.在违法建筑物侵害他人士地权时,土地权人是向出卖人还是向买受人主张拆房还地?在他人侵害建筑物时,是出卖人还是买受人有权主张损害赔偿?解决上述问题的关键在于判断谁对建设物有事实上之处分权。学理上创设了“事实上处分权之让与”,即由买受人享有此权利,上述问题因此而得以解决. 违法建筑物的劫汁示异议涉及到以下情况1,买受人之债权人为强制拟了;2,出卖人之债?

【Abstract】 At present, illegal construction has become one of the hot pots wherever in Chinese cities or its countryside. The reason maybe lies in the fact of Chinese great population or the inappropriate administration. Such illegal constructions can lead to not only the administrative punishments, such as "variation by the prescribed time", "fining" and "dismantling", but also conflicts between different private interests which are brought out directly by the transference of illegal constructions and relative torts. Those two aspects seem to be inseparable, but in the nature, they are discriminated, for one belongs to the field of public law, but the other, the field of private law. The way dividing the laws into public law and private law has been prevailing in the civil law system since the lawyers in the ancient roman have developed it The administrative punishments for illegal construction relates to the public law, however, the relations between different private interests brought out by illegal construction are regulated by the private law. The latter is the topic of this thesis.I BeginningThe problems resulted in by illegal constructions are increasing. The key point to resolve such issues is to correctly recognize the private nature of illegal constructions, the study of which is just budding. I contend that it’s of great necessity to go fatherly and ail-roundly in this study.The basic feature of illegal construction is "the illegality in nature". According to the contents and proceeding, it can be divided into "illegal construction in proceeding" and "illegal construction in instinct". As for the former, the illegal constructions can become legal by going through the formalities afterwards; as for the latter, the situation is not the same. The private problems about the former can be handled in the light of the provisions regarding the legal constructions. This thesis only deals with the private problems from the illegalconstruction in instinct.II The relation of attributionAs the laws are divided into the public laws and the private laws, illegal constructions can be divided into three sections, this is , illegal constructions which only violates the public law and which violates both public law and private law, and which only violates private law.The illegal constructions which only violate the public law merely meet the neglect evaluation in the public law other than the neglect evaluation about the ownership in the private law; therefore, the constructor can get the ownership of the illegal construction on the fact of construction.Another type can divide into two kinds as the one completely occupying other’s lands and another overstepping the boundary. As for the first kind, in the country adopting the appending rule, the illegal construction should belong to the owner of the land; but in the country not adopting this rule, the illegal construction should belong to the constructor, whose property also should be limited by the right of the land’s owner. As for the second kind, most countries assert the owner of the land has the duty to bear such situation.The construction which only violates private law mainly appear in the neighborly plateaus. The neighborly shall have the right to stop the infringement, eliminate the obstruction and compensate for the damages based on the violation of construction to his neighbor’s right. But these can’t affect the fact that the constructor owning th€ buildings.Otherwise, there’re some other doctrines on this issue, which have some radical defects and are not useful here.III The relations of the use of the illegal constructions(I)As for the transaction and lease of illegal constructions, there are 3 problems: 1 ,The validity of the contracts of the transaction and lease of illegal constructions: Though the contracts have such defects as the illegality of the constructions, the inaccessibility of the registration ofthe original ownership, of the transference, of the lease, the validity of the debt should be effected thereof. Of

  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】402

