

【作者】 袁坚

【导师】 林刚;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从某种层面上讲不是对公序良俗原则本身的论述,而是对公序良俗原则本身的一种解构,因此,笔者将文章之重点放在了对公序良俗原则中公共秩序与善良风俗的分析上,着重论述了两者的差异性和同一性,而将公序良俗原则的意义和作用放在了一个比较次要的地位,这形成了本文的主体结构。 本文共分为四大部分。 第一部分为公序良俗原则的基础理论。笔者认为,但凡讨论一个问题,其前提便是要明晰这一问题,知道这一问题的历史与现在,也知道这一问题的指代。因此,在这一部分里,笔者首先讨论了公序良俗原则的起源,认为在罗马法时期已经有其雏形,而在法国民法典中则正式形成了明文规定,在20世纪上半叶的时候,以德,日民法为先导,公序良俗从一般原则上升到了民法的根本原则,此为公序良俗原则的发展脉络,此后,笔者展开文字对公共秩序与善良风俗的内涵进行论述,就这个问题而言,各个学者对其的描述基本一致,但也存在一个弊病,即都是以较为模糊的语言来界定较为模糊的公共秩序与善良风俗。笔者也认为,公共秩序即是指包括一国法律的基本原则以及国家的主权与安全所构成的有机规则体系,而善良风俗则可以解释为国家社会存在与发展之根本性道德。此后,笔者也对学者们为何以模糊的语言界定模糊的公共秩序与善良风俗作出了初步的分析。 第二部分为公共秩序与善良风俗的差异性研究。不可否认的是,虽然公共秩序与善良风俗在总体上是同一的,但是二者也存在着一定的差异性,造成这一差异性的原因为何?笔者认为,公共秩序与善良风俗是属于不同范畴的两个概念,公共秩序属于政治国家的范畴,而善良风俗属于市民社会的范畴,二者的差异性正是源于政治国家与市民社会的差异性,而对政治国家与市民社会的关系架构,历史上存在着黑格尔的“政治国家高于市民社会的架构”和洛克的“市民社会先于或外于政治国家的架构”两种模式,笔者描述了这两种架构,提出无论是“政治国家高于市民社会的架构”还是“市民社会先于或外于政治国家的架构”都存在着明显的缺陷,毋宁是二者间的平衡,所以构建一种市民社会与政治国家良性的互动关系比较合理。在分析了市民社会与政治国家的关系之后,笔者总结认为政治国家的制度发展有超前于市民社会之可能,而在经济领域与私人关系的更新则有可能体现出市民社会的先导,这也意味着善良风俗的内涵更新也有可能落后于公共秩序的内涵更新,但其发展也有可能超越公共秩序,从而二者的频繁交替发展造就了二者差异的可能性。 第三部分为公共秩序与善良风俗的同一性研究,笔者认为,公共秩序与善良风俗是同一的,即无论是公共秩序抑或是善良风俗,二者在本质上都是相通的—统一于公共利益,此后,笔者就将重点转向了对公共利益的探讨。对公共利益的探讨主要有两个问题:第一,公共利益是抽象的还是现实的?第二,公共利益与共同利益(包括集体牙弓益,集团利益,国家利益等)是否是完全一致的?针对第一个问题,笔者认为公共利益具有客观性和社会共享性两大特征,但这并不是说公共利益就是一个完全抽象的概念,公共物品和公共服务是公共利益的现实的物质表现形式,在此,笔者又对公共物品作了一个简要的划分;针对第二个问题,笔者首先从英文字面的角度对共同利益的概念进行了辨析,认为共同利益实际上指代两种关系,一种是指代共同体利益,一种指的是利益关系的产物,作为共同体利益,共同利益的性质取决于共同体的性质,作为利益关系的产物,共同利益的性质取决于原构利益主体的性质以及双方的目的。此后,笔者对公共利益的本质属性进行了比较粗略的说明。 第四部分为公序良俗原则的意义和适用。笔者认为,作为基本原则的公序良俗原则对整个民法都有着重大的意义,首先,它可以维护社会正义,其次,它可以弥补成文法局限性之不足。对公序良俗原则的适用,笔者从个案入手,认为如果没有明文规定来调整一个民事行为的情况下,法官可以直接适用公序良俗原则来调整,借以弥补成文法的局限性,甚至在极端状态下,即使有具体的条文可以调整民事法律行为,但如果通过这一调整可能导致社会的不正义或者在客观上容易造成不道德行为的盛行,那么法官有权直接适用公序良俗,借以避免这种不正义或者不道德的行为的产生。 在文章的末尾,笔者再次明晰本文写作之目的意在为公序良俗从非“原初概念”向“原初概念”的过渡作出自己的努力,并主张在呼之欲出的民法典中明确规定公序良俗原则。

【Abstract】 From another point of view, this article is not a demonstration of principle of public order and good social custom directly, but a critique of the principle itself. So, the author puts the key on the analysis of public order and good social custom, discussing their difference and identity, the author also puts the principle’s meaning and function on a secondary position. All of this construct the main structure of this article.This article is made up of four parts:The first part is basic theory of the principle, in this part, the author has discussed the origin of principle at first, and regarded that there had an embryonic form in roma law periods, but before the arising of France civil law, there was no find a stipulation law in writing. In twenty century, the principle of public order and good social custom, and then, from a common principle, began to stopgap a basic principle. That is the development of principle of public order and good social custom, however, the author has discussed the intension of public order and good social custom soon after.The second part is the research of public order and good social custom’s difference, but which element causes the difference? The author considers that the public order and good social custom belong to different category, public order belongs to the category of states while civil society domains good social custom, we must find out the relationship between states and civil society in order to research public order and good social custom deeply. By the way, the author introduces two great men’s idea, the one is Georg Wilhelm Friedrich hegel, another is rock, in the end, the author gives his own comment on the two ideas, and gives his advice that we should create a mutually complementary relationship between states and civil society.The third part is the research of public order and good social custom’s identity, the author considers public order and good social custom haveno fundamental difference between two of them, that is, either public order or good social custom, they all communicate with public interest in essence. Soon after, the author turns the topic to discuss public interest, therefore, there are two problems to resolve, at first, does public interest is abstract? Secondly, does public interest and general interest are the same things? At last, the author draw a conclusion that public interest is not an abstract conception, and although there has something in common between public interest and general interest, there has also difference between two of them.The last part is a comment on the principle’s significance and function, the author begins all of this with a case, discussing when we will need to use this principle directly, the author concludes that, if there is no law in writing to use, judges can use this principle directly, and, in some case, if the specific law’s use may lead to unfair or cause an unmoral’ s action objectively, judges can also prevent this result by use of this principle!

  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】860

