

【作者】 管劲松

【导师】 汪世虎;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 财产是市民社会个体价值的载体,而财产制度则构成一国社会结构的基础。财产法之物权法除具定分止争规范财产归属功能外,还应规范物权变动及交易关系。物权变动中交易第三人保护规则属物权法三大基本范畴之一,在市场经济条件下,无疑担负着确保财产流转过程中形成良性循环与利用秩序的重任。不动产登记具有公信力作为第三人保护的基本规则,是物权法公示公信原则的重要内容,已被我国学者所肯认。笔者从价值、逻辑和事实三个层面,尝试运用比较方法、民法解释学、经济分析法学、兼容逻辑和价值的民法体系化方法对不动产登记公信力制度进行较为系统深入的探讨。 本文共分为五个部分。 第一部分 不动产登记公信力的含义。不动产是与动产相区分的一个具有重要意义的法律概念。登记是积极范围内不动产物权变动的公示方式,对登记性质的探讨意在明确不动产登记制度私法上建构的意义,界定本文的写作视角乃物权法,而非行政管理。通过考察不动产登记公信力与物权变动诸模式间的关系,自然会发现:公示未必公信,公信必须具备一定公示方式,登记公信力生长于形式主义立法的土壤上。理解不动产登记公信力的含义,学者大都从动的侧面理解。动的侧面是与静的侧面相对,能直接显示公信力制度的法律效力,是积极状态的表现,能为社会一般民众所感知和理解。静的侧面,作用于社会正态生活,重在内在信心的保障,是公信力消极状态的表现,似乎不易被觉察,较之动的一面易被忽视。故应动静结合理解登记公信力。 第二部分 登记公信力的制度构造。公信力是以登记推定力为逻辑前提,实际上被置于物权与债权二分的理论前见中。物权与债权二分是大陆法系民事立法的基本架构。公信力一般适用条件包括受保护的人需为善意、法律物权与事实物权的不一致状态、第三人取得物权的行为须基于法律行为、登记的正当性需无“异议登记”。应将公信力适用上的法例外规定作为对登记权利外形相应的补强参数,以增强公信力的适用正当性, 第三部分 登记公信力的价值诉求。运用价值分析方法探讨公信力的价值,从应然层面证明承认登记公信力的正当性。不动产物权变动中价值取向已从静的安全到动的安全,以刺激个体创造财富的进取心,这也反映出私法自由与安全价值的调和。经济分析法学已日益被重视,凸显其重要性。笔者尝试运用经济分析法学探究公信力的效益价值。现代社会的基本特征是陌生人社会,陌生人社会结构所导致的一个必然经济现象是交易信息的获取途径与成本的巨大变化.登记实质是将物权变动向外界提供经法律确证的有关权利归属的信息。市场经济条件下,信息不是免费,信息的获取需要成本,这是由于不动产交易市场存在信息不充分和人的有限理性。信息传递和获取需要耗费一定成本,所以阳氏交易费用的重要途径就是降低信息成本。具体从第三人与真权利人之间的风险分配、物权变动当事人之间、公信力的激励机制三个方面加以阐述。同时还回答了为何法、日不采用如此有效率的制度安排的问题。 第四部分公信力制度的体系化效应。民法法系具备‘形式理性”特征,从历史和现实考察我国属于民法法系.登记公信力的立法选择,必然会对民法上一系列的制度设计产生一种逻辑制约作用,从而限缩、圈定相关问题在制度设计上作出选择的可能范围。 物权行为理论是当下中国物权立法中争议较大的热点问题。法、日意思主义立法例因其固有理论缺陷已倍受学者批驳,不太可能成为我国物权立法的选择。而今争鸣的焦点在于物权行为与债权形式主义的取舍,二者均为形式主义立法例。笔者欲从肯认登记公信的体系化效应角度探讨承认物权行为的合理性,从物权行为理论最终解释不动产物权公示的州言力、意思主义的缺陷同样存在于债权形式主义一刻言力是在公示真实性背景下保护非真实情形这三方面加以论证.笔者认为应承认不动产善意取得。通过批判传统动产善意取得制度,提出应将善意取得的理论根据建立在公信力说。在对相关制度完善的分析中,着重国家赔偿制度、登记制度的完善。 第五部分登记州言力的立法思考。就实然层面而言,现行立法是否承认登记公信力,笔者持否定态度。而对我国立法应否承认登记公信力,笔者持肯定态度。因除其具价值与逻辑的合理性外,更重要的一点在于登记公信力与登记要件主义之间的密切联系,实行登记要件主义就应当承认登记公信力。最后就物权立法中相关规定结合本文的观点作一简评。

【Abstract】 The property is the carrier of the individual value in the civil society, and its corresponding system constitutes the foundation of a country’s social structure. As a basic rule of the protection of the third party, the effect of public conviction dependent on the registration of real estate, which makes up an important part of the principle of public summons and public conviction in the law of property, has received popular acknowledgement from our domestic scholars. In consideration of three aspects of value, logic and fact, with the application of comparative method, hermeneutics of civil law, law of economic analysis and the method of systematization of civil law in compatibility with logic and value, the author attempts to make a rather systematic and profound discussion on the system of public conviction dependent on the registration of real estate, including the definition of the effect of public conviction dependent on the registration of real estate, the construction of concrete institutions, the pursuit about value, the effect of systematization and the reflection on legislation.This thesis is subdivided into five sections:The first section is concerned with the definition of the effect of public conviction dependent on the registration of real estate. Through an examination of the relationship between the effect of public conviction dependent on the registration of real estate and the various patterns of the change of real right, such a conclusion is naturally available to us: public summons does not necessarily mean public conviction, but the latter necessarily depends on some means of public summons, and furthermore, the effect of public conviction dependent on registration derives from formal legislation. It is necessary to understand the effect of public conviction dependent on registration on both sides.The second section concerns itself with the construction of the concrete institutions of public conviction. Taking the effect of presumption of registration as its logical premise, the application ofthe effect of public conviction comprises the following general conditions: the protected party acting in good faith, the inconsistency between legal estate right and factual estate right, the legal acquisition of estate right of the third party, the justifiability of registration absent from "disagreement registration".The third section is concerned with the value pursuit. The orientation of the value in the change of real right of real estate has undergone a shift from the static security to the dynamic security in order to stimulate the individual’s initiative to create wealth, which also reveals a harmony between the freedom of private law and the security value as well. The author attempts to explore the effectiveness value of the effect of public conviction by applying law of economic analysis. The modern society is characterized by a stranger society. The author specifically argues it from three aspects .The fourth section focuses on the effect of systematization of the effect of public conviction. The theory of the juristic act of real right is a currently controversial hot topic in Chinese legislation of real right. From the perspective of the acknowledgement of the effect of systematization of the public conviction of registration, the author attempts to argue the justification to admit the juristic act of real right in relation to the three aspects. In addition, the author maintains the acknowledgement of the acquisition of real estate in good faith. In the analysis of the perfection of relevant institutions, there is focus on the perfection of the system of state restitution and the system of registration.The firth section is concerned with the legislation of the effect of public conviction of registration. Finally the author makes a brief comment on the stipulations concerned in the legislation of right of things.

  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】382

