

【作者】 李亚玲

【导师】 胡光志;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 经济法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 医药广告是一种经济活动,是市场经济中非常重要的经营手段。医药生产经营者既可以利用它进行正当竞争,向消费者传送真实有用的信息,指导和促进消费;同时又可以利用它进行虚假宣传,欺骗消费者,挤垮竞争对手。为了维护市场秩序,保护消费者和经营者的利益,现代各国都十分重视对它进行法律调整。然而,我国目前对这一现象的法律研究却并不多见。 本文首先对医药广告进行了界定,然后论述了医药广告需要经济法规制的经济及法律上的依据,分析了医药广告立法取得的成就及不足之处,最后提出了完善我国医药广告立法的建议。 医药是一个综合的概念,泛指与疾病的预防和治疗有关的物质和手段。医药广告简而言之就是传播医药信息的活动,具体指医药商品经营者或者医药服务提供者承担费用,通过一定媒介和形式直接或者间接地介绍自己所提供的医药服务或者所推销的医药商品的活动。从医药广告的外延看,医药广告主要包括三类,即药品广告、医疗器械广告和医疗广告。医药广告在传递医药信息、满足人民生活等方面发挥了巨大的作用,然而由于利益驱动、立法滞后、监管不力等原因,在医药广告走向发达的进程中,也出现了诸多不规范,甚至违法的现象。根据国家工商总局及各地工商局监管的情况表明,医药广告不仅违法率高居首位,而且违法形式多种多样。因此,非常有必要适应新的形势,对医药广告进行重新审视,并以立法的方式对之进行全面规制。 医药广告法律规制的理论依据主要有二:一是医药广告法律规制的信息经济学依据,二是医药广告法律规制的部门法学依据。本文从信息经济学的角度分析了医药市场的信息不对称现象。对于医药商品生产者或服务提供者而言,为了克服信息不对称引发的“逆向选择”,就会采用发送“市场信号”这种切实可行的办法。医药广告是一种很强的“市场信号”,也是最常用的一种信息显示手段,因此,医药商品生产者或服务提供者是需要医药广告的。对于消费者而言,为了降低确定医药商品或服务的信息搜寻成本,也需要借助于医药广告。医药广告虽然是对医药市场信息不对称的克服,但因其本身也是一种经济活动,故同样存在信息不对称。这种信息不对称,出于主客观方面的原因,很可能导致信息失真或被广告主用以欺骗消费者。这就会形成这样的局面,旨在克服信息不对称的医药广告,本身又可能在信息不对称的情况下,发生信息失真和扭曲的现象。因此,医药广告中的信息失真和扭曲是不可避免的,它内蕴于市场机制,与市场机制共存亡。然而,试图通过市场机制本身对其加以克服,却又不太可能。此时,只有借助于国家权力对市场的干预,而这正好构成了医药广告需要国家干预的实践基础。 医药广告中的信息失真与扭曲是市场缺陷表现之一。“市场缺陷产生市场失灵,市场失灵产生干预需求,干预需求产生干预供给,而干预供给的法律形式则是经济法。”因此,采用经济法对医药广告进行规制,应当是一种最好的选择。 经过约二十年的发展,我国医药广告立法已取得了初步的成就,到目前为止,已建立了以《广告法》为统帅,以医药广告行政法规、部门规章、地方法规为基础,以其他法律法规中有关医药广告的法律规范为补充的较完善的医药广告法律法规体系。但与改革发展的步伐相比,仍存有较大差距。在我国医药广告法律规范体系中,有关医药广告内容和活动的规范存在一些不足之处,主要表现在:法律规范过于分散、监管制度设计欠全面、医药广告法律责任有待完善、对行业自律和消费者监督制度重视不够。医药广告立法的不足之处除了以上几个具体方面以外,由于有关医药广告的法律规范大都颁布于我国社会主义市场经济体制刚刚建立的初期,因此立法内容上还有许多不适应现实社会生活的地方。有鉴于此,本文从以下几个主要方面提出了医药广告立法的完善之策: 首先,采用相对集中的立法模式。我国目前医药广告的立法模式是分散立法,这种立法模式的主要特点是医药广告法律规范散见于《广告法》及其它法律、法规、规章中,医药广告的基本法律规范没有集中在一部法律法规中。这种立法模式的弊端是显而易见的,因此笔者建议将有关的医药广告法律规范集中统一起来,在《广告法》中以专章加以规定,或者目前先以行政法规的形式对医药广告进行规范,等到时机成熟的时候,再全面修订《广告法》。 其次,建立违法医药广告公示制度。我国目前有关医药广告的法律规范中没有规定违法医药广告公示制度,但是,随着我国市场经济体制的建立,信息化、市场化、民主化程度的加深,建立违法医药广告公示制度有着客观现实的基础。违法医药广告公示制度能将政府部门的医药广告监管与社会监督有机结合起来,可以全面打击医药广告中的违法行为和保护消费者的权益。 第三,完善医药广告监管法律制度。医药广告监管是国家对医药广告关系进行干预的重要表现,因此本文以较大篇幅讨论了医药广告监管法律制度的完善。主要有:优化医药广告审查法律制度、确立并健全医药广告代理制度、?

【Abstract】 As one of human economic activities, medical advertising is also a very important marketing method in the market economy. Producers of medical products can either make good use of it for the sake of fair competition or take bad advantage of it for their own selfish ends. In order to maintain proper market order and safeguard the interests of consumers and producers alike, many countries resort to legal means to regulate medical advertising; however, little has been accomplished so far in the realm of legal research on medical advertising in China.The scope of this thesis ranges from the definition of medical advertising, the economic and legal bases on which economic legislation regulates medical advertising, the achievements and deficiencies of Chinese legislation on medical advertising, to the advice on improving legislation governing medical advertising.The term "medical" involves a comprehensive concept with reference to both the substances and the methods regarding disease prevention and treatment. Hence, medical advertising, in short, means an act of disseminating medical information; and to be more specific, it refers to an act in which medical product producers and medical service providers allocate some budget to directly or indirectly propagate their products and services by any means or through any media. Medical advertising mainly covers three areas: medicine advertising, medical equipment advertising and medical service advertising. Medical advertising plays a positive role in spreading medical information, meeting people’s needs, and so on, but many irregular and even illegal practices also exist in medical advertising due to weak legislation and insufficient supervision. So it is highly necessary to reinforce legal regulation on medical advertising.This thesis expounds the two foundations for regulating medical advertising, one information economics and the other sectored laws. Unfortunately medical advertising cannot rid itself of the false andmisleading information, which is an innate deficiency of the market mechanism. And it is thus impractical to rely on the market mechanism itself to redress that market failure in association with medical advertising. So the only solution left is to intervene by the means of a force independent from the market mechanism, namely economic legislation.China’s legislation on medical advertising, up until now, has attained certain achievements and a fairly comprehensive legal framework has already been in place. That framework has "Advertising Law" as its guideline, regulatory acts, ministerial regulations and local rules on medical advertising as its foundation, and other laws and regulations, whose certain clauses might deal with medical advertising, as its supplement. However those achievements still lag far behind the rapid progress brought about by the on-going reforms in China. The inadequacy of laws and regulations governing medical advertising is mainly reflected in the following: scattering of related laws, incomplete design of supervisory system, weak legal responsibility in regard to medical advertising, and insufficient attention to the consumer supervision and producer’s self-discipline. In a word, China’s legislation on medical advertising requires immediate improvement.Based on former discussion, this thesis puts forward five suggestions for consummating Chinese legislation on medical advertising. Firstly, adopt a relatively centralized legislation model and put together those scattering laws and regulations governing medical advertising; secondly, establish a system to publicize illegal medical advertising; thirdly, improve the legal framework to better supervise medical advertising; fourthly, reinforce legal responsibility of medical advertising; and fifthly, promote the consumer supervision and producer’s self-discipline.

  • 【分类号】D922.29
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】677

