

【作者】 张荣波

【导师】 邓瑞平;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国际经济全球化的推进,国际贸易对环境的影响受到人们越来越多的关注。国际贸易的发展使世界资源获得更为合理有效的配置,推动了世界经济的快速发展,也为环境保护提供了更多的资金和先进的技术,然而其对环境保护的负面影响也同样不容忽视,随着国际贸易规模的日益扩大,对自然资源的过度开发加剧了生态环境的破坏,危险废物的越境转移使得发展中国家的环境状况进一步恶化。目前世界贸易组织规则中同环境保护有关的规定并不完善,与多边环境协议之间还存在冲突和矛盾。中国是世贸组织成员,同时也是很多多边环境协议的缔约国。我们既要遵守规则,又要行使权利;既要促进我国环境保护水平的提高,又要破除、克服、化解外国对我国出口产品设置的绿色贸易壁垒,问题的复杂性、艰巨性和挑战性日益凸显。正是在这一大背景下,笔者拟对国际贸易中的环境法律问题进行探讨。 全文共分六个部分,共约三万二千字。文章首先对国际贸易影响环境的原因和内容进行了详细阐述,通过分析自由贸易体制与国际环境法律体系的冲突,提出了协调二者关系的建议。进而又联系我国对外贸易现状,分析了我国进出口贸易中存在的环境保护问题,为我国入世后迎接环保挑战提出相应的法律对策。 第一部分——引言。这一部分简要介绍了国际贸易影响环境的原因及现状,阐述了作者的写作目的。 第二部分——国际贸易影响环境的原因及具体内容。国际贸易对环境的影响是人类经济活动无限扩张的副产品,有着深刻的经济学原因和内涵。外部性导致市场失灵是环境问题产生的经济根源,环境成本外在化是国际贸易影响环境的根本原因。贸易自由化使自然资源得到充分利用,全球公共资源的缺乏导致了国际外部性的产生。为实现环境成本的最小化,许多发达国家都将环境成本向其他国家转移,国际贸易也是发达国家转移环境成本的主要方式,国际贸易与环境保护的矛盾也就由此产生。国际贸易对环境的影响既有正面的,又有负面的。正面影响是主要的,基本的,负面影响却是导致国际贸易中的环境问题产生的直接原因。国际贸易对环境的负面影响,主要表现在规模影响、产品影响、结构影响三个方面。文章在这一部分对国际贸易的环境影响作了详尽论述。 第三部分一一自由贸易体制与国际环境法律体系的冲突,在对国际贸易的环境影响进行分析的基础之上,文章对国际贸易的环境影响在法律领域的表现一一自由贸易体制与国际环境法律体系的冲突着重进行论述。在这一部分,文章首先介绍了V铲ID中同环境保护措施有关的规定,然后分析了多边环境协议中与贸易有关的环境措施、奖励性措施与V了ID的潜在冲突,指出这种潜在冲突对多边环境协议的功效可能造成的影响:只要这一冲突持续存在,多边环境协议运用TREIMS及奖励性措施处理特定环境议题的功效就会受到来自丫犷ID的威胁。 第四部分一一自由贸易体制与国际环境法律体系的协调,这一部分包括三方面内容:对北美自由贸易协定(NAFIA)中的环保规定的借鉴,欧共体协调公平竞争与环境保护关系的实践,“绿化”V犷ID的构想和通过认几D争端解决机构协调叭八D与州王户‘关系的建议。文章在这部分首先阐明wTO是解决自由贸易体制与国际环境法体系冲突最适宜的机构,通过介绍北美自由贸易协定和欧洲共同体处理贸易与环境关系的实践,提出在节月D体制内协调其与MEAs关系的构想。第三、四部分形成一个整体,是全文的重心所在。 第五部分一一入世后中国迎接环保挑战的法律对策。入世不仅为中国的对外贸易和环境保护提供了良好的发展机遇,同时也带来严峻的挑战。目前我国外贸出口频频遭遇绿色壁垒,因盲目开发出口产品引起的资源过度消耗问题同样不容忽视.进口贸易中,危险废物入境、外商在我国投资设立污染密集企业等问题也令人担忧。解决我国进出口贸易中存在的环境问题,需要健全、完善的贸易环境法律法规,必须进一步完善我国的环境标准体系,同时也要积极主动地创造和维护合理的国际贸易规则,营造良好的外贸环境。 第六部分一一结语这一部分是对第二、三、四、五部分内容的简要总结。贸易与环境之争的深刻本质是功利主义与生态主义的思想分歧,减少贸易对环境的负面影响,需要国际层面和国内层面的共同努力。最后文章对国际贸易中的环境问题的发展前景作了展望:相信随着可持续发展观念逐步深入人心,我们能够在国际贸易和国内生产中实现对环境的充分保护,·能够建立对环境更为友好、更加自由的贸易政策,使人类生活的环境变得更加美丽。

【Abstract】 With the advancement of international economic globalization, environmental effect of trade has received more and more concern. The development of international trade helps to distribute resources worldwide rationally and effectively, thus pushes global economics forward, at the same time, it provides environment protection more financial support and better technological assistance. However, the negative effect trade imposes on environment cannot be omitted As the scale of international trade enlarges , over-exploitation of natural resources worsens ecological environment. Transboundary movements of hazardous wastes even deteriorate the environment of developing countries. Present environment protection related regulations in WTO agreements need to be perfected, and conflicts exist between WTO and MEAs (Multilateral Environmental Agreements). As a member of both WTO and many MEAs, China must learn a lot: to comply with the rules, to exercise its right, to improve environment protection level, and to remove "green trade barrier" aimed at our export .It is under this background that the author discusses the environmental law issues in international trade.The thesis consists of six parts, nearly 32,000 words altogether. At first, the essay explains the cause and content that trade affects environment, by analyzing regulations about this issue in WTO and MEAs, and the conflicts between them, suggestions on removing the conflicts are put forward. Then combining with the reality of our external trade, legal resolutions of meeting environmental protection challenges are brought forward.Part I- Introduction. In this part, the reasons why trade affects environment aree explained simply, the author analyzes the relationship between trade liberalization and environment protection summarily and then states the writing purpose.Part II- The Cause and Content of Environmental Effect of Trade. As subsidiary product of man’s economic activity, negative environmental effect of trade owns its economic connotation. External effect which disfunctions the market is the direct economic reason. While environmental cost which is not calculated in price is the fundamental reason that environment protection issuescame into being. The content of environmental effect of trade is both positive and negative. Although the positive effect is major, what results in conflicts between trade and environment is the negative effect. Trade’s negative effect trade imposes on environment can be divided into three aspects: scale effect, product effect and structure effect.Part III - Conflicts Between Free Trade System and International Environmental Law System. In the first part, the reason why WTO and MEAs conflict is explained. Then environment protection measures related regulations in WTO are introduced, contradictions between TREMs(Trade Related Environmental Measures) and WTO and conflicts between motivating measures in MEAS and WTO are discussed individually. At last, the author states his view: MEAs’ function would not be achieved satisfactorily until the potential conflicts between free trade system and international environmental law system are cleaned up.Part IV- Coordination of Free Trade System and International Environmental Law System. This part consists of three aspects : NAFTA’s practice in arranging the relationship between multilateral trade regulations and MEAs, European Community’ practice in harmonizing fair competition and environment protection, proposals on how to make WTO more friendly to environment. Part II and IV make up an integer, where the emphasis of the whole thesis lies.Part V - Suggestions on China’s legislation to meet environment protection challenges. Being a member of WTO brings China both opportunity and challenge. Currently, we have not delivered enough concern to environment protection in our external trade. It is important to enrich our regulations of trade and environment, and further improve environmental standard system, In the meanwhile, rational trade rules are necessary to China’s

【关键词】 国际贸易环境WTO
【Key words】 International TradeEnvironmentWTO
  • 【分类号】D996.9
  • 【下载频次】459

