

【作者】 胡显发

【导师】 李祖军;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民事诉讼法, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 证明责任分配中的法官自由裁量权是民事审判中的一个非常重要的问题。因为证明责任理论一直是民事诉讼法学界研讨的核心课题之一,素有民事诉讼脊椎之称。证明责任分配则是证明责任理论的核心,它的理论性最强,实务价值最高,内容也最复杂。从比较法的角度看,各国的证明责任分配基本上是由制定法来完成,但立法的滞后和粗疏是成文法国家无法克服的通病,复杂而多变的司法实践总让制定法显得乏力和被动。面对成文法的空白和民事纠纷的客观存在,法官运用自由裁量权对证明责任进行分配,进而对证明责任理论中的疏漏予以必要的弥补,这已经成为当今证明责任理论及其制度发展的一种趋势。然而,证明责任分配中法官自由裁量权的理论研究不足容易造成司法实践中的混乱,因此对该问题进行探讨具有重大的理论和实践意义。 本文从证明责任分配中法官自由裁量权的必要性入手,对该权行使的目的、原则和因素、条件以及如何对其合理控制进行了初步探讨,以期对民事审判实践有所裨益。全文除前言外共分为五部分,约40000字。 第一部分为证明责任分配中法官行使自由裁量权的必要性,即必要论。在该部分作者首先对证明责任分配的学说进行了考察,从罗马法中证明责任分配的原则到现代证明责任分配的主要学说(法规分类说、待证事实分类说、法律要件说、英美法系的利益衡量说),再到证明责任分配新说(危险领域说、盖然性说、损害归属说)。通过对这些学说的评析,作者认为每种学说都有其局限性,因此法官通过的自己裁判实务对其局限予以必要的弥补是证明责任理论及其制度发展的一种趋势,法官在个案中对证明责任分配行使自由裁量权也是必要的。另外作者还从另一个角度来论述其必要性,通过比较法的角度考察了各国证明责任分配的立法体例,认为立法滞后和立法者认识能力的局限性也需要赋予法官在证明责任分配中的自由裁量权。 第二部分,作者论述了证明责任分配中法官行使自由裁量权的目的,即目的论。证明责任分配实质上是实体法和程序法在诉讼中的适用问题。因此从根本上说,它所追求的目的和法律追求的目的一样,为了公平和正义。法官自由裁量权的行使也是为了这些目的,但既要考虑实体法的价值准则和立法目的,又要紧紧围绕民事诉讼制度的自身规律与要求。具体而言,作者认为其目的有四个:(一)实现实体法规范的目的;(二)使裁判最大限度地贴近真实;(三)实现程序公正,并进一步要求原、被告负担的提供证据的责任大致均衡,证明责任应当置于有条件有能力举证证明的一方或故意妨害举证的一方;(四)、实现诉讼经济。 第三部分,证明责任分配中法官行使自由裁量权应遵循的原则及应考虑的因素,即原则因素论。作者重点从诚实信用原则、公平原则以及当事人的能力三个部分予以论述.在论述遵循诚实信用原则时,作者认为应考虑以下几个方面:一是以不正当方法形成有利于自己的诉讼状态;二是恶意诉讼;三是滥用诉讼权利、拖延诉讼;四是翻悔自认;五是提供证据的不正当行为。在论述应遵循公平原则时认为应考虑举证难易,证据距离,情事变更以及公平责任。此外当事人自身的客观条件,与案件事实的客观联系以及经济条件也应作为法官行使自由裁量权分配证明责任时的考虑因素。 第四部分,证明责任分配中法官行使自由裁量权的条件,即条件论。作者认为法官的自由裁量权应当在满足以下四个条件时才能行使:(一)案件的法庭调查和辩论已经结束,案件审理已尽;(二)待证的案件主要事实真伪不明;(三)法律对该类案件没有设定证明责任分配;(四)依据司法解释无法确定案件的证明责任分配。只有在满足以上条件时,法官才能行使其自由裁量权,否则将构成该权的滥用,在司法实践中是极其有害的。 第五部分,证明责任分配中法官自由裁量权的合理控制,即控制论。自由裁量权是一柄双刃剑,一方面法官可以弥补法律漏洞,做出妥当裁判,当另一方面,法官一旦滥用该权利,则会造成恶劣后果。作者首先分析了法官在证明责任分配中不当行使其自由裁量权的表现,如目的不当,滥用自由裁量权;对法律法规理解不正确,错误行使自由裁量权;未考虑相关因素或考虑了不相关因素,或者过分强调或者过分轻视了一个相关因素;受外部压力或影响;不行使或者疏忽行使自由裁量权。针对以上问题,作者提出了若干举措来对法官的自由裁量权予以合理的控制:(一)制定出科学而严密的证据规则;(二)提供民事实体法立法质量,加强立法预测,完善立法基础;(三)创建和完善我国的判例制度;(四)提高法官素质。

【Abstract】 Judge’s right of discretion in allocating of burden of proof is very important problem for the civil judiciary practice. The system of proof is the core of the system of civil procedure. However, the core of the system of proof is the concept of burden of proof, which exists and occupies an important position in both civil substantive law and civil procedure law. "The burden of proof is the spine of the whole civil proceedings", the core of the concept of burden of proof is the allocation of burden of proof, which is the most complicated but practical value is most important Compared with some countries’ legislation, we can see that the allocation of burden of proof is ruled by legislation. However, the complicated judicial practice always make the legislation powerless and passive, judge exercises the right of discretion in allocating of burden of proof in order to make the theory perfective and it has been a tendency. Therefore, it is very important to research on judge’s right of discretion in allocating of burden of proof. The paper is divided into five parts with the sum of about 40,000 words.In the first part, the writer introduces and comments on the representive concept of allocation of burden of proof and its legislation. Because of the defects of the theory and legislation, it is necessary for judge to exercise the right of discretion in allocation of burden of proof.In the second part, the writer comments on the purposes of judge’s right of discretion in allocating of burden of proof. He declares asfollowed:l,fulfilling the purpose of the civil substantive law ;2,making adjudication be close to the fact;3,fulfilling the justice of procedure;4,economic lawsuit.In the third part, the w riter discusses the principles and factors when the judge exercises the right of discretion in allocating the burden of proof. He regards that good faith, justice, the capacity of the party should be considered.In the forth part, the writer discusses the conditions when judge exercises the right of discretion in allocating the burden of proof. There are four conditions as followed: l,court proceeding and court debate have ended; 2,non liquet; 3,not regulated by law;4,not regulated by judicial interpretation.In the last part, the writer discusses how to control the judge’s right of discretion in allocating the burden of proof. He regards the right of discretion is a double sword. If the judge unjustifiable exercises the right, there are many of the bad consequence. So analyzing some expressions that the right of discretion exercised unjustifiable, the writer give some advice to control it, such as perfecting legislation, improving the judge’s capacity ect.

  • 【分类号】D915.13
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】495

