

【作者】 张真真

【导师】 廖志刚;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 地理标志作为承载巨大商业价值的无形财产,在国外很多国家,对其进行法律保护已有上百年历史,并且目前已经形成了一套比较完整、有力的地理标志保护制度,与此相比入世前我国对地理标志的法律保护几乎是一片空白。为了适应加入世界贸易组织(WTO)的要求,并与TRIPS协议(与贸易有关的知识产权协议)接轨,新修订的《商标法》明确将地理标志纳入了法律保护的轨道,成为其一大亮点。在国际上随着全球经济一体化趋势的增强和不同国家地区间经贸往来的频繁,地理标志商业价值不断上升。如何加强对地理标志的保护、充分保障权利人的合法权益日益成为整个国际社会关注和重视的问题。正是在这样的背景下,地理标志保护的相关问题成了WTO各成员国下一轮谈判的重要议题。对我国而言,加强地理标志保护,既可以充分利用我国已形成的众多的名优特产,创建本国自己的世界品牌,又可以突破当今世界经济强国以技术标准、专利技术、环保标准、反倾销等一系列措施所构筑的贸易壁垒,从而提高我国产品的国际竞争力,最大限度实现我国的经济利益。在我国加强地理标志保护,具有非常明显的紧迫性与深远意义。笔者正是在这样的情形下对地理标志保护产生了研究的兴趣并萌发了写作本论文之意。在论文写作过程中,得到了导师廖志刚先生的大力支持和耐心指导,甚为感激。本论文力图从地理标志定义、内涵入手,深入剖析其特征,进而引伸到地理标志的法律保护,并对我国地理标志保护现状进行分析,指出存在的几个关键问题,结合我国实践及地理标志国际保护的经验,就如何加强和完善地理标志保护提出一些构想。全文共三个部分,约40000字: 第一部分着重阐述了地理标志的定义、内涵及特征,明确指出了地理标志是标示商品来源于某地区,该商品的特定质量、信誉或者其他特征,主要由该地区的自然因素或人文因素所决定的标志。通过对地理标志的分析,引出地理标志权,地理标志权虽属于知识产权范畴,但却不具有传统知识产权的三大特点(时间性、地域性、专属性),而是一种集体权利、永久性权利及非转让权利,澄清认识误区,对地理标志权的“公权”和“私权”争议进行分析评议,明确了虽然地理标志是原产地内所有符合条件的特定商品的生产者对其地理标志享有的特有权利,但仍不能抹煞其“私权”的本质属性。对地理标志与商标、货源标记及商品通用名称逐一进行比较,其显著区别就是地理标志标示的商品的质量、特征等与来源地的地理环境(自然或人文因素)密不可分,而后述几种标志并不具有以上特征。 第二部分着力介绍了各国的地理标志国内法保护和地理标志的国际保护.在国内法保护方面对现存的商标法保护模式、特别法保护模式、反不正当竞争法保护模式及混合立法保护模式进行分析评价,指出前述几种模式各有千秋,自成体系。突显商标法保护模式兼顾了地理标志与商标之间的衔接,符合国际质例,日益受到多数国家的重视和采用,成为国卿充行的一种保护方式。随着国际市场的开辟和国际贸易的发展,地理标志的保护日益依赖于国际间的合作。一些国际条约、协议相继出台,典型的如《保护工业产权巴黎公约》、《制止商品来源的虚假或欺骗性标志马德里协定》、《保护原产地名称及其国际注册里斯本协定》等,尤其是TR 1 PS协议作了具体详尽的规定.这部分用较大篇幅对TR工PS协议中地理标志保护条款逐条解释分析,包括地理标志保护的一般规则,关于葡萄酒、烈酒地理标志的补充保护及地理标志保护的例外,并提出即将举行的WTO新一轮谈判涉及地理标志保护的主要议题及主要成员的立场。 第三部分是全文重点。本部分首先阐明了地理标志保护对我国所具有的深远意义,接着从我国基本法律规定并结合实践中的探索入手,论证了通过注册为证明商标或集体商标的形式保护地理标志,符合我国国情。并指出我国目前地理标志保护存在诸多“障碍性”问题,最后力图针对这些问题提出一些具体构想以加强和完善我国的地理标志保护制度。 关于保护地理标志的重要意义:主要在于保护地理标志是创立知名品牌,提高产品市场竞争力的需要,有利于维护我国的经济利益,尤其在全球经济一体化进程加快的情形下,要参与国际竞争,与国际经济融为一体,适应新的经济形势,必须重视对地理标志的保护。对我国这个农业大国来讲,保护地理标志有助于推进农业产业化进程、振兴农业经济,更是推动我国农产品开辟国际市场、积极开展国际竞争的需要。 关于我国地理标志保护现状及存在的问题:我国目前的现状是虽然相关的法律有基本规定,但太过于原则,如地理标志保护意识未完全确立,地理标志被滥用,保护方式不切实际,尤其行政管理体制上的冲突是地理标志保护工作面临的最大困扰,由于两个管理部门管辖权限的条块分割,造成了冲突和矛盾,使广大企业及作为注册人也是管理人的行业协会或其一.尸一一-丁飞.他组织无所适从,左右为难,并不利于对地理标志提供真正有效的保护。 关于我国加强和完善地理标志保护工作的构想:主要结合我国现阶段国情、实践

【Abstract】 As valuable intangible property, geographical indications have been protected for more than one hundred years in many foreign countries. Some European countries have formulated complete institutions to protect their geographical indications, such as France, Bulgaria, etc. However, as regard to China, the protection of geographical indications is still on the first step. China revised its ’Trademark Law’ to satisfy the demand of WTO(World Trade Organization) and carry out our promise of observing TRIPS(Agreement on Trade-related Aspect of Intellectual property Rights) on the end of 2001.The most remarkable in the law is that the concept of geographical indications was regulated formally, which indicated geographical indications would be protected by the law definitely and ’Trademark Law’ provided basis for the protection of geographical indications. How to strengthen the protection of geographical indications has become an important problem which each country pays close attention to in the world. We should understand the significance to us and take good advantage of our famous traditional products to help us to compete with other countries and develop our economy effectively. I’m interested in the subject of protection of geographical indications and do some research on it, so I write this paper. I’m very appreciate for the help and direction my teacher has given to me. This paper tries to introduce the definition of geographical indications, analyze the way of protecting geographical indications both in different countries and in the international society and make some advice on how to improve our system related with the protection of geographical indications.The first part prescribes the definition, characteristics of geographical indications. According to TRIPS, geographical indications are indications which identify a good as originating in the territory of a Member, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin. The difference among geographical indications and trademark, indications of origin and common name of goods is that a given quality, reputation of the good isrelevant with its geographical origin.The second part introduces different ways of protecting geographical indications suitable for different countries and measures of international protection. In means of trademark law geographical indications can be protected effectively, so the way of trademark law has been accepted by more and more countries. With the development of international trade and market, international cooperation will become more important to the protection of geographical indications. This part focuses on rules of TRIPS about the protection of geographical indications and sets forth subject of the next negotiation which will be held in WTO as well as standpoints of major Members this year.The third part is the center of this paper. It elaborates the significance of protecting geographical indications to China, then analyzes situation at present, lists problems which prevent us from developing our economy we are confronted with and make some advice on how to strengthen the protection of geographical indications at last.As regard to the significance of protecting geographical indications, it helps to improve quality of goods, increase economic interest. Especially, we’re developing agricultural industry, advancing establishment of famous agricultural products, the most important to agriculture is to protect geographical indications of such products.As regard to the problems existing in China at present, although the protection of geographical indications has been regulated in the law, people don’t understand the significance of it yet, the way of protecting geographical indications isn’t practical and the contradiction between two administrative authorities make producers and their associations awkward and puzzled.As regard to the advice on how to strengthen the protection of geographic

  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】386

