

【作者】 罗有敏

【导师】 卢代富;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在当今的经济世界中,关联企业扮演着十分重要的角色。在我国,关联企业主要表现为企业集团,在国民经济中地位举足轻重。作为广泛存在的商事企业联合,关联企业对传统法律的理论和实务均产生了极大的冲击,与其相关的破产问题亦十分棘手,但是在现有法律体系中却未得到足够的重视。并且,理论界也少有人涉足这一与关联企业发展相伴随的重大法学课题。就关联企业给法律界提出的新课题——关联企业破产问题和破产法律制度,本文对之加以探讨,以期为相关法律的完善提供参考。 在文章的正文中,笔者主要分以下三个部分进行阐述: 一、关联企业和关联企业破产法律问题 本部分首先明确关联企业的概念,指出关联企业是企业(主要为公司)间基于特定经济目的且通过特定手段而形成的企业间的联合。企业集团则是其重要表现形式。关联企业的法律特征,主要在于关联企业本身的非法人性和成员企业的法人性。根据关联企业的法律特征,本部分提出了关联企业的破产法律问题,即在控制企业拥有控制权并受到股东有限责任庇护的情况下,如何保护从属公司债权人及其少数股东的利益,以实现破产法最高理念——公平? 二、关联企业破产法律制度的比较 在部分中,笔者重点介绍了国外和我国台湾地区的关联企业破产法律制度,其中包括“揭穿公司面纱”原则、“深石原则”、“实质合并”、控制股东的忠实义务以及德国和我国台湾地区的相关制度,比较研究了上述制度及其对构建我国关联企业破产法律制度的启示。 三、我国关联企业及其破产法律制度的构建和完善 在本部分中,笔者首先介绍了我国的关联企业——企业集团的发展状况、特征、理论成果和立法现状,并指出我国关联企业破产立法的不足和完善相关立法的紧迫性。接着,笔者借鉴德国法例,结合我国现实情况,明确了认定关联企业的标准,其中主要有数量和质量两个标准。然后,分以下四种情况提出了构建我国关联企业破产法律制度的思路:(1)集团子公司破产,母公司未破产。这种情况在关联企业破产事件中最为常见,损害子公司少数股东及债权人利益的情况也最为严重。就此,笔者主张借鉴我国台湾地区立法,规定集团母公司和其他子公司必须向破产子公司承担连带赔偿责任,破产子公司的外部债权人和少数股东享有该赔偿的独立请求权。立法应禁止母公司捏造债权的行为,并规定母公司和其他受益子公司在其应赔偿额度内不得行使破产抵销权.在清偿顺序上,原则上母公司和其他受益子公司的债权应当次于一般债权人,同时赋予母公司以抗辩权。在我国相关法律尚未健全的现实情况下,法律还应当规定集团母公司对子公司负有忠实义务以及违反该义务的赔偿责任。此外,在诉讼中,可参照德国做法,将原被告的举证责任倒置,保障债权人和少数股东独立求偿权的实现。(2)集团母公司破产,子公司未破产。在这种情况中,母公司的债权人可以就存续子公司的财产受偿,尤其在全资子公司存续的场合。同时应赋予子公司的债权人和少数股东以异议权及向母公司提起的代位求偿权。而如果未破产子公司为非全资子公司且享有对其母公司的债权,对该债权当可参照第一种情形中的规定处理。(3)集团母子公司均告破产。鉴于我国企业集团经济一体化现象的普遍存在,因此在母子公司都破产时,可考虑引进“实质合并原则”的做法,原则上把破产母子公司的资产和债务合并计算并去除掉彼此间的债权和担保关系,然后把组合后的破产财产,依债权比例分配给集团债权人。集团债权人享有异议权,异议成立则不适用实质合并。(4)跨国破产。在跨国公司破产中,问题的关键在于依照我国破产法律作出的破产裁决的域外效力。在这个问题上,我国的关联企业破产法律制度应根据国际惯例,采取对等原则,即如果外国法院对我国就集团母公司破产作出的裁决予以承认的,我国法院对该国作出的母公司破产裁决也应加以承认。

【Abstract】 As one widely existent coalition of enterprises, affiliated companies have great impact on the traditional jurisprudence and practice, besides, their insolvency is also difficult to tackle, however, China’s present legal system has not attached adequate importance to it and few scholars have studied this important issue. This thesis is to focuses on the insolvency of affiliated companies and the legal system concerning their insolvency to provide reference for the perfection of related legal regulations and laws. This thesis is composed of three parts as follows:Part Ⅰ focuses on the affiliated companies and their insolvency. The author gives out the definition of affiliated companies and advocates that their feature is that the affiliated companies themselves are non-legal entities and their member companies are legal entities. So the legal issue concerning their insolvency has occurred, that is, how to realize fairness in the course of their insolvency in which the controlling corporation has the controlling right and is under the protection of limited liability.Part Ⅱ focuses on the comparison of the legal system concerning the insolvency of affiliated companies. The author mainly introduces the legal system concerning the insolvency of affiliated companies of foreign countries and Taiwan of PRC, including the principle of piercing corporate veil, the principle ofdeep-rock doctrine, substantive consolidation doctrine, fiduciary duties of the controlling shareholders, and related systems of Germany and Taiwan of PRC. And then the author focuses on the comparison of the above systems and their enlightenment on the construction of China’s legal system concerning the solvency of affiliated companies.Part Ⅲ focuses on the affiliated companies and theconstruction and the perfection of China’s legal system concerning the solvency of affiliated companies.Firstly the author introduces the present status of affiliated companies in China; secondly, the author gives out the criterions concerning the cognition of affiliated companies, including the quantity and quality criterion; thirdly, the author focuses on the construction of China’s legal system concerning the insolvency of affiliated companies, which is divided into four situations as follows:1) The subsidiary corporation is insolvent while the parent corporation is not. The author argues that, referring to the legislation of Taiwan of PRC, the parent corporation and other subsidiary corporations should shoulder affiliated liabilities with the insolvent subsidiary corporations, the exterior creditors and the minority shareholders of which should have independent right to claim for damages with the restriction of the minority shareholders’ qualification and the right of set-off by the parent corporation and other beneficial subsidiary corporations. As for the order of discharging, the parent co corporation and other beneficial subsidiary corporations should be next to the common creditors principally. It should be stipulated that the parent corporation bear fiduciary duties and damage liability in breach of this duty to its subsidiary corporations. In the course of litigation, the onus probandi should be conversed by referring to German modus operandi.2) The parent corporation is insolvent while the subsidiary is not. The creditors of the parent corporation can receive damages from the estates of its existent subsidiary corporations, however, if the existent subsidiary corporations are not fully owned by the parent corporation, the creditors’ right can be tackled according to the regulations of the first situation.3) Both the parent corporation and its subsidiary corporations are insolvent. By introducing the substantive consolidation doctrine, firstly, the assets and debts of the parent corporation and its subsidiary corporations are to be calculated together, secondly, the creditors’ right and security relationship between them should be subtracted from the amount in the fi

  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】479

