

【作者】 杨佳红

【导师】 李开国;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民商法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 物权行为理论是物权法的一个基本理论问题,对物权行为理论作深入的研究,不仅可以为我们选择不同的物权变动立法模式作理论参照,也更能够辨识不同物权变动立法模式在生活实践中的优劣,为我国物权法乃至民法典的制定提供重要的理论基础。我国对物权行为理论的研究还远未成熟,甚或还处在初始阶段,理论上的模糊与混乱不仅导致学术上的激烈纷争,更导致立法的无所适从,对物权行为理论严肃深入的研究就具有了重大的理论价值和实践意义。基于此,本文不揣浅陋,对物权行为基本理论问题作了梳理,以自己的视角作了较为深入的探究,提出了较多自己的看法和理解,以期能为整个物权行为理论的研究力尽绵薄。本文从物权行为理论的源流考察出发,厘清了物权行为理论的渊源和发展变化,探究了物权行为概念,介绍了物权行为理论的基本内容,剖析了物权行为理论在我国法学研究中的疏漏和谬误,为进一步对物权行为理论的捍卫及其制度的构建打下了基础。全文共分为三个部分,约58000字。 第一部分探究了物权行为理论的渊源和发展。首先考察了罗马法上和日耳曼法上所有权移转的规则,即通过对曼兮帕蓄、拟诉弃权和交付制度与占有制度的分析,力求窥探物权行为理论的端倪。其次着重探求了物权行为理论在德国普通法上的孕育和成长,探究了其产生和逐渐成熟的理论历程及其在立法上的最初体现和最终在德国民法典上的确立和张扬。最后,基于前述的探讨,笔者分析了目前学界流行的关于物权行为起源的几个论断,明确指出了其疏漏所在,认为罗马法上曼兮帕蓄、拟诉弃权和日耳曼法上物权移转的方式最多只能称为物权行为的肇端或雏形,离我们现在理解的“物权行为”尚有较大的甚或实质性的距离,物权行为是近代法的产物,在古代法律制度中没有完整的形态。 第二部分对物权行为理论的基本内容作了介绍和探究。首先介绍了萨维尼关于物权行为理论的完善及其基本观点,以便初步了解物权行为理论的基本内容。其次简介了学界对物权行为概念的分歧,并深入剖析了物权行为概念的构成,提出了以意思表示与形式相结合,并吸纳物权行为外在的法律效果来界定物权行为的概念,继而阐释了如此定义物权行为的合理性。并在此基础上,探讨了物权变动立法模式的选择与物权行为概念的关系,提出了我国宜采德国式的物权变动立法模式的主张。最后归纳介绍了物权行为理论在现代法上的基本内容,即主要包括分离原则、抽象原则和形式主义原则,并探讨了物权行为理论的适用范围,提出了无因性原则的适用条件。 第三部分剖析了我国法学在物权行为理论研究中的诸多误区。对物权行为理论的论争需要一个共同的基础,也即对相关的基本概念和基本理论问题应该取得一致的共识,在这个基础上才可能展开真正有价值的论辩。正基于此,本部分力图厘清关涉的诸多基本概念,包括物权合意与物权行为、处分行为与原因行为、独立性与无因性、交付、无权处分与善意取得、不当得利以及形式主义等概念,物权行为理论本身的构成,无因性的本来意义,以及对物权行为理论肤解的谬误,如割裂物权行为概念与物权行为理论的联系,割裂物权行为的独立性和无因性等。对这些问题的澄清才有利于对物权行为理论的进一步深入研究,有利于对物权行为理论的立法选择。

【Abstract】 The theory of juristic act of real right is a basic theoretical issue in the law relating to rights over things. Making a deep research of the theory of juristic act of real right provides not only a theoretical reference for the choice of different legislative models of patterns of real-right changing process but also a discrimination of the advantages and disadvantages of different legislative models of patterns of real-right changing process in real life and an important theoretical basis for enacting the law of things and the civil code. The research of the theory of juristic act of real right in China is far beyond maturity, even at the initial stage we should say. The obscurity and mess in theory not only result in hot academic debate but produce a dilemma in legislation The study of the theory of juristic act of real right, therefore, endures great theoretical value and practical significance. For the reasons above, this paper hackles the basic theoretical issues of juristic act of real right and makes a deep research in my own perspective and as a result, puts forward my own views and understandings expecting to contribute to the whole study of the theory of juristic act of real right By probing into the origination of the theory of juristic act of real right, this paper makes it cleat its origins and developments, studies the concept of juristic act of real right, introduces the cardinal contents of the theory of juristic act of real right, analyzes the omissions and faults in the field of the theory of juristic act of real right in our study of the science of law, and by doing so, constitute a basis for further study and legislation. This paper consists of three parts with approximate 58,000 Chinese characters.The first part makes a through inquiry of the origins and developments of the theory of juristic act of real right Firstly, the author observes the rules of property transfer in Roman law and Germanic law, by analyzing mancipatio, cessio in jure, traditio and gewere, tries to explore the origination of the theory of juristic act of real right Secondly, the author emphasizes on the pregnancy and development of the theory of juristic act of real right in common law of Germany and the first embodiment in statute and final establishment and affirmance in civil code of Germany. Finally, the author analyzes a few arguments of the theory of juristic act of real right most favored and points out the faults of them and holds that mancipatio and cessio injure in Roman law or gewere in Germanic law can be regarded as the embryo at most of the theory of juristic act of real right because there exists a great or even substantive distance between the above forms and the juristic act of real right As a product of modem law, the juristic act of real right acquires no complete form in ancient law systems.The second part observes and studies the essential contents of the theory of juristic act of real right Firstly, the author delineates Savigny’s ideas about the theory of juristic act of real right so as to primarily understand the theory of juristic act of real right. Secondly, the author makes a brief introduction of the divergences for the understanding of the concept of the juristic act of real right, probes into the inner construction of the concept of the juristic act of real right, puts forward that we should combine the declaration of will and the forms and consider the legal effect to define the concept of the juristic act of real right and delineates the reasonability of this definition On the above basis, the author examines the relations betweenthe concept of the juristic act of real right and the choice of different legislative models of patterns of real-right changing process and favors the German legislative pattern as the example to follow in our legislation. Finally, the. author describes the essential contents of the theory of juristic act of real right in contemporary law and explores the scope of application of the theory of juristic act of real rightThe third part probes into t

  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】497

