

Research on Human Resource Distribution in Emergency Department in Urban Hospitals of Sichuan Province

【作者】 许树云

【导师】 何庆;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 急诊医学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:人力资源是保证急诊质量的重要条件,但是许多医院不注意人力资源的合理配置。本研究是为了解四川省二级乙等以上医院急诊科人力资源配置现状,找出不足之处,然后探索比较合理的配置方式。 材料与方法:通过问卷方式对四川省所有的二级乙等以上医院急诊科的人力资源情况进行调查,将所有医院分为三级、二级医院两组进行描述,包括医生护士构成,学历、职称构成、后续教育、工作经验等方面,在描述的基础上作统计推断,对两类医院各人力资源指标进行假设检验,将人力资源与急诊量(日急诊病人总数、危重病人数、抢救病人数、救护车接入病人数)进行相关分析,建立回归模型。四川大学硕士研究生论文结果:人力资源与急诊工作总量(日急诊病人总数、危重病人数、抢救病人数、救护车接入病人数)有相关关系,并得到回归模型。结论:四川地区部分医院急诊科建设不理想,三级医院承担了较重的急诊工作。多家医院无专科医生及护士,尤以二级医院突出,四川地区三级医院急诊科模式仍然没有形成独立型、半独立型;二级医院则仍以轮转型、半独立型为主。三级医院医护人员较二级医院年轻,但从事急诊工作时间长。二级医院护理后备人才的培养尤其重要。三级医院急诊医护人员高学历、高职称多于二级医院,医院继续教育情况整体不理想,尤以二级医院突出。两类医院可参照回归模型进行合理的人力资源配置。

【Abstract】 Objective: Human resource(HR) plays an important role in reinsuring emergency department practicing quality .HR in many emergency department is not properly utilized. In this research, HR distribution in emergency department of hospitals of levels higher than Grade 2 class 2 throughout Sichuan province were evaluated, shortcoming being pointed out, and HR being optimized.Method: Questionnaire Investigating of HR in emergency departments of higher than Grade 2 class 2 hospitals of Sichuan province. All the hospitals investigated were divided into two groups. Description factors include Dr/nurse construction, Academic background, title/Rank, practice experience, etc. Statistic analysis was done based on the description, T test was used to analyze induces of HR in the two groups respectively. Relationship analysis was done between HR and total cases per day, cases of severe trauma/disease, cases admitted in ambulance, Regression model was established.Result: HR was related to emergency department work load (total cases per day, cases of severe trauma/disease, cases admitted in ambulance), Regression model was received.Conclusion: Many hospitals in Sichuan province were not properly utilized, Grade 3 hospitals took too many part of emergency department practice, There were no emergency department specialist/nurses in many hospitals. Emergency department construction mode of Grade 3 hospitals were independent and semi-independent , while emergency department construction mode of Grade 2 hospitals were semi- independent and "duty on round" mainly. Emergency department staffs in Grade 3 hospitals are younger than those in Grade 2 hospitals, with longer period of emergency department practice. There were emergency department specialists with high academic background and title in Grade 3 hospitals than that in Grade 2 hospitals. The continuing education in hospitals was not satisfactory in total, with Grade 2 hospitals in worse situation. These two kinds of hospitals could better optimize their HR according to the regression model.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】R197.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】264

