

General Anomalies of Binocular Vision and Accommodation: Prevalence in the Population of University Students

【作者】 林楠

【导师】 刘陇黔;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 眼科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:调查我国全日制大学生中非斜视性双眼视和调节功能异常的发病情况,为眼视光临床工作提供依据。 方法:随机选取100名大学生,在完成双眼视症状问卷调查后,进行眼屈光检查、远近水平隐斜、水平融像性集散运动、集散敏捷度、集合近点、正负相对调节、调节敏捷度、调节幅度和立体视锐度检查,对症状显著者根据其检查的异常结果予以相应诊断。 结果:100名受试者中,38例(38.0%)有某种类型的调节和/或双眼视功能异常,其问题不能依靠单纯的矫正屈光不正来解决,需要相应的视觉训练或其他治疗手段。其中双眼视异常的发生率为34.0%,调节异常为4.0%。双眼视异常中以集合不足(18.0%)最为常见,远远超过集合过度(7.0%)。13例(13%)有双眼视或调节异常的症状,但无典型的体征,为屈光不正未准确、完全的矫正所致。28例(28%)有异常的体征,但无相应的症状,为双眼视或调节异常的代偿状态,需密切的临床观察随访。21例受试者既无明显症状也未检出异常体征,为双眼视及调节功能正常者。 结论:非斜视性双眼视和调节功能异常是我国,尤其是大学生中普遍存在的异常,临床工作中对有相应主诉的个体应予以重视,进行相应的检查,作出准确的诊断,以便进行相应的视觉训练。

【Abstract】 Purpose: To survey the prevalence of nonstrabismic accommodative andbinocular dysfunction in the population of university students.Methods: One hundred students were chosen randomly. Asymptom-questionnaire was taken which was related to their vision andseveral key tests were performed to diagnose any form of refractive,accommodative or binocular dysfunction.Results: Of the 100 subjects examined, 38 subjects (38%) had some form ofaccommodative or binocular dysfunction and required not just the correctionof the refractive error but related orthoptic treatment or other management foreach of the problems diagnosed. The frequency of binocular dysfuction was34.0%, and 4.0% for accommodative anomalies. Convergence insufficiency(18.0%) was more prevalent than convergence excess (7.0%). 13subjects(13%) were symptomatic without typical abnormal signs. Theirsymptom were attributed to inappropriate-corrected refractive error. 28asymptomatic subjects showed some abnormal signs. It meant that they couldstill compensate for their accommodative or binocular anomalies but requiredclose follow-up at optometric clinics.Conclusion: Non-strabismic binocular vision and accommodative disordersare prevalent conditions. Ophthalmologists and optometrists should keeptheir presence in mind and avoid the non-detection of these anomalies indaily optometric practice. Visual therapy and orthoptic treatment chose lie onexact diagnosis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】R770.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】153

