

【作者】 骆亚波

【导师】 郑勇;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民解放军信息工程大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 全站仪发展到今天,可以实现测量的全自动化、智能化。自动目标识别跟踪的功能在动态测量中有着广阔应用领域,尤其在小尺度局部坐标测量当中,测量精度、灵活机动、快速便捷、无接触等方面,有着其它测量技术不可比拟的优势。FAST总体组为此购进三台套TCRA1101plus全自动全站仪用于FAST50缩比模型馈源的动态跟踪测量。 基于上述背景,本文对全自动全站仪及其相关测量设备进行了相应的研究,论述了全自动全站仪的跟踪测量原理,分析了动态测量的跟踪特性。对观测合作目标进行实验测试,解释了棱镜定位误差的成因,并给出相应改正公式。 在此基础上研制了多台仪器在线控制高频采样动态跟踪测量系统,采样率大于5Hz,在跟踪小于2cm/s低速运动目标时,测量精度好于2mm;完成对馈源二次精调系统的检测,包括对二次精调平台位置基准的标定和观测棱镜偏心差的测定;设计不同动态测量实验,对全站仪动态跟踪的误差来源和特点进行了分析;从实验角度,对全站仪的测量时滞及其稳定性进行了测试分析,给出了定量的结果;比较了全站仪和计算机的内部时间系统,发现两者存在较大差异。研究成果在西安电子科技大学和清华大学FAST50米缩比模型实验中得以成功应用,为FAST馈源动态测量提供一种有效可行的测量技术方案。

【Abstract】 With the development of technology of Total Station Instrument, Automatics and intelligence has been realized in the surveying field. Especially, the function of Automatic Target Recognition has been widely used in the field of kinetic survey. It has the advantages such as highly precision, the flexibility, more efficient use and untouched measurement etc. So that, FAST project purchased three sets of TCRA1101plus Total Station Position System applied for tracking survey in FAST 50 meters model’s feed supporting system.In this dissertation, we studied the TCRA1101plus Total Station Position System,which Introduced the principle and characters of the instrument’s closed loop tracking system.Also we explained the cause of prism’s position error and brought forward mathematic model to correct, Moreover,the good results has been drawn form the expenriments.The kinetic survey system have been realized, which the sampling rate attain more than 5Hz and the position precision can be less than 2mm on condition that targeted-point moving slowly at the velocity below 2cm/s. Having finished the survey system to examine whether the fine-tuning Stewart platform in good status, we have finished mensurating the position reference of the fine-tuning Stewart platform and the offset of the prism. The analysis of the erro resources and its characters have been tested in experiments. And that, the magnitude of time delay in kinetic survey and its unstability both were presented which drawn from the testing.Having Compared the time system in computer with the Total Station Instrument’s,we have known the difference. The results of the research was succeeded in applying to the experiments of the FAST 50 meters model in the Xidain University and Thsinghua University.Moreover, which also provided a feasible and available project for surveying the kinetic feed hi FAST 500 meters prototype.

  • 【分类号】P204
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】266

